Ye Chen looked at the familiar and strange man in front of him, and his expression became a little surprised.

At the same time, he also knew what era he came to, that is, the Han Dynasty. The man in front of him was Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Bold, don't kneel down quickly, dare to stare at the emperor like this." A minister in the Court pointed to Ye Chen and said.

Ye Chen looked at the two bodyguards around him. At this time, they had knelt on their knees.

"Tell the Holy Father that we found this man walking furtively at the gate of the hall. We suspected that he was an assassin, so we took him here." A bodyguard lowered his head and said.

Liu Che looked at Ye Chen in front of him with an unhappy expression on his face. He thought that someone who was so bold and dared to assassinate him must have been sent by other countries.

Seeing ye Chen's clothes, he was more sure. He had never seen such a person.

"Who are you and who sent you to assassinate me?" Liu Che stares at Ye Chen and asks.

"No one sent me. I'm here to deliver you takeout." Ye Chen said faintly.

During this period, there was no word takeout at all, and people were puzzled when they heard it.

They only know that other countries will send envoys to offer treasures. Is it because the person in front of them is an envoy.

"You're here to offer a treasure to the emperor, aren't you?" A minister looked at the lunch box in Ye Chen's hand and asked.

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded and said.

He knows that at this time, people don't know what takeout is. Even if he explains too much, it's useless. It's better to follow them.

Anyway, ye Chen is also a person who is too lazy to explain. Just complete the takeout order.

"What's your name?" The minister continued.

"My name is Ye Chen." Ye Chen replied.

Although we know ye Chen's identity and know that he is not an assassin, but an envoy sent by other countries to offer treasure, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is not in the mood to see these.

He didn't find it strange to put any treasure in front of him, mainly because he didn't have any appetite these days, so he was in a bad mood.

There is no leisure to appreciate any treasure. What he wants to solve is the problem of appetite.

"I'm not in the mood to see your things. Please step back quickly." Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty waved his hand and said impatiently.

Seeing the performance of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, everyone felt that the messenger named Ye Chen was really lucky.

The people in the court were very nervous at the moment, because the chef in the imperial dining room didn't make food for him to have an appetite. He had punished many people.

Those ministers also have a sense of crisis at the moment. As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. They are worried that they will be punished next.

In other words, whoever leaves the hall can live.

"Holy Lord, you haven't seen what I brought. It's too arbitrary for you to say so." Ye Chen didn't leave, but said.

Hearing what ye Chen said, everyone felt that the man named Ye Chen was stupid. They all wanted to leave the hall quickly, but ye Chen had to stay here.

"The Holy Lord has let you go. Why don't you leave? You want to disobey the holy decree and don't want to live, do you?" One of the ministers said.

"I haven't finished my task. Of course I can't go." Ye Chen said and walked towards Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Everyone thought what ye Chen said was that he didn't complete the mission of offering treasure as an envoy, but they didn't know what he said was that he didn't complete the takeout task.

"I don't want to see your treasure at all." Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty said impatiently.

At this time, two ministers in the hall stopped Ye Chen's way.

"Stop, don't go any further." The two ministers shouted.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw Ye Chen walking in his direction, and he was getting closer and closer, and his expression became a little nervous.

When ye Chen saw someone stop him, he didn't go any further. Instead, he stopped and opened the box.

The ministers looked more nervous when they saw it. They were afraid that ye Chen would take out a dagger and stab the man on the Dragon chair.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty himself looked warily at the things in Ye Chen's hands. He was also afraid that they were daggers and so on.

The atmosphere in the hall became a little tense, as if the air was still. Everyone breathed and stared at the movements in Ye Chen's hands.

When ye Chen took out a bunch of sugar gourd, everyone was stunned.

"What on earth is this? It looks crystal clear. Is it a treasure?"

"It's really interesting to wear these beads with bamboo sticks."

"It looks red and makes people feel very good."

The ministers talked and completely forgot that they were in the middle of the hall and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was still sitting on the Dragon chair.

When they recovered, their faces became a little nervous, for fear that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would blame them.

To everyone's surprise, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not unhappy, but smiled on his face.

The reason for this performance is that when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw what ye Chen was holding, he suddenly had an appetite. He didn't know why.

Obviously, the red thing is jewelry, but why did he have an appetite and feel like he wanted to eat.

"Ye Chen, what's in your hand?" Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"This is ice sugar gourd. You can try it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked puzzled at the things in Ye Chen's hand, and then winked at the eunuch around him.

Worthy of being the one who has been around the emperor, the eunuch understood and walked in the direction of Ye Chen.

The eunuch came to Ye Chen and said, "give me this thing and let me present it to the Holy One."

Ye Chen nodded and handed the ice sugar gourd to the eunuch.

The eunuch took the ice sugar gourd and took it carefully. Then he took out a silver needle from his body and pricked it. After seeing that there was nothing wrong, he handed the string of ice sugar gourd to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Holy." Said the eunuch respectfully.

Ye Chen looked at the eunuch's action and felt that the ancient emperor was really tired. He had to be careful of being killed all the time.

Even if you eat something, you need to try it with a silver needle before you can eat it.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took the string of red ice sugar gourd, first gently bit it, chewed it a few times and swallowed it into his stomach.

Then there was a big gulp of food, completely ignoring the image.

I don't know why, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had more and more appetite. After eating a bunch, he looked at Ye Chen and asked, "is there anything else?"

"There's another one." Ye Chen quickly takes out another string of sugar gourd from the takeout box.

Seeing that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ate so freely, the ministers couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Even they want to taste the taste of sugar gourd. Just smelling it makes people feel like they can't stop.

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