Hearing what Tian Kun said, Zhou Jian can't wait to make it public.

"Ye Chen, look where your face is going." Zhou Jian looks at Ye Chen angrily.

Ye Chen is chatting with some big men in the business circle. Anyway, he is idle. It's better to make more friends.

He didn't have to kowtow to them in front of these big men. On the contrary, those people were quite polite to him.

He even flattered and praised Ye Chen, mainly because of his investment talent.

For example, the last time ye Chen bought a stock that was not promising, Su Wanyi was still worried about him. Even those who disliked Ye Chen wanted to see him laugh.

But the result is that people have to make a lot of money instead of losing. This has become a myth in the business circle.

Everyone also wants to meet this legendary figure with such investment talent.

I'm sure to seize the opportunity to ask Ye Chen about investment and ask him about the next investment plan.

"Mr. Ye, you are really great. You have such a unique vision. I admire you."

"Boss ye, I don't know your investment secret. Can you teach us a little and make money together?"

"Mr. Ye, what are you going to vote for next? Let me follow you."

Although these people are also famous in the business circle, no one will be too rich, let alone fools who don't make money.

Hearing the praise, ye Chen quickly waved his hand and said, "you flatter me. I'm just lucky."

No one can believe Ye Chen's words. Take the stock he invested in before, that is, those professional personnel are very optimistic about it, but ye Chen invested a large amount of money regardless of others' eyes. There must be an investment secret. Otherwise, how could he invest so much at once.

The key is that not only did the stock not fall miserably, but the price rose very high, which surprised everyone.

Su Wanyi also looked at the man around her. Ye Chen was not only handsome, but also very talented, which met the standard of the best man in the eyes of girls.

"Boss ye, don't be modest. Tell us what your next investment plan is, and we'll invest with you," they said with one voice.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "where do I have any investment plans? I just play occasionally. Where are you all business leaders?"

At this time, a man's voice sounded behind him.

"Mr. Ye, don't be modest here with us. You obviously have investment projects and hide them. You can make money together."

Zhou Jian walked towards the crowd and said with a smile.

Ye Chen knows that he is going to do something again. Ye Chen also knows something about Zhou Jian's behavior. This person is a vengeful man. He must have found a chance to revenge after he suffered a collapse in Ye Chen.

He wants to see what tricks Zhou Jian wants to play.

"Oh, what has Mr. Ye invested in?" one of the bald men said.

Before ye Chen answered, Zhou Jian smiled and said, "Ye Chen's recent investment project is uncompleted residential flats. Do you know how much he invested in this project?"

The crowd shook their heads, indicating that they couldn't guess.

Zhou Jian said sarcastically, "Mr. Ye has invested one billion yuan in this project."

Hearing the speech, people also showed surprised expressions on their faces. First of all, the uncompleted residential flats project is not favored at all, and even the purchase price will not be very high, but ye Chen invested 1 billion, which is really rich and has no place to spend.

The competition among these business leaders is no longer who earns more. You know, none of them is poor and worth hundreds of millions.

The secret contest between them is who has investment vision.

But even if they have money, they can't buy uncompleted residential flats with 1 billion yuan like Ye Chen.

Thinking about investing in stocks before, some people think that although Ye Chen is not very wise, there must be his reason.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen with a worried face when she heard the speech. She specially learned about the uncompleted residential flats purchased by Ye Chen from her friends. That land is a place where dogs don't shit and chickens don't lay eggs.

On the surface, the location is pretty good, but there are no supporting facilities at all.

Building there can't be sold at all, that is, how much you invest will be compensated.

Zhou Jian did not intend to give up, but continued to ridicule: "as far as I know, the location of the uncompleted residential building is still very good. There is no bus and subway at all, so I can only drive."

Hearing Zhou Jian's words, everyone frowned. According to reason, such a smart Ye Chen could not invest money in such a place. To put it bluntly, this billion must have been lost.

Ye Chen didn't speak from beginning to end, with a smile on her face.

He knew that Zhou Jian wanted to hurt him and embarrass him in front of everyone.

"Mr. Ye, is what young master Zhou said true?" a middle-aged man with glasses looked at Ye Chen and asked incredulously.

"Yes, it's true." Ye Chen replied with a smile.

"Then I think there must be a reason why you spent so much money on this uncompleted residential building, right?" the middle-aged man thought and continued to ask.

"I did this entirely to help my college classmates," Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, the man was even more shocked. Just to help college students, he invested 1.1 billion to buy uncompleted residential flats, which he didn't know.

At least not what a businessman should do.

"What do you think about the income from this uncompleted residential building?" the middle-aged man asked again.

"I have no idea. I don't intend to use him to make money at all." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The middle-aged man choking on Ye Chen's words was speechless. In fact, what he said was the truth, but he just wanted to use this investment to try whether God level investment skills are so magical.

"No intention of making money with him?" the crowd exclaimed.

But businessmen are all profit oriented, but ye Chen says he doesn't want to make money with him.

If it's OK to say if you don't throw enough, but you've thrown a billion in one shot, it's not a joke.

"Mr. Ye, you certainly didn't tell us the truth, right? Otherwise, how could brain wreck spend so much money on such a dilapidated building." Zhou Jian showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

Ye Chen knows that Zhou Jian wants to embarrass him in front of the public this week, but since the system says that you can earn anything by using divine investment skills, let's wait and see.

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