After ye Chen and Wang Hao signed the contract, he called Su Wanyi: "wife, are you finished over there?"

"Well, soon." Su Wanyi replied.

"I've signed the contract here. I'll go to you now." Ye Chen said.

"OK, but you may have to wait for me." Su Wanyi replied.

"It doesn't matter. Let's meet and talk." Ye Chen hung up after saying that.

Wang Hao hummed a tune all the way out of the company. He never dreamed of signing a contract with this famous entertainment company.

In fact, he thought he was good at singing before. He found several informal entertainment companies, but they all closed the door.

Wang Hao even wanted to go to the bar to sing, but he didn't succeed. He really had no other way but to sing and beg on the overpass.

Although passers-by pointed at him and laughed at his incompetence, Wang Hao didn't care. As long as he could save his girlfriend's life, he could do anything.

In fact, it was this that moved Ye Chen.

Wang Hao galloped towards the hospital on his shared bike. Moreover, when he came to the ward, he looked at his girlfriend lying in the hospital bed with an excited expression.

"Ah Hao, why are you back?" Zhang Ying looked at her boyfriend standing at the door and asked

"Xiao Ying, I want to tell you good news." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"What's the good news?" Zhang Ying asked with a puzzled expression.

"I signed a contract with star media. They want to train me to be a singer."

Then he continued, "Xiaoying, our good day is coming."

Zhang Ying's eyes widened in surprise when she heard that Wang Hao said she was going to star media company this morning. She has been praying for her boyfriend.

I didn't expect my boyfriend to sign a contract with such a big media company. It's really a great thing.

"Xiaoying, you don't have to worry about your medical expenses anymore. After your illness is cured, we'll get married and buy a house and take our parents over to live together. What do you say?" Wang Hao asked excitedly.

The two hugged each other, looked out of the window and looked forward to a better future.

This future is given by Ye Chen. Wang Hao has made up his mind to make some achievements, not only for himself, but also to repay Ye Chen's friendship.

"Secretary song, come to the office." Ye Chen calls Song Li and says.

"Mr. Ye, I'll be there in a minute." Song Li said happily.

Soon, Song Li came to the office door. Because the door was open, she went straight in.

"President Ye." Song Lirou shouted.

"Secretary song, this is the contract signed between the company and the new artist. Take good care of it." Ye Chen handed the document to Song Li and said.

"Does Su always know?" Song Li asked.

She felt that after all, this was also su Wanyi's company. She must inform Su Wanyi of such a major event as signing an artist.

Song Li is a very principled person. Even if she likes Ye Chen, she won't confuse work with personal feelings.

"Don't worry, I've finished with President su." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After listening to Song Li, her hanging heart was put down.

"Well, that's it. Go and get busy." After ye Chen finished, he turned and walked towards the door.

Originally, Song Li thought she had time to be alone with Ye Chen, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to leave so soon.

"Mr. Ye, you won't stay any longer?" Song Li looked at Ye Chen's back and asked.

"No, I have something else to do." Ye Chen said.

At this moment, he has walked out of the office.

Song Li reluctantly looks at Ye Chen's back and feels very sad.

Ye Chen goes out of the company door, drives towards Su Wanyi's company, and dials the phone downstairs.

"Wife, I'm here."

"Husband, come up first. I'm not finished here." Su Wanyi said helplessly.

After ye Chen parked the car, she went straight into the company and came to Su Wanyi's office.

At this time, the secretary came to the office and came back to pick up things according to Su Wanyi's instructions.

"Mr. Ye, President Su is still meeting in the conference room. Would you like to sit here and wait a moment? What can I do for you?" Su Wanyi's secretary looked at Ye Chen who came in and asked.

"OK, I'll wait for her here. Don't worry about me if you're busy." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After the secretary left, ye Chen sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, how comfortable she should be.

After all, this is his wife's territory. Of course, he is more relaxed here.

Waiting for Su Wanyi's Kung Fu, ye Chen is thinking about how to cultivate Wang Hao. After all, Wang Hao is not famous at all. It's not so easy to make him famous.

He must have a detailed plan. First, let Wang Hao be known.

This alone is not easy.

But ye Chen already had a plan in mind.

Just as he was thinking carefully, suddenly the mobile phone rang, interrupting his thoughts.

At first glance, it was Wang Hao who called. This really means that Cao Cao is coming.

Ye Chen also wondered why Wang Hao called him at this time. It had just been made clear that he was going to repent.

However, ye Chen is not worried at all. After all, Wang Hao can't afford the cost of breaking the contract. Presumably, he won't do so.

After all, ye Chen gave him a chance that many people dream of. How could he give up easily.

Although Wang Hao sings well, there are not a few better than him. He met Ye Chen and got back this opportunity.

It's like a good Qianlima meets bole.

No matter what happened to Wang Hao, ye Chen pressed the connect button.

"Wang Hao, what's up?" Ye Chen asked.

"Mr. Ye, I really have something to ask you." Said Wang Hao opposite.

"What's the matter, you said." Ye Chen said faintly.

"Well, Mr. Ye, didn't you give me a bank card last night?" Said Wang Hao.

"Well, what's wrong with the bank card?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

He thought there would be no problem with the bank card, and there was no password. Wang Hao could easily take out the money.

But listening to Wang Hao's three words of bank card, of course he would be confused.

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ye. There's no problem with the bank card. The main reason is that I want to return this card to you." Wang Hao said bluntly.

When he said this, ye Chen didn't understand more and completely confused Ye Chen.

Hearing that the other party didn't speak, Wang Hao continued: "Mr. Ye, I think you have helped me more. Now I have a job and income. I can earn Xiaoying's medical expenses, so I decided to return this card to you."

When Wang Hao told Zhang Ying that he had signed up with Star Media, the two of them made a decision to return the bank card to Ye Chen.

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