After hearing his daughter's words, Su Fu's lungs were really going to explode.

He even felt that his daughter had changed. When did Su Wanyi, the goddess of galloping business, become a love brain, regardless of the overall situation.

In fact, Su Wanyi is also nervous. She is not worried about the reputation of the Su family, but that ye Chen will be ridiculed and ridiculed by everyone once she fails.

This is what she doesn't want to see. Being with Ye Chen for a long time has inspired Su Wanyi's motherhood. She can't see ye Chen being hurt.

But now in this situation, Su Wanyi wants to help Ye Chen do something, but she is so powerless that she can only silently support Ye Chen from her heart.

Ye Chen didn't start at once, but walked away.

They thought he was going to run away and wanted to coax, but when they saw Ye Chen, he just took off his coat.

Su Fu was also nervous. He thought that if ye Chen ran away at this time, he would be even more ashamed.

How could ye Chen be such a person? There has never been the word escape in his dictionary.

He rolled up his sleeves, picked up the melon and walked back.

Seeing ye Chen's action, they talked again.

"The boy doesn't really want to cook."

"I don't think he can cook."

"I guess it's just pretending there."

Ye Chen ignored all people's comments. He washed melon and cut it in half with the a knife.

He put half of the melons aside, peeled the other half, threw it into the sky, Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shu.

Each piece is crystal clear and as thin as a cicada's wing, which is enough to see how good Ye Chen's knife is.

Ye Chen is a man with divine cooking skills. Cooking is a piece of cake for him.

Everyone present was stunned. When the waiter went to get the guy, he alerted the chef in the back kitchen. He couldn't help but be curious when he heard someone wanted to cook.

So he followed and saw Ye Chen's cutting vegetables. Even the chef was stunned.

"God, watching him cut vegetables is like watching a show."

"You see that half of the melon was handled by him so quickly."

"It's really great."

Everyone's words are praise to Ye Chen.

This is not over, ye Chen cut those pieces into thin silk.

The crowd was even more surprised to lose their chin.

This is God's operation. I feel that people who can have this ability can't be ye Chen's age.

Ye Chen cut the silk and put it into water to stand.

Then cut the garlic into small pieces and put it into a pot filled with oil. Soon the flavor comes out.

Ye Chen took the shredded melons out of the water, put them into the pot, and then put a little vinegar and salt.

Soon a faint smell came out. Seeing the seasoning put by Ye Chen, everyone knew that this was a vinegar melon silk.

After frying for a while, ye Chen poured the dishes in the pot into the plate.

I don't know why, when ye Chen was cooking, everyone present felt that their saliva was going to flow down.

Everyone here is used to delicacies. How can they be so interested in this vegetable dish? But the fact is that they can't wait to taste it.

Ye Chen put the plate on the table and said with a smile, "you can taste it and feel its magic."

Hearing the speech, regardless of the image, the people rushed to the table, pinched the melon silk into their mouth and tasted it carefully.

"Delicious, it's really delicious."

"This is the most delicious food I've ever eaten."

"Crisp, fragrant and refreshing."

The vinegar shredded melon made by Ye Chen can be said to be full of color, flavor and fragrance. The fragrant vegetable flavor keeps drilling into the nostrils of the guests and stimulating everyone's taste buds.

It is said that spicy food can greatly increase people's appetite, but the dish made by Ye Chen also makes people unable to stop.

As wolves have more meat and less meat, there are few melons and silk left in a plate soon.

Seeing that everyone was very happy to eat, Zhao Qing couldn't help taking a bite with her hand and putting it into her mouth.

"It tastes really good." Zhao Qing was full of praise while eating, completely ignoring Zhou Jun's eyes staring at him.

Suddenly someone said, "I don't know why, after eating that shredded melon, my head doesn't hurt."

Then someone said, "I feel like I suddenly have strength."

Then many people said how they felt after eating shredded melons.

Su Fu thought that the Su family would lose face today because of Ye Chen's recklessness, but he didn't expect that everyone would praise ye Chen, which made him very happy.

Hearing the people's words, Su Fu also felt a little incredible. He also came forward and squeezed a mouthful of melon silk into his mouth.

A magical thing happened. Su Fu had a heart attack. Just because of Ye Chen, his heart hurt, but now nothing happened.

I feel my heart beating like a young man, very powerful.

"Master Zhou, try it, too. It's really good, or you'll regret it." Zhao Qing kindly reminded.

"It's just fried melon silk. It's really a group of people I haven't seen before." Zhou Jun said contemptuously.

As he spoke, he put the remaining melon silk into his mouth. Just now he saw that everyone was robbing there. He was also a little greedy.

After all, Zhou Jun has been taunting Ye Chen just now. How can he eat what ye Chen makes? Fortunately, Zhao Qing gave him a step down.

After eating, Zhou Jun also looked at Ye Chen in surprise. He even felt that he had never eaten such delicious food since he was a child.

More importantly, he found that the magic news of the scar on his hand was gone, just like a ghost.

"Well, everyone must have felt his magic after eating this melon silk just now." Ye Chen smiled and looked at the people staring at him and said with a smile.

Originally, we just thought it was an ordinary melon, but we didn't expect it to have such a magical effect.

These people are very rich. What they care about most is their health.

Since ye Chen's melon is so magical, they all think that if they can eat it often, it must be very good for their health. They all want to buy the half melon from ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye, I want the other half of the melon in your hand. Please make a price." One of the big bellied middle-aged men said.

It's not just him. In fact, many people present want to buy it. After all, it can cure all diseases. It's faster than the curative effect of medicine.

"Sorry, this is my birthday gift to Grandpa su. I don't sell it." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Ye Chen doesn't need money at all. How can he sell such a good thing casually?

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