Zhou Susu sighed and said, "it's really good for you to think so. It's good to know your mistakes and change them."

In fact, despite that, Zhang Ruimei knew she had no chance.

Some wrong things are opportunities for compensation, but some things don't. doing wrong will ruin your life.

Zhou Susu came out of the interrogation room with a heavy heart.

For this murder, she has a lot of emotion in her heart. The victim is innocent, but the murderer, uncle Qiang, is to collect money for her mother's treatment. Zhang Ruimei, she is the ultimate result of love and hate.

The murder case that had plagued her for so long had been successfully solved. Zhou Susu should have been happy, but her mood was low.

Due to the great influence of this case, the superior also attached great importance to it. Su Su didn't attend the celebration banquet last week.

She just made an excuse, asked the director for a leave and went home to have a rest.

On the other hand, ye Chen's mood is not very good. Uncle Qiang is too filial. He takes risks for his mother and ends up with this result.

Ye Chen can't help feeling why there is no good reward for good people. People like Uncle Qiang should be cared for, but it backfired.

However, unhappiness is also temporary. After all, it is someone else's life, and life still needs to continue.

Considering that her life is so beautiful, ye Chen can't help feeling a lot relieved.

Because of the contact with Uncle Qiang these days, ye Chen clearly understood how filial the middle-aged man was to his mother and how much he gave up for his mother. Ye Chen was ashamed.

Ye Chen has not visited his parents for a long time. Ye Chen knows that their second old man must have missed his son. He is just worried about disturbing his life and work.

Although Ye Chen gave her parents material things, she seldom accompanied them.

Uncle Qiang's story touched his heart. Ye Chen decided to go home to see the two old people.

He picked up the phone, dialed a number and rang several times before he got through.

There came a woman's voice: "Ye Chen, what's the matter?"

"Wan Yi, what have you done now?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, I'm in a meeting now. I'll call you later." Su Wanyi hung up without giving Ye Chen a chance to speak.

Su Wanyi's move made Ye Chen very depressed, but she had no choice.

Being bored at leisure, ye Chen thought of the reward god level investment obtained by sending Wanjie takeout before.

Because Zhou Tao called, ye Chen didn't have time to learn more about the content of the reward.

He opened the system to view the above description of divine investment.

"Divine investment, as the name suggests, is a skill for investment. Its magic is that you can get huge benefits from investing with this skill."

If it is really like the above, it means that you can make money no matter what you invest.

Ye Chen thinks it's very interesting. If you have a chance, you must try it.

At this time, the mobile phone rang and looked at it. It was su Wanyi.

Ye Chen answered the phone and said, "Wan Yi, you've broken up."

"Yes, I'm really tired after talking about a project. Tomorrow is the weekend. I can finally rest at home." Su Wanyi said in a tired voice.

Then she suddenly asked, "by the way, ye Chen, what happened when you called me just now?"

Hearing Su Wanyi say that she was tired recently and wanted to rest at home at the weekend, ye Chen lied and said, "Oh, nothing, just miss you."

Su Wanyi didn't believe what ye Chen said at all. She concluded that ye Chen must have something.

"Ye Chen, you've become bad. How can you learn to lie? Tell me what it is." Su Wanyi pretended to be angry and said.

"Wan Yi, actually, there's nothing. I just want to take you to see my father and mother at the weekend. If you're tired, just have a good rest at home. I'll take you another day." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Wanyi knew why Ye Chen said this. It was entirely out of consideration for her. She couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

"Ye Chen, I haven't seen my uncles and aunts for such a long time. I miss them very much. Why don't we go tomorrow." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen heard the speech and said, "Wan Yi, you really don't have to do this. You're very tired after working for a week. We can go and see it when we come back. It doesn't have to be this week."

"I just want to see my uncle and aunt this week. Don't you want me to go?" Su Wanyi said angrily.

"Hey, it's really kind to be a donkey's liver and lung. It's difficult to be a good man in this era." Ye Chen said wrongly on his face.

"Ye Chen, I know you are for my good, but I really want to see my uncle and aunt. Well, it's settled. I have other things to do, so I won't tell you first." Su Wanyi hung up after saying that.

Ye Chen also has no way. He knows that even if he calls, he can't change Su Wanyi's idea.

"Forget it, since she insists on going, then go." Ye Chen thought in her heart.

Ye Chen put down her cell phone and was just about to lie in bed when suddenly her cell phone rang again.

After a glance, it turned out to be a strange number. Recently, MLM calls often come.

Presumably this time is no exception. Ye Chen's connection is not connected.

But what makes Ye Chen strange is that the other party really doesn't give up. Although Ye Chen doesn't answer, he keeps calling.

"Well, since you are so persistent, I'll see how you want to cheat." Ye Chen thought in her heart.

When he connected the phone, there came a man's voice: "Ye Chen, this is Li Ming. Do you remember me? We haven't been in touch for a long time since we graduated from college."

"Li Ming?" Ye Chen filtered the names of her college classmates in her mind. There is such a person.

But I haven't been in touch for so long. I've already forgotten this person.

Hearing that ye Chen didn't speak, the man opposite hurriedly said, "Ye Chen, I'm not a liar. I'm really your college classmate Li Ming."

"Li Ming, I don't think you are a liar, but I haven't contacted you for so long. I'm surprised to see your phone." Ye Chen said with a smile.

It's really all right for ye Chen to say so. After all, it's strange for anyone to call suddenly.

And ye Chen also knows that Li Ming must have called him suddenly because of something. Otherwise, he couldn't have been in touch for so long.

When they were in college, the relationship between Ye Chen and Li Ming was just ordinary. There was no too much friendship between them.

Even so, ye Chen is willing to continue to listen to Li Ming.

"Ye Chen, it's really rude to call you, but I really have something to find you, and I'm really desperate." Li Ming said with a cry.

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