Song Li thinks Su Wanyi's move is really crazy. You know, there will be a lot of questions for reporters.

Suddenly a reporter asked, "President Su, what do you think of the sudden termination of the contract between the two artists?"

Hearing the reporter's words, Su Wanyi smiled and said: "this thing really came a little suddenly. I just heard that the two artists terminated their contract, but this should also be a very normal thing?"

Another reporter asked, "Mr. Su, don't you think it's very strange?"

Su Wanyi did not answer, but looked at the reporter and said, "this reporter, I didn't understand what you mean."

Wen Yan, the reporter continued: "President Su, as we all know, the boss of this company is Yu Yang. Why did you just become the boss and the two artists terminate the contract? Haven't you thought about the reason?"

"Oh, now I understand what you mean, but what I want to say is that the two artists terminate the contract. It has nothing to do with whether I change my boss or not."

The reporter's question is very tricky. His implication is to say that Su Wanyi has no ability to manage the company, which makes the two artists dissatisfied. Eventually led to their termination.

However, he didn't succeed and was absolutely by Su Wanyi's clever response, and he saw that Su was always confident in front of him.

Hearing this answer, the reporter was speechless on the spot.

Song Li sat next to Su Wanyi and was surprised to hear her answer. She didn't expect that Su Wanyi could respond so skillfully to reporters' questions.

At this time, Song Li was ashamed of the idea that she wanted to resign. She felt that she should not deny Su Wanyi's ability because she was young.

At this time, another reporter looked at Su Wanyi and asked, "President Su, don't you think? Is there something strange about the termination of the two artists? Is someone deliberately making trouble for you?"

"The reporter's question is a little interesting. I have no enemies with others. Why do I make trouble for me? I always have no evidence and never say it." Su Wanyi still has a smile on her face.

In fact, when she heard that the two artists had suddenly solved the matter, Su Wanyi felt that it was really not simple.

However, she can't speak out her thoughts in front of the reporter, let alone follow the reporter's words, which will cause trouble for herself.

Unless there is real evidence, it is slander.

"Mr. Su, is it possible that he is the boss of another media company who ordered the company's two artists to terminate the contract behind his back? After all, the liquidated damages are not a small amount." the reporter asked again.

"There is also a possibility, but I think the two artists earn a lot, and the liquidated damages can still be taken out."

Then Su Wanyi continued, "of course, whether someone is behind this, I have no evidence now, and I can't make a false assertion."

When Su Wanyi said this, she looked very serious.

Before the reporter spoke, Su Wanyi smiled and said, "do you have any questions? If not, we will have an internal meeting."

Her meaning is very clear, that is to see off the guests.

Those reporters don't want to stay here anymore. Su Wanyi can calmly deal with every question they ask, and they can't find any handle and have nothing to write about.

The reporters looked at each other and felt that staying here was nothing more than a waste of time and could not find any exclusive news hot spots.

Seeing that the reporters stopped talking, Su Wanyi looked at Song Li and said, "Xiao Song, please send out the reporter friends."

Then she stood up again, bowed deeply to the reporters and said, "thank the reporters for their concern for our company. If there is any situation, I will contact you in time."

These were just Su Wanyi's polite remarks. She had guessed that the reporters here could not ask any more questions, because there was nothing to ask from her.

Since Su Wanyi became the president of the company, she has to deal with reporters regularly. She has long known how to answer questions in front of reporters.

Song Li stood up and looked at the reporters and said, "reporter friends, you've worked hard. Please follow me."

Led by Song Li, the reporters left the company.

Song Li looked at her watch. It took more than ten minutes for the reporter to enter the company and leave. Su Wanyi took care of them.

"Sister Wan Yi, you're really great. You didn't see those reporters turn green after hearing your answer." Song Li looked at Su Wan Yi with admiration.

"Well, Xiao Song, don't praise me here. Now inform the heads of all departments to come and let's have an emergency meeting?" Su Wanyi said with a serious expression.

According to Su Wanyi's instructions, Song Li summoned the heads of all departments.

Su Wanyi looked at the participants and asked. "Ladies and gentlemen, have Yang Miao and Li Yang mentioned that they want to terminate the contract before?"

All the directors present shook their heads and said that there was no sign of termination between the two people.

Su Wanyi saw the faces of the people and was more sure that someone must have ordered it.

If there is no change of boss, the two artists will certainly continue to stay in the company.

The key to the problem is to change the boss, and Su Wanyi can be sure that the messenger behind it must be the boss of another media company.

"OK, I see. Are everyone busy?" Su Wanyi looked at everyone and said.

After the heads of departments left, Su Wanyi rubbed her temples with her hands. Now she feels really headache.

Just took over the media company, a person next to the two artists suddenly solved the problem.

She could hardly imagine what would happen next, anything else.

However, even if there is anything else, Su Wanyi will not shrink back. After all, this is her dream and she must make some achievements.

"Are you uncomfortable? I'll deal with it here. You'd better go home and have a rest." Song Li said with worry when she saw Su Wanyi's face.

She knew that Su Wanyi was just a girl. It's very good to be able to respond to reporters' questions like this.

After all, the termination of an artist is a very big thing for the media company. Su Wanyi encountered such a thing when she took over the company. It was really difficult for her.

Song Li looked at Su Wanyi, who was also a girl, and felt a little distressed. She also wanted to share some for him.

"Xiao Song, you should go too. I want to stay here for a while." Su Wanyi shook her head and said.

As soon as song Li left, Su Wanyi's phone rang.

She frowned and took a look. It was Ye Chen. She couldn't help smiling on her face., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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