Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw that ye Chen refused himself, and his face was also a little ugly.

Since his accession to the throne, he has always said one thing and no one dared to resist.

But the leaf Chen in front of him is the first person to disobey him. The person who dares to challenge his Majesty must be beheaded.

Everyone is waiting for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to order Ye Chen to cut off his head. They can't help feeling a little sorry for ye Chen. After all, he lost his life when he was so young.

Just because he refused the request that many people would like to eat with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Oh, what a pity."

"I think he deserved it. He dared to resist."

"Many people want this opportunity, but the messenger is so arrogant."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has an ugly expression and his angry teeth are itching. Ye Chen's practice is undoubtedly challenging his majesty.

However, it's too late for Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty to make friends with an expert like Ye Chen. How can he cut off Ye Chen's head.

He endured the anger in his heart and the creaking of his teeth.

Eunuchs and ministers in the hall trembled with fear when they saw the expression of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. What's more strange is why Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty didn't order Ye Chen to be killed?

The crowd looked at Ye Chen swaggering towards the hall, and their hearts were full of questions.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was about to have lunch when suddenly a soldier ran in in panic.

Seeing the soldier, Emperor Wu's face became more ugly.

"What happened? I was so flustered." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked in a cold voice.

He could see that the soldier had gone out to fight with Wei Qing before. Seeing this man's face flustered, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was also a little nervous.

It has been reported before that Wei Qing won the war, but he was not happy because he had no appetite.

But someone came to report that they had won the war, but Wei Qing and others did not return to the city. Seeing this person, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty knew that there must be bad news.

"Tell the emperor that we have won this battle, but general Wei was seriously injured and fainted." The soldier said with an ugly face.

"Then don't send it to the imperial doctor as soon as possible. Treat the general quickly." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty hurriedly said.

"The imperial doctors are already in the general's house, but these imperial doctors are helpless. I'm afraid the general..." The soldier saw the ugly face of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and swallowed what he had said.

"What did you say? What did you say the general was afraid of?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked, staring at the soldiers in front of him.

"I'm afraid it's more or less bad this time." The soldier sobbed.

"Nonsense, you dare to curse the general. Someone will drag the soldier down and cut him down." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said angrily.

In fact, he knew that what the soldiers said was true. After years of war, Wei Qing was already scarred. Of course, it was not only skin trauma, but also many internal injuries. But how could Wei Qing accept this fact because he led the troops to fight for many years.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty just lied to himself. He didn't allow others to say that Wei Qing would die.

None of the ministers dared to speak, and the hall became quiet again.

The soldier didn't beg for mercy. He thought it was very good for general Wei to take him as a brother for so many years. If Wei Qing left, it would be better to accompany him like this.

In this way, the two bodyguards escorted the soldier who came to report to the hall.

Everyone felt that the soldier was wronged, but no one dared to intercede. They knew that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was angry at the moment. Whoever interceded would have to die with the soldier.

"Wait, even if you kill him, will the general be all right?" Suddenly there was a sound.

The sound broke the tranquility in the hall and became very harsh.

Everyone looked at the door and found that the owner of the voice was Ye Chen.

They all think ye Chen is looking for death. Just now Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has spared him once. Unexpectedly, this guy hit the muzzle of the gun. This is not looking for death.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stared at Ye Chen and thought that this guy really challenged his patience again and again. Even if he was an expert, he would kill him. Otherwise, where would his majesty be.

"Ye Chen, how dare you contradict the emperor." The eunuch pointed to the young man standing at the door and said.

Then he continued, "someone dragged this man down and beheaded him."

Soon, two bodyguards came towards Ye Chen and would come forward to escort Ye Chen.

The ministers all shook their heads reluctantly. They felt that the young man really didn't understand good or bad. He even angered Longyan again and again. It wouldn't make sense if he didn't be cut down.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "it doesn't matter if you kill me, but your general is really hopeless."

Very tall Ye Chen's words, everyone felt that he was really delaying time, just afraid of death.

You should know that the medical skills of those imperial doctors are very superb. They have no way. How can this young man have a way.

Ministers all felt that ye Chen's move could not work at all. It could only make Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty more angry.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was stunned and became a little hesitant.

At this time, the eunuch next to him said, "Your Majesty, I think he can have a try. After all, the treasure he just presented gives you an appetite. Maybe there is a way?"

The eunuch is worthy of being a person who has been with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty all the year round. He knows how to observe his words and colors, and he is very clear about what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thinks.

Just now Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said he would kill Ye Chen. If he said he would not kill Ye Chen now, wouldn't his words be like farting.

He thinks Ye Chen is an expert and may really be able to do it.

Of course, if ye Chen is to delay time, he can still kill Ye Chen. But if ye Chen can really cure Wei Qing and kill Ye Chen because of his momentary mistake, won't he lose another general.

"Well, in that case, go and try. If not, I'll put you to death." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said in a cold voice.

The ministers did not expect that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would really let Ye Chen go and let him treat Wei Qing. Is this a joke.

How could ye Chen know medical skills when he was young? Maybe it was to escape halfway and avoid being killed.

But they all know that ye Chen may have a chance to escape. He must be followed by many bodyguards to prevent him from doing so.

The ministers even saw the scene that ye Chen was sentenced to death. They couldn't help feeling sorry for the young man. At the same time, they also felt that ye Chen deserved it. Who made him so crazy.

This is the end of madness.

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