Zhou Jian is a man who will repay his vengeance. If ye Chen gives him so much embarrassment, how can he give up.

Suddenly the mobile phone rang. Zhou Jian looked at the phone number. After connecting, he didn't look good and said, "what are you doing? I'm tired now."

Hearing Zhou Jian's anger, Tian Kun smiled and said, "Zhou Dashao, who ate the bear heart and leopard courage and dared to provoke you."

"Don't mention it. It's not a guy named Ye Chen. That guy is looking for death." Zhou Jian said ruthlessly.

Tian Kun heard the name familiar, smiled and said, "it seems that this is one of my college classmates, and I heard Li Ming mention him, saying that he spent one billion on a uncompleted residential building."

Zhou Jian doesn't know this Li Ming, but it seems that when he heard Ye Chen calling at the bank, he called the other party Li Ming. I don't know if it's the same person.

If that's the case, it's a very interesting news and an opportunity to revenge Ye Chen. Although Zhou Jian is proud, he doesn't show it.

"What college classmate, Li Ming, is really annoying me. If there's nothing wrong with you, don't bother me here, I'll go to bed." Zhou Jian said angrily.

"Well, I won't disturb you. Go to sleep. I'll go on a date with the goddess." Tian Kun shrugged and said.

After hearing Tian Kun's words, Zhou Jian came to his senses and hurriedly got up from bed and said, "what did you say, what are you dating the goddess?"

"Don't you want to sleep? Why do you ask so clearly?" Tian Kun said with a smile.

"Do you want to die? Hurry up." Zhou Jian threatened.

"There will be a banquet at the Ritz Kelton hotel at six o'clock tonight, and businessmen in the business circle will attend," Tian Kun said.

He deliberately said half of what he said, just to satisfy Zhou Jian's appetite.

"Say the point." Zhou Jian said with an unhappy expression.

"As far as I know, Su Wanyi will also attend this banquet. I just want to go on a date with her. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's not possible to invite her at ordinary times." Tian Kun said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Jianke's spirit came.

However, he seemed to suddenly think of something and asked, "Tian Kun, this all needs invitations. You're not from the business circle. You have to be kicked out when you go."

"Of course I have a way. My father doesn't like to take part in the fun, so he asked me to go instead of him." Tian Kun replied.

Then he said, "as long as you can get the invitation, you can have close contact with the goddess. Well, I've finished what I should say. See you in the evening, young master Zhou. I know you can handle the invitation."

Tian Kun hung up after saying that.

After receiving these two news, Zhou Jian was very excited. First, he found an opportunity to revenge Ye Chen, and second, he was able to get in close contact with the goddess in his heart.

The first time he saw Su Wanyi was at a party organized by his father. He was shocked when he saw Su Wanyi.

Zhou Jian didn't expect the girl to be so young and powerful. You know, all the people who can be invited by her father are dignitaries.

Su Wanyi's beauty and talent deeply attracted Zhou Jian, which made him unforgettable.

He once wanted to find his father to pull the media to set them up, but his father refused and said he was not worthy of Su Wanyi at all.

Without his father's help, it would be difficult for him to see the man he misses so much.

Now how could he let Tian Kun go when he heard the news.

Zhou Jian knew that there must be an invitation from his father. He decided to have a try.

He got out of bed, tidied up his clothes and walked towards his father's study.

This time, instead of entering directly, he knocked on the door.

"Please come in." there came his father's voice.

Seeing his son coming in, Zhou Minghan was stunned. He couldn't even believe that the man standing in front of him was his wayward son Zhou Jian.

"Xiao Jian, what can I do for you?" asked Zhou Minghan with a puzzled face.

"Dad, I want to attend the party tonight," Zhou Jian said straight to the point.

"This is a meeting of businessmen. Aren't you not interested in business?" Zhou Minghan asked with a smile.

"Before, but now I have changed my mind. I want to learn from Mr. Ye. I have done so much at a young age. I want to be your pride, help you run your business and share it for you." Zhou Jian said excitedly.

Hearing his son's words, Zhou Minghan's eyes turned red and tears flowed out.

For so many years, he worked hard to pull his son to grow up and established Zhou's group with his efforts, but his son fooled around every day and didn't do his job, which worried Zhou Minghan very much.

After all, it's easy to start a business and difficult to keep it. He's afraid that when he's gone, Zhou Jian can't afford the family at all.

But after hearing Zhou Jian's words, he felt that his previous idea was wrong, and his son was slowly becoming sensible.

"OK, OK, Xiaojian, just go for me. I'm just a little uncomfortable." Zhou Minghan opened the drawer, took out an invitation from it and handed it to Zhou Jian.

Seeing the golden invitation, Zhou Jian knew that he was one step closer to the goddess.

However, he did not show joy on his face, but looked at his father and asked anxiously, "Dad, are you okay? Do you need to call doctor Wan?"

"Don't bother doctor Wan. I'll just have a rest." Zhou Minghan waved his hand and said.

"Well, Dad, don't be too tired. Pay attention to your health." Zhou Jianlin told his father when he left.

Looking at the back of his son leaving, Zhou Minghan was inexplicably moved. He knew that his son had finally grown up.

But what he didn't know was that Zhou Jian pretended all this. His only purpose was to see Su Wanyi.

Ye Chen drove to the door of Su Wanyi's company and took a look at her watch. It's half an hour from the agreed time.

He didn't call Su Wanyi because he knew the girl very well.

If Su Wanyi is finished, she will contact him for nothing.

Ye Chen sat in the car waiting, and the cell phone rang.

After he connected, Zhou Susu's voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, are you still angry with me?"

Being asked by the woman, ye Chen was stunned. He didn't know what to do with what.

Hearing that there was no sound across the street, Zhou Susu said, "Ye Chen, why don't you talk."

"Su Su, what can I do for you?" asked Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, now I want you to do something with me. I don't know if you have time." Zhou Susu said.

"Sorry, Su Su, I'm busy now. Can I have tomorrow?" said Ye Chen.

"Well, contact me tomorrow," said Zhou Susu listlessly.

If she is determined by her temper, she must hang up the phone directly, but she feels that if so, the relationship with Ye Chen will be more tense.

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