Hearing the speech, Zhou Su Su was stunned and asked, "Ye Chen, where are you going?"

Just now, didn't Ye Chen tell her that she was going to see the little girl? Why are you going elsewhere now? I don't know what medicine Ye Chen sells in his gourd.

Ye Chen looked at her and said with a smile, "when you arrive, you will know."

Although Ye Chen said so, Zhou Susu was not angry, mainly because now she asked Ye Chen, and director Zhou told her to ask Ye Chen for help.

If ye Chen stopped helping because of his own reason, director Zhou would complain.

Zhou Susu sat quietly beside her and let Ye Chen take her to the place where she didn't know.

After driving for some time, Zhou Susu saw a large supermarket ahead.

"Is Ye Chen going here?"

Just as she thought, ye Chen stopped the car, looked at her and said, "Su Su, we're here. Let's get off."

"Ye Chen, aren't we going to see the little girl? Why are we here?" Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen and asked suspiciously.

Hearing this question, ye Chen was very helpless. Zhou Susu looked smart and capable. How could he not understand this kind of thing.

It seems that all she has in mind is to handle the case, and there is nothing else.

"Shopping, of course." Ye Chen said unhappily.

Ye Chen pulls Zhou Susu with a puzzled expression to the supermarket.

When she came to the supermarket, ye Chen went straight out to the snack area. After buying a lot of snacks, she came to the toy area and bought a very beautiful doll.

After paying the bill, Zhou Susu was pulled out of the supermarket.

After getting on the bus, Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, did you buy these for the little girl?"

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded and said.

At this time, Zhou Susu finally understood Ye Chen's intention. She smiled and said, "I see. You're trying to get closer to the little girl, aren't you?"

Hearing what she said, ye Chen felt that Zhou Susu was not stupid.

The reason why he bought these things is to make the little girl happy. After all, the little girl must be sad and afraid after experiencing such unfortunate things.

A stranger like Ye Chen must be unable to get close to her.

If you buy her some snacks and dolls, you can increase the distance between each other. This is the purpose of Ye Chen.

The two men put large and small bags of things into the car and got into the car.

Ye Chen didn't start Qichen in a hurry, but looked at Zhou Susu and asked, "Susu, tell me about the little girl now."

In fact, ye Chen would tell Zhou Susu without asking him.

"Ah!" Zhou Susu sighed and then said, "the little girl is really poor. She is deaf and dumb. She has encountered such a thing."

"What do you call her?" Ye Chen continued.

"The little girl's nickname is Jingjing, and we all call her Xiaojing." Zhou Susu replied.

"OK, I see." after ye Chen finished, he started the car and drove towards the place where the little girl lived.

Now ye Chen has learned some information about the little girl, which makes it easier to get close to the girl.

The car drove to a community, but the location of this community is relatively secret. It is a place specially used by the police to protect witnesses.

The little girl's parents had been killed and should have sent her to the welfare home, but the police were worried that the murderer would harm her, so they placed her here first.

But the little girl still has a little aunt. The police also contacted her little aunt and said that she would return home in a few days abroad.

Ye Chen got out of the car and was about to go inside when Zhou Susu stopped him.

"Ye Chen, Xiaojing has just experienced this kind of thing and is greatly frightened. Don't scare her when you go later," Zhou Susu reminded.

"Su Su, don't worry. I'm so handsome. How can I scare her?" Ye Chen joked.

Hearing the speech, Zhou Susu glared at Ye Chen and thought how could this man be so narcissistic.

But I have to say that after not meeting for such a long time, Zhou Susu thinks Ye Chen is even more handsome than before.

After all, this is not a place where you can go in and out. There are police guards, and ye Chen is not a police.

"Su Su, you go ahead and I'll follow." Ye Chen said.

Led by Zhou Susu, ye Chen went in.

This community was built earlier and older. There are only stairs and no elevators.

After climbing two floors with Ye Chen, Zhou Susu stopped in front of a room and knocked a few times.

After a while, I heard footsteps inside, and then the door opened.

A policeman in plain clothes opened the door, saluted Zhou Susu and said, "team Zhou, why are you here again?"

"Oh, let me see Xiaojing," said Zhou Susu with a smile.

The male policeman looked at Ye Chen behind Zhou Susu and asked, "team Zhou, who is this?"

"This is Ye Chen. He also came to see Xiaojing." Zhou Susu replied.

"Officer ye, hello." the male policeman also saluted Ye Chen.

But ye Chen waved his hand and said, "my name is Ye Chen. I'm not a police officer."

The male policeman looked at Zhou Susu suspiciously and asked, "team Zhou, is this Xiaojing's family?"

"No," Chou Su Su denied.

Since he is neither a police officer nor Xiaojing's relatives, ye Chen can't appear here at all.

If the murderer knows where Xiaojing lives, even with the protection of the police, it is very dangerous.

Perhaps seeing the man's concerns, Zhou Susu smiled and said, "Ye Chen is here to help us solve the case, and he is the person appointed by the Zhou Bureau."

Hearing the speech, the male policeman looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

Just hearing the name Ye Chen, he felt a little familiar.

I seem to have heard that a man named Ye Chen helped the police solve several cases before, and was deeply appreciated by the Zhou Bureau.

The male policeman is also full of admiration for ye Chen.

He never dreamed that the legendary character would appear in front of him.

"Brother ye, I've heard a lot about you. Please come in." the male policeman quickly pulled Ye Chen in and said.

Seeing ye Chen and Zhou Susu come in, the male policeman quickly closes the door.

Although this is the place of the police station, it is difficult to ensure that others will not come in, so the people performing tasks here will always be vigilant.

"Brother ye, I'm really glad to see you here." the male policeman said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm glad to meet you, too." Ye Chen said politely.

"Well, are you two big men finished?" Zhou Susu asked, looking at Ye Chen and the male policeman.

In fact, we can't blame her for being angry, mainly because when the male policeman knew Ye Chen's real identity, he kept holding Ye Chen's hand.

Zhou Susu was also speechless when she saw the hot picture in front of her.

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