Xue Qi and Chen Haitao are playing happily. How can they stop.

"Ugly, I won't kill you." Chen Haitao completely ignored his image and fought against Xue Qi.

"Big pig, you're not a man at all. You beat a woman." Xue Qi pulled off Chen Haitao's fake headgear.

The two men ignored the police's dissuasion and fought harder and harder.

However, the police who received the alarm could only pull them apart.

What's more ridiculous is that Xue Qifei fought with the police without any repentance when he saw the police coming.

She was like crazy, catching who beat who, and finally four policemen pulled her away.

Chen Haitao also knew each other and pretended to be innocent when he saw the police.

"Comrade police, look at this crazy woman beating me. You have to decide for me." Chen Haitao said with a sad face.

At the moment, he was really very embarrassed. His head fell on his head, his face was full of blood, and his clothes were torn.

All the people in the past stopped to watch the excitement, saw them cheer and shout for them while playing, and even someone took a video of the two fighting together and put it on the Internet.

After the police came, they dispersed the crowd.

Chen Haitao and Xue Qi were taken to the police car by several policemen.

Su Wanyi worried as she walked and asked, "husband, do you think Xue Qi will suffer a loss? Why don't I persuade her."

"Wife, you are just too kind. Don't you see that others don't take your love at all? It's unnecessary when you go back." Ye Chen said helplessly.

Xue Qi always complains about the unfairness of fate and hates Su Wanyi in her heart, but then again, Su Wanyi's heart is so kind. How can God be willing to treat her badly.

What's more, she still works so hard, and Xue Qi just wants to wait for the pie to fall from the sky. Her heart is still so vicious.

Hearing the speech, Su Wanyi also felt that ye Chen was right. If she went back, Xue Qi might think she was watching her lively.

Forget it. She has her own blessing. She doesn't have to worry about Xue Qi.

What Su Wanyi didn't understand was how Xue Qi turned into such a girl. She was obviously a shrew and so mean.

Seeing that Su Wanyi didn't speak, ye Chen continued: "Wanyi, remember that people will become, which has something to do with her life experience. Some people will become better and better, just like you, while others will become worse and worse, just like Xue Qi."

Hearing this, Su Wanyi stared at Ye Chen.

She was surprised at how the man in front of her knew what was in her heart, just like drilling into her heart.

"Ha ha, I'm a worm in your stomach. I know what you think." Ye Chen joked.

He has mind reading skills. How can he not guess what Su Wanyi thinks.

Of course, the girl didn't know this at all. She just thought it was a telepathy between two people who had been together for a long time.

"Well, I see." Su Wanyi nodded and said.

At the moment, she is still worried. After all, they were good friends when they studied abroad.

Su Wanyi was originally a kind-hearted person. It was painful for her to see Xue Qi become like this now.

"Well, wife, let's not worry about those unworthy people. Think about what we'll eat in the evening." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"I want to eat Western food. I heard that a new one has been opened here, and the decoration style is very romantic." Su Wanyi suggested.

"OK, then we'll go to the restaurant you said." Ye Chen nodded and said.

Under the leadership of Su Wanyi, the two came to the door of a western restaurant. Before they went in, they smelled the fragrance of flowers inside, which made people feel comfortable.

Seeing the two people coming in, the waiter said enthusiastically, "do you have a reservation, sir and miss?"

"No, we just made a temporary decision." Su Wanyi shook her head and said.

"Sorry, all the guests who come here need to make an appointment in advance," said the waitress with an apologetic face.

"We'll wait here. Can't we go in when we have a place? Just be accommodating. My fiancee really likes it here." Ye Chen said.

"I'm really sorry, sir. It's not that I don't understand, but the rules of the restaurant. If I let you in, I'll be told. Maybe I'll lose my job. Please forgive me." the waitress said with a embarrassed face.

Ye Chen also wants to continue to discuss with the waitress. After all, Su Wanyi wants to eat in this restaurant. He also wants to satisfy the girl.

"Forget it, husband, let's not embarrass the girl. Let's go to other places to eat. There are so many new restaurants here. There is always one we like." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Although she really wants to feel the romantic atmosphere inside, she doesn't want to embarrass the female service. After all, it's not easy to work.

"Well, let's see if there's anything else you like. It's really not good. Let's drive to another place to eat." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Wanyi reluctantly left the restaurant. Her expression gave Ye Chen a panoramic view.

He had another idea about the proposal. Although it was a pity that he couldn't eat here, he did give him a chance to move and surprise Su Wanyi.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi found a seat to sit down. They took out their mobile phones, opened the public comment app, searched it, and found a new fish grill.

"Wanyi, let's eat this roast fish. We haven't eaten it for a long time. It looks very appetizing." Su Wanyi suggested.

"OK, that's it. Let's go and have a try." Ye Chen took Su Wanyi's hand and came to the door of the grilled fish shop.

The waiter took them inside and found a very good place to sit down. It's quiet and not very messy.

"What special roast fish do you have? Recommend it to us." Ye Chen asked without looking at the menu.

Generally, the waiters will recommend their own special dishes. There must be nothing wrong with listening to them. After all, they all hope that the guests are satisfied with the food this time and will come again next time.

"The taste of green vine pepper is not only the characteristic of my family, but also the sign. If you two don't dislike spicy, you can taste it to ensure that you won't regret it." the waiter said with a smile.

"Wan Yi, what do you think?" Ye Chen asked the woman opposite.

"OK, I'd like to try it too. I've heard that the company staff said that the roast fish with this taste is very delicious," Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"We need your recommendation, and then you can recommend us some cold dishes. We don't want rice but bubble cakes." Ye Chen said to the waiter.

"Well, wait a minute, you two. You can have our free snacks first." the waiter pointed to the snacks on the table and left.

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