"Ye Chen, is what you said true? Don't joke with me anymore." Li Ming asked again.

"Li Ming, do you think I'm joking with you? I don't have time to do this with you." Ye Chen said faintly.

"However, ye Chen, even if this building is built, it may not make money." Li Ming said with a worried face.

After so many years of experience, Li Ming's state is inconsistent with his age, but he is still so honest.

If another person saw that ye Chen had promised to buy half of the uncompleted residential building, he would certainly not tell the other party about making money or not making money.

But Li Ming kindly reminded Ye Chen of this.

Hearing the speech, ye Chen was silent for a few seconds.

Li Ming's heart can't help tightening. He knows that no one is a fool and can't take such a risk.

To his surprise, ye Chen smiled and said, "Li Ming, thank you for your kind reminder, but I decided to buy it."

"Ye Chen, really?" Li Ming wants to confirm again.

He really can't believe that after ye Chen heard the information, he still insisted on buying half the building he built.

"Is Ye Chen a fool with a lot of money?" Li Ming thought in his heart.

This is the only reason Li Ming can think of.

"Of course it's true." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He couldn't help thinking that Li Ming, a big man, was such a mother-in-law. He didn't look like the man he knew before.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much. You are really my great benefactor." Li Ming stood up and bowed to Ye Chen to express his gratitude.

"Li Ming, come on, we're classmates. Don't be so polite to me. Of course I'll help you when you're in trouble. How can you die?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen's words moved Li Ming even more, and he couldn't help crying again.

"Ye Chen, you don't know I'm really moved and grateful." Li Ming choked in his voice.

"Li Ming, let's not do this. Everyone around us is watching." Ye Chen said with an embarrassed expression.

As ye Chen said, Li Ming's move attracted the eyes of the guests around him.

Li Ming quickly wiped his tears and said, "sorry, I can't control my emotions as soon as I'm excited."

Just heard that Li Ming has a girlfriend who has been dating for many years. Ye Chen doesn't know how this woman can stand Li Ming for so many years.

The man sitting opposite has no masculinity at all. He can't help crying. This is not what a big man did.

"We've been chatting here for so long. We're hungry. Let's order something to eat, or the boss will really throw us out." Ye Chen said speechless.

At the moment, the boss is glaring at the guests at the table in the corner, that is, ye Chen and Li Ming.

Seeing that Li Ming didn't order for half a day, he thought he was waiting for someone, but after seeing ye Chen come in, the two people had been chatting. They didn't mean to order at all. He couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart.

The store is very small, and there are many guests waiting for meals outside. How can the boss not be angry when he sees that these two people have been occupying positions all the time.

"Sorry, ye Chen, I forgot to order just now." Li Ming scratched his head and said.

"Nothing." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

"Ye Chen, what do you want to eat?" Li Ming asked quickly.

"It's still ordinary stone pot bibimbap and another bottle of coke." Ye Chen said without looking at the menu.

Li Ming also ordered the same meal as ye Chen. Seeing that the guest at the corner ordered, the boss immediately showed a smiling face.

"I didn't expect that we have graduated for so many years, and this shop is still there." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, now think about it. It's actually better to be on campus. There's no trouble except reading." Li Ming sighed.

When he was in college, Li Ming wanted to work early to make money. He thought it would be easier than going to school, but when he really entered the society, he knew that his original idea was really childish.

From the moment they go out of school, they have to feed themselves. They can't reach out to their parents for money.

But it's not easy to find a satisfactory job. Not only that, in order to earn that meager salary, but also keep working overtime, physically and mentally exhausted.

Li Ming has some skills. After working for a year, he started his own business and made some money.

Everything was good originally. He didn't expect to invest in real estate, but he returned to the starting point.

"At that time, we were the most simple, we didn't have so many troubles, and we wouldn't rush about for life." Ye Chen also sighed.

The people around him kept running for life. These ye Chen saw it in his eyes. He was lucky that God gave him a magical system, and his life hung up from then on.

However, there are few lucky people like Ye Chen. Most people rely on their own efforts to live the life they want to live.

Only they themselves know the hardships they have experienced.

Soon, the meal ordered by two people came up.

Maybe it's because they are too hungry. Ye Chen and Li Ming gobble up and stop chatting.

Originally, ye Chen said he would treat, but Li Ming said he asked him out and insisted on inviting Ye Chen to dinner.

Ye Chen didn't refuse him, but finally let Li Ming pay for the meal.

He knows that Li Ming is a man after all. Men love face.

Although Li Ming has no money now, he doesn't want Ye Chen to look down on him.

"Li Ming, I'll take you back. I'll call you tomorrow. Will you have time to pay back the money?" asked Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, don't be so anxious. Just give it to me at the end of the month." Li Ming quickly refused.

He knew that even if ye Chen had money, it would not be easy to take out one billion at a time.

Li Ming even felt that ye Chen was just being polite to him, so he gave Ye Chen a step down.

"What I said is true. Give me an account number and I'll call you tomorrow. Then let's go through the formalities." Ye Chen said seriously.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Ming was obviously a little stunned.

What ye Chen said is true. Just now, it's not hypocrisy. It's really want to call him the money.

Li Ming doesn't know what business Ye Chen has been doing for so many years. He is so rich.

He knows Ye Chen's family background. His father and mother are just ordinary workers. Ye Chen must have worked hard alone to be so rich.

"Ye Chen, what kind of business have you been doing these years? You should be so rich?" Li Ming said the question that had been buried in his heart.

"Just doing some small business with others." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen's words surprised Li Ming. If he only did some small business, how could he be so rich.

Li Ming obviously didn't believe what ye Chen said, but he just smiled and didn't say anything.

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