Hearing the cry of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wei Qing got out of bed and knelt in front of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and said, "minister Wei Qing, I've seen your majesty."

It was this scene that surprised all the people present, widened their eyes, and showed an expression of disbelief on their faces.

Of course, ye Chen is definitely not included in these people. After all, he knows what's going on.

According to the imperial doctor, Wei Qing is a reflection, but it is impossible to respond to the cry of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or even get out of bed at all.

The only thing that can explain all this is that Wei Qingzhen has recovered.

"Wei Qing, what do you think?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty raised Wei Qing and asked.

"I feel that I have endless strength. I feel like a young man." Wei Qing said with a smile.

You know, Wei Qing's age is not small. It's impossible to be like what he said.

But in front of Wei Qing, he looks younger and radiant than before. It doesn't look like a dying man.

"Great. I knew you had nothing to do." Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty said with a smile.

Seeing Wei Qing's current state, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty put down his hanging heart again.

He didn't expect that Wei Qing could really wake up, and he looked very different from before. He seemed to be a lot younger.

"Your Majesty, I remember a young man who healed me. I want to thank him." Wei Qing quickly said.

Wei Qing fell asleep after eating the pill given to him by Ye Chen. He only remembered that a young man saved him. As for the treatment process, he didn't know at all.

"You quickly let the expert go." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pointed to the two bodyguards and said.

Hearing the speech, the two bodyguards quickly let Ye Chen go.

Ye Chen walked towards Wei Qing. When he passed the doctor, he smiled and said, "doctor, you lost."

"No, it's impossible. I don't believe it. I don't believe it." The doctor shouted loudly.

He didn't think he would really lose. You know, he has been studying medicine and can't compare with a young man. How can he accept it.

Ye Chen no longer paid attention to the almost crazy imperial doctor, but walked in the direction of Wei Qing and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"General Wei, you finally wake up. Your majesty has been worried about you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Thank Mr. Ye for saving his life. I, Wei Qing, have nothing to repay. Please accept my worship." When Wei Qing said this, he would bend down and bow to Ye Chen.

However, ye Chen stopped him. How can he be worshipped by Wei Qing? You know, Wei Qing's armor is very respected for killing countless enemies.

"General, it's important." Ye Chen quickly refused.

"Ye Chen, I just offended you." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said with an embarrassed expression.

Ye Chen knew that the reason why Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was like this was because he provoked Long Wei again and again. If it were other emperors, his head would have moved long ago.

But ye Chen is still standing here unharmed. It can be seen that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is not a tyrant at all.

"Your Majesty, it's my fault. I contradicted and provoked the holy anger." Ye Chen said.

He felt that he was wrong, and did not blame Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty alone.

"Your Majesty, now that general Wei has woken up, I can go, but I have one more thing." Ye Chen continued.

"What's the matter, but it doesn't matter." Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty said with a smile.

Now his heart is full of gratitude to Ye Chen. You know, saving Wei Qing is equivalent to keeping his country.

"Just now I bet with the imperial doctor that he can fulfill his promise and admit defeat." Ye Chen looked at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and said.

When the imperial doctor heard the speech, his legs trembled. He wanted to get rid of Ye Chen, but he didn't expect that he was unlucky in the end.

If I had known this result, the imperial doctor would not bet with Ye Chen.

Even if ye Chen can't be eliminated, he won't lose all his positions as a doctor. It's really not cost-effective.

Everyone knows what ye Chen means by willing to gamble and admit defeat, that is to let the imperial doctor leave the imperial hospital.

You know, it's not so easy to work in Taiyuan hospital. How can he bear to leave after he finally came here.

"Doctor Zhang, now that general Wei has woken up, it proves that you have lost. You should honor your promise." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at the imperial doctor with an ugly expression and said.

"Your Majesty, I'm wrong. Please forgive me this time. Lord Ye Chen is really an expert. I didn't expect to really save general Wei who was seriously injured." Doctor Zhang knelt before emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and begged for mercy.

"Don't tell me that you bet with Ye Chen. You need his forgiveness. If he forgives you, I can keep you in Taiyuan hospital." Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty waved his hand and said impatiently.

The imperial doctor had expected Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty to help him talk about love, but he didn't expect him to say so. It can be seen that Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was also afraid of Ye Chen.

Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty can't help himself, he can only talk to Ye Chen and see if ye Chen can bypass himself.

After all, he and ye Chen only met for the first time, and they didn't have any holidays. Maybe they can avoid this time.

Doctor Zhang walked slowly to Ye Chen and said in a pleading tone: "Lord Ye, if you are really an expert, you can save general Wei. I really admire you and want to learn medicine from you."

At the moment, the imperial doctor has changed the title of Ye Chen from direct name to adult Ye. This change is really too big.

Ye Chen didn't speak, but looked at Doctor Zhang. He knew that the doctor was not just to praise him. You know, those doctors in the hospital were very proud. It can be said that they looked at people with their nostrils.

Sure enough, Doctor Zhang continued to say, "Lord Ye, I just offended you so much. Let's forget the gambling appointment just now. It's really someone out of people. There's a day out of heaven."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Doctor Zhang, how can we count the bet? Isn't it a bit of a play, and we bet with the holy master."

He deliberately emphasized the words "bet with the holy emperor" in order to let Doctor Zhang have no way to go.

"Yes, what Lord Ye said is true, but if you can spare me once, I will be infinitely grateful." Doctor Zhang said with an embarrassed expression.

"Doctor, I don't need your gratitude. I just need you to fulfill what you just said." Ye Chen said without expression.

Ye Chen was not an aggressive person, but just now Doctor Zhang tried to cure him again and again.

Of course, ye Chen can't be kind to such a person.

Hearing the speech, Doctor Zhang was also stupid.

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