Seeing that his girlfriend was still unhappy, Wang XiaoCong smiled and said, "well, how about taking you to the mall to buy your favorite bag after playing this one?"

After hearing this, the woman finally smiled, nodded with satisfaction and said, "well, I'll forgive you this time."

Wang XiaoCong was not surprised by his girlfriend's performance.

As the saying goes, all diseases are cured.

Ye Chen has nothing to do and calls Su Wanyi.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"What else can I do? It must be work." Su Wanyi said helplessly.

"Finish your work quickly. I'll take you to a place in the evening." Ye Chen said.

"Where are you going?" Su Wanyi asked with a puzzled expression.

Before, ye Chen told her that he would take her to a place, so he would take her to the star media company.

Now ye Chen said to take her to a place. Su Wanyi wondered where this guy would take her again?

"You'll know when you arrive." Ye Chen said.

Similarly, ye Chen still didn't tell her where she was going. She knew Ye Chen's character, so she didn't ask again.

"Well, see you in the evening." Su Wanyi hung up after saying that.

She really doesn't have the heart to think about this problem now. What she worries about now is the problem of artists.

Every time I Tell ye Chen, ye Chen will comfort her not to worry. If I say too much, I'm afraid Ye Chen will be bored.

On the other side, I'm the most handsome, like a headless fly. Call this for help and that for help.

Many easy people promised to help him. I was the most handsome. I thought that as long as I settled this matter, he would make a comeback.

While thinking about good things, the other party called and told him that it was a little difficult to do.

The last hope in my most handsome heart was thus dashed.

He didn't expect the other party to be so powerful that he had no remedy.

I am the most handsome and unwilling to end like this. You know, although he relies on the rich woman, he also points to the live broadcast to get money.

Now there is no rich woman and the account has been closed. Now I really feel a little desperate.

Suddenly the mobile phone rang, and I looked at it most handsome. It was my wife.

Before he spoke, the woman opposite said, "let's divorce. If you make such a scandal, the children and the house belong to me. I've found a lawyer. Just sign the divorce agreement. If you don't agree with my suggestion, we can take a lawsuit, but I hope you don't do this for your children."

"Wife, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me. I promise I'll be wholehearted to you and your children in the future, and I'll take good care of you." I'm the most handsome, cried bitterly.

"Forget it, I've given you many opportunities, but you don't cherish it. I hope you can take care of yourself in the future." After the woman finished, she didn't give me the most handsome chance to talk, so she hung up.

I'm the most handsome. I'm in a daze with my mobile phone. He never thought his wife would divorce him.

The wife is a very gentle woman. Every time she knows that he has done something sorry for her, she will only cry silently and never quarrel with him.

But now this woman would even divorce him. Originally, I was the most handsome and placed my last hope on this family.

Although he felt very miserable now, he still had his wife and children waiting for him at home, but he didn't expect that he would never return to the harbor that had given him countless warmth, and the woman who loved him deeply had abandoned him.

I am the most handsome and know that I deserve it. When I first started my career, it was not plain sailing. My wife kept encouraging him.

And afraid of affecting his career, the two married without a banquet, but simply had a meal.

I was the most handsome. I once promised my wife that he would give a grand wedding to a woman when he had money. Don't let her hide in that dark place.

But he didn't keep his promise. Instead, when he became rich, he abandoned his wife and became a romantic outside, regardless of his children and wife. He can be said to be a complete asshole.

Thinking about his mistakes, he really has no face to ask his wife for forgiveness.

"Dangdang." There was a knock on the door outside.

When I opened the door, my face became ugly. He had guessed who the other party was. That was the lawyer my wife invited.

"Hello, sir. I'm entrusted by your wife to talk about divorce with you." The lawyer said with a smile.

When he spoke, he handed me the divorce agreement.

I looked at the content above and signed my name on it without saying anything.

He knew that this marriage ended under his misdeeds. Thinking about the good time he had always been with his wife, I was the most handsome and left tears of regret.

"Yes, sir, I won't bother you." The lawyer said with an embarrassed expression holding the agreement.

This was the first time he had met a client so happy that he signed the divorce agreement without even looking at the contents.

I thought it would be very troublesome. I prepared a lot of persuasive words before coming, but I didn't expect it to be so easy. He only said two words from entering to leaving.

After watching the lawyer leave, I am most handsome and even hope that time can go back.

If he is given another chance, he will certainly treat his wife well. He would rather not open the live broadcast to make money than stay with his wife, and he will not do that kind of thing sorry for his wife.

But time can't go back at all, and there is no regret medicine in the world.

I even made a decision. He logged in to an account. Of course, it was his own trumpet.

When he opened the studio, he bowed deeply to the screen.

"I apologize to those fans who used to like me. I'm sorry for what I did to disappoint you. I really regret it. I'm also sorry for my wife and children. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I'm the most handsome, cried bitterly.

It is said that men don't shed tears easily, but I can't cry anymore.

Despite the fans' abuse and abuse of his duties, he did not refute at all, but just apologized.

And I know very well in my most handsome heart that this live apology means that he admits what he has done and his live broadcasting career is completely over.

Suddenly, ye Chen's cell phone rang and looked at it. It was Wang XiaoCong's call.

"Brother Chen, you go live and have a look. The anchor apologized publicly. What was the stimulation?" Wang XiaoCong said with a smile.

Ye Chen also turned on his cell phone and saw the picture of my most handsome apology. He also felt a little surprised.

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