"Su Su, is this man really your boyfriend?" Yang Wei asked, looking at Zhou Su Su in surprise.

"Yes, it's true," said Zhou Susu with a smile. Then she came to Ye Chen and took his arm.

This action is to be as close as possible. People with a clear eye can see the relationship between the two people.

"But Su Su, why don't I know you have a boyfriend and when you made your boyfriend?" Yang Wei asked with a painful expression.

Zhou Susu and Yang Wei came to the police station together. They are partners. It is the so-called "close water first gets the month".

However, this sentence does not apply to Yang Wei. No matter what method he uses to express Zhou Susu, others are indifferent.

I thought Zhou Susu had no boyfriend. He must have a chance. After all, he paid so much for such a long time. Even a stone can be covered by him.

Not to mention a person, but things are not as he thought.

"Yang Wei, it's necessary to tell you about my affairs, and emotional problems are my personal problems. You don't need to know." Zhou Susu has been impatient with the man for a long time.

If Yang Wei hadn't been more intelligent and capable among male policemen, and two people cooperated very tacitly in their work, Zhou Susu would have kept him away from himself.

Hearing the speech, Yang Wei also turned ugly.

He never dreamed that Zhou Susu would say that about him, and he was still in front of other men. For a moment, he felt that he had no face.

"Ye Chen, let's go to my office and talk," said Zhou Susu, looking at Ye Chen.

After the two left, only Yang Wei with a face of hatred was left.

Originally, Zhou Susu and Yang Wei agreed to discuss the case after returning to the police station, but they didn't expect to meet other men.

Moreover, this man is still Zhou Susu's boyfriend. How can Yang Wei discuss with them.

"Zhou Susu, good. You forced me, so don't blame me." Yang Wei clenched his fist and clenched his teeth.

Zhou Susu takes Ye Chen to the office. They sit very close on the sofa.

Suddenly, Zhou Susu seemed to remember something and got up and closed the door.

Seeing that Zhou Susu closed the door, ye Chen couldn't help getting nervous.

He wondered what the girl wanted to do and did such a thing in the police station.

Zhou Susu closes the door and turns around to see ye Chen pull her clothes tightly.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing?" asked Zhou Susu with a puzzled expression.

"Su Su, I know we haven't seen each other for such a long time. Even if you greedy for my body, we can't do it here. After all, it's inappropriate. Should we change places?" Ye Chen kindly reminded.

Originally, she thought Zhou Susu was discussing the case with him, but she didn't expect to lock the door as soon as she entered the office.

If you simply discuss the case, you don't have to do this at all. Moreover, it's easy to misunderstand that single men and women live in the same room.

Zhou Susu was really annoyed by Ye Chen's words.

"What? I'm greedy for your body. I really want to do that kind of thing with you."

But although she thought in her heart, she didn't say it.

"Ye Chen, you think wrong. I admit that I have not seen you for such a long time. I really miss you, but I really want to discuss the case with you today."

"Oh, yes, that's good. That's good. I'm really scared to death." Ye Chen scratched his head and said shyly.

"The reason why I closed the door was because I thought there were many doubts about the case and didn't want others to hear it." Zhou Susu quickly explained.

"Well, that's good, Su Su. You say it." Ye Chen's expression became serious at the moment.

Ye Chen usually laughs, but when it comes to the key, he seems to have changed.

"Ye Chen, there is a very popular news on the Internet recently, that is, a homicide. Do you know this?" Zhou Susu asked, looking at Ye Chen.

"I read this news on my mobile phone before. The victims are very rich, and the police are investigating," Ye Chen said.

"That's right. Our police team has been dealing with this case for a week. We haven't found any clues," said Zhou Susu with a sad face.

"How could it be? Isn't there a surviving little girl in that family? You can ask her what she saw?" Ye Chen asked.

"In fact, I think the same as you. I also plan to start with the little girl, but the child is mute and can't speak at all." Zhou Susu said quickly.

This is what bothers Zhou Susu. The little girl can't speak and can't ask anything.

"Ah, it's really difficult." Ye Chen shook her head and said.

Zhou Susu also sighed, and the expression on her face became lost.

"Su Su, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, I just think the little girl is really pathetic. She was disabled and now she has lost her parents." Zhou Susu said sadly.

"Well, well, I know you love that little girl, but things have happened, and we can't help it." Ye Chen comforted.

"Of course I understand what you said. Now what I want is to solve the case quickly, find the murderer and avenge the girl." Zhou Su Su said with a firm expression.

Then she continued: "Ye Chen, you know, I'm more worried about the little girl now, and after that, I'll go home to accompany the child after I finish my work every day. She doesn't dare to sleep alone."

I can't wait to see that Zhou Susu is so tired. It turns out that she has to accompany the poor child in addition to her work.

"You're right to do this. I'm afraid the killer will really kill people if he knows that the girl is still alive." Ye Chen said thoughtfully.

The murderer should have known that the girl is still alive and will definitely come back.

Zhou Susu stayed by the girl's side all the time. It was also a warning to the murderer that he could not act rashly.

After all, girls are safe now with the protection of the police.

"Su Su, you should also pay more attention to your health. Don't always work hard for your work." Ye Chen cares.

"You're right, but this case hasn't been solved. How can I rest?" Zhou Susu said with a frown.

Recently, she also felt a little tired, but even so, she could only bite her teeth and insist.

She couldn't watch the poor girl around her lose her parents and live in pain, while the murderer was still at large.

If the case is not solved, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"I think you're really haggard. Then you'll have a good rest and let me solve the case." Ye Chen said with a smile.

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