Snake spirit smiled, took out treasure bag and said a spell.

Dawa knew that she had been cheated, and it was too late to stop it. She couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Ye Chen knew that the most powerful magic weapon of snake essence was the hundred treasure bag. He was like the pocket of Doraemon.

If you let her make those things out, even ye Chen may not have a chance of winning.

He must stop this from happening.

When ye Chen turned around, he came to the snake spirit and grabbed the treasure bag.

The snake spirit was also startled. She didn't even see ye Chen's movements clearly, but others had come to her eyes.

But the snake spirit is not flustered at all. She has more than just this magic weapon.

But the scorpion spirit was a little flustered when he saw the scene in front of him.

He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so fast that he could snatch the treasure bag from the snake essence.

"Madam, your treasure bag is gone. What should I do?" the scorpion shouted nervously.

"You are really a waste. You have no ability except to make a fuss." said the snake spirit with a disgusted face.

As she spoke, she took out the Ruyi. She was just about to say the spell, but she found that she was taken away by Ye Chen.

This time, the snake spirit's face became ugly. You know, the two treasures Ye Chen took from her are her favorite and most powerful.

In fact, this is not all the magic weapon of snake essence. She even has three.

In the scene just now, the grandpa and the eldest child pinched a cold sweat for ye Chen.

Ye Chen knows that as long as he takes these two magic weapons, he is safe.

The remaining yin-yang sword that can become soft sword and hard sword, hairpin that can change 18 weapons, and gold earrings that can change countless coins are nothing for ye Chen.

Sure enough, the snake spirit took out the yin-yang sword again. She vowed to break the boy in front of her.

This tone she wants to speak out today. No one has ever dared to rob her magic weapon. Ye Chen is the first and last.

Seeing the weapon in the snake spirit's hand, Grandpa hurriedly reminded, "child, be careful."

Ye Chen looked calm and unhurried. He took the system reward Yitian sword out of the space bag.

The snake spirit didn't respond when she saw Ye Chen. She thought Ye Chen was frightened.

Just when she rushed towards Ye Chen proudly in her heart, she suddenly saw that ye Chen also had a weapon in his hand. It looked like the sword in her hand was almost the same, but it was just an ordinary sword.

However, the snake spirit is wrong. Ye Chen's sword is not an ordinary sword, but a heaven reliant sword sent to Wanjie takeout before.

This sword cuts iron like mud. The yin-yang sword of snake essence is not enough to see in front of him.

Indeed, when the yin-yang sword and the heaven reliant sword met, they were magically broken into many pieces. Even the snake spirit was a little silly.

"How, how..." her mouth kept repeating this sentence.

Ye Chen doesn't want to waste time with her. He wants to make a quick decision and leave here early with grandpa and two gourd babies.

"Snake spirit, I advise you to catch it at your fingertips." Ye Chen kindly advised.

He really doesn't want to kill snake spirits, let alone Ye Chen doesn't like killing animals.

But snake spirits are always arrogant. How can they obediently obey.

"Boy, your tone is too big. Look at the move." the snake essence shouted in his mouth and took out the hairpin from his head.

That's a hairpin that can change 18 weapons.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Grandpa and big wa Er wa looked nervous. They thought Ye Chen couldn't resist the move of snake essence at all.

"Stubborn." with Ye Chen's violent drink, he blocked the heaven leaning sword in front of him.

The sky leaning sword emits golden light, which wraps Ye Chen like a powerful protective cover.

Ye Chen is very safe in this cover. Those weapons can't hurt him at all.

Grandpa and the two gourd babies closed their eyes painfully when they saw the countless weapons running towards Ye Chen.

They know that ye Chen must have more or less bad luck this time.

They were very sad when they thought that ye Chen was hurt by those weapons.

The snake spirit was also proud and said, "boy, this is the end of you provoking me."

But the next scene shocked all the goblins present.

Those weapons not only didn't hurt Ye Chen, but also flew in the direction of snake spirit, scorpion spirit and those little monsters as if they had been instructed.

The frightening scream came from the cave again, and the blood of the goblin immediately flowed all over the ground and into a river.

Fortunately, snake spirits and scorpion spirits dodge in time, otherwise they will be stabbed to death.

At this time, the old man and the eldest child opened their eyes and saw Ye Chen standing there unharmed. Instead, the goblins fell to the ground.

Just now, I still had a sad face, not only a happy face.

Da Wa really believes Ye Chen now. He thought Ye Chen was just bragging. On the surface, he has no ability.

But the fight with snake spirit just now showed him that ye Chen really had stronger skills than him.

I can't help but admire Ye Chen from my heart.

The snake spirit was as white as paper, and beside her was the scorpion who had collapsed to the ground.

"Husband, husband... Man, I'm really scared... Scared to death." said the scorpion trembling.

At the moment, he felt soaked in cold sweat.

Snake spirit also looked at Ye Chen in front of her unbelievably. She never dreamed that ye Chen was so powerful. It seems that she really underestimated this man.

Ye Chen looked at the snake spirit and asked, "how about fighting? If you fight, I advise you to take out all the magic weapons."

When the snake spirit heard this, she felt her nose was crooked. You should know that all her magic weapons were either robbed by Ye Chen or lost to Ye Chen. Where else are there magic weapons now.

Snake spirit is not stupid. She knows that she is not ye Chen's opponent. There is no need to continue fighting like this.

Maybe she and Scorpion will die here. After all, living is more important than anything.

"I won't fight. I admit defeat. Please spare me and the scorpion." the snake spirit begged for mercy.

When ye Chen saw that the snake spirit had indeed conceded defeat, he didn't mean to play tricks. He nodded and said, "spare me, you can. You must promise me two things."

"You say, you say," said the snake spirit quickly.

At the moment, she thought, not to mention two things, but a hundred things don't matter, as long as she can live.

Since ye Chen gave her a chance, she must perform well., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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