Wang Hao was not such a submissive person, mainly because ye Chen told him not to talk more before.

"Of course you don't know. How can a person who has done something wrong admit that he has done something wrong?" Zhang Tao said sarcastically.

Then he smiled and said, "I dare not do such a thing. It's really admirable that you, a newly signed artist, dare to take private work."

Of course, everyone knew that Zhang Tao was ironic, and they couldn't help feeling sorry for Wang Hao.

You know, if you do such a thing, the company will not only terminate the contract with Wang Hao, but also pursue his responsibility.

Zhang Tao was so provocative because Wang Hao disturbed his star dream and the song sung by Wang Hao became popular overnight.

At the moment, his heart is envious, jealous and hateful.

Seeing that Wang Hao didn't say anything, Zhang Tao was even more proud: "Wang Hao, don't blame me for not reminding you. Doing so is tantamount to breaking your own way back."

Hearing Zhang Tao's evil words, Wang Hao tried to tell the truth several times, but he held back and clenched his fist.

Since ye Chen told him before, he must do it.

"The company will certainly punish you for your behavior." Zhang Tao said proudly.

Originally, he heard that the company had signed a new artist and thought about how to drive this person out of the company, but he didn't expect that his opponent would be so stupid and dig his own grave.

He kicked himself out without waiting for him to do it. He's really a fool.

"Wang Hao, you are mute. Why don't you speak?" Zhang Tao said provocatively.

Wang Hao remained silent. He just thought about why Ye Chen and Su Wanyi didn't come. He was really afraid that he would be unable to help himself under Zhang Tao's constant provocation.

Zhang Tao just felt that Wang Hao was too frightened to speak, and hummed a small Song proudly on his face.

His heart also felt that his opponent was really too weak and had no fun fighting him.

At this time, Su Wanyi walked into the conference room and sat in an empty seat.

Seeing that ye Chen didn't come, Wang Tao couldn't help thinking about why President Ye didn't come to the meeting?

"Let's come today because of the song" simple love "sung by Wang Hao. I want to hear your thoughts?" Su Wanyi said straight to the point.

"President Su, I think Wang Hao, as a newly signed artist of the company, should be treated seriously." Zhang Tao said.

Ye Chen walked in towards the conference room and found an empty seat to sit down.

"Why do you say he took private work?" Ye Chen asked.

"Which onion and which garlic are you, even deserve to talk to me." Zhang Tao pointed to Ye Chen and said.

This is the first time Zhang Tao has seen Ye Chen. He doesn't know ye Chen's identity at all. He just thinks he is a small employee of the company.

Su Wanyi was about to speak, but ye Chen smiled and said, "why do you have an opinion?"

Ye Chen's words were full of provocation, and Zhang Tao was too angry to speak for a long time.

"Mr. Su, this man doesn't understand the rules. He dares to talk to me like this. Should you kick him out?" Zhang Tao looked at Su Wanyi and said.

After all, the artists of the company now belong to him. He has more strength and can make money for the company. Su Wanyi must be on his side.

But unexpectedly, Su Wanyi ignored his words at all, but continued: "I think this song is very good, what do you think?"

The reason why Su Wanyi didn't argue with Zhang Tao is that he can still earn income for the company.

"Well, I think it's also super first-class in terms of lyrics and music." One of the top executives spoke out his thoughts.

Then many people also agreed.

"This song is definitely made by God."

"I was also very moved when I heard it."

"I feel like I've never seen such an excellent work in so many years."

Everyone was full of praise, but Zhang Tao said with a joking face: "I think this song is nonsense. Even if a child can write it, you still praise him. You really don't understand anything."

From Zhang Tao's mouth, it can be said that this song is worthless.

Wang Hao couldn't help but look angry. He was shocked when Zhang Tao provoked him just now.

But this guy even slanders the song created by Ye Chen, which makes Wang Hao unbearable.

Who is Ye Chen? That's Wang Hao's noble man.

He said he could do anything, but he couldn't say ye Chen No.

Ye Chen saw the expression on Wang Hao's face and motioned him not to be impulsive.

He wants to see what Zhang Tao will say next, and he just wants to use this meeting to completely sweep Zhang Tao out of the door.

But Zhang Tao still didn't know it. He always thought that the company would lose a lot if it left him.

Su Wanyi couldn't help frowning. She was glad that she didn't focus all her energy on cultivating Zhang Tao after listening to Ye Chen.

Such arrogant artists will certainly cause trouble to the company.

Hearing Zhang Tao's words, the senior executives here could not help shaking their heads and felt that the artist was really a little too open-minded.

Ye Chen didn't make a sound either. He wanted to see how rampant Zhang Tao could be.

"President Su, I think Wang Hao's appearance will damage the reputation of the company and must be dealt with seriously." Zhang Tao continued.

"Zhang Tao, shut up." Su Wanyi really can't bear it anymore.

"President Su, I'm not wrong. I think we should deal with Wang Hao's behavior seriously and make an example." Zhang Tao continued.

"Zhang Tao, have you said enough? There are so many company executives here who still talk. You're here to keep pushing." Ye Chen frowned and said.

"What are you? Dare you teach me a lesson and get out of here." Zhang Tao said angrily.

He didn't dare say Su Wanyi. He could only send fire to Ye Chen.

"Well, now, I'll tell you who I am. Like President Su, I'm the boss of this company. My name is Ye Chen. I think you should get out."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Tao was completely stupid. He didn't expect to annoy the boss because his mouth was open.

But even so, he doesn't worry, because now the company's income depends on him, and he doesn't dare to do anything about him.

"You have forgotten that without me, the company will not get so much revenue." Zhang Tao shouted on his face.

"OK, I can tell you now that you have been dismissed by the company. The security guard will kick out this person who has nothing to do with the company." Ye Chen shouted.

This time, Zhang Tao was stupid. He wanted to be more popular, but he didn't expect to be driven out.

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