After Wang Hao left, ye Chen came to the office and saw Su Wanyi sitting inside.

"Wife, everything has been arranged." Ye Chen asked.

"Well, it's all over, husband. How do I feel like you've changed today?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen in surprise and asked.

"How could it?" Ye Chen asked.

He didn't know why Su Wanyi said this. Where did he see that he was different from usual.

"You are so handsome today, especially when you kick Zhang Tao out." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen admiringly and said.

"Oh, that's it. Be careful. You haven't seen the more handsome side of your husband." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Cut, then you let me see." Su Wanyi glanced at Ye Chen and said.

"Well, there must be a chance." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, wife, I'll take you back to the company. Is there anything else on your side?" Ye Chen said.

"You should not only send me back to the company, but also have dinner with me." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said.

"OK, no problem. What does your wife say?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

The two men walked out of the office hand in hand and left the company.

Ye Chen drove Su Wanyi in the direction of the company. In order to save time, he decided to choose a restaurant in the passing restaurant.

"Wife, what would you like to eat, Chinese food, Western food or Japanese food?" Ye Chen looked at the girl around her and asked.

"Whatever, I can." Su Wanyi said.

Since Su Wanyi had no choice, ye Chen chose a Chinese restaurant.

Ye Chen parked the car and the two walked in.

"Welcome! Please come in, sir and miss." The waitress smiled and said.

Under the guidance of the waitress, the two came to a seat and sat down.

"Have you been to my store before?" The waitress asked.

"No, this is the first time. Please introduce us to the signature dishes." Ye Chen said bluntly.

Unless they have been there before, ye Chen and Su Wanyi will ask the waiter to introduce the dishes when they come to the restaurant for dinner.

"I wonder if you two can eat spicy food?" The waitress smiled and said.

Ye Chen glanced at Su Wanyi, as if asking for her advice.

Su Wanyi nodded and said, "yes."

"In that case, I suggest you two have a taste of my maoxuewang, which is very good." The waitress smiled and said.

"What else is there?" Ye Chen asked.

"I think this dish is enough for you two, or you can order a vegetarian dish." The waitress smiled and said.

From the words of the waitress, we can see that this shop is a conscience shop.

Generally, when you go to a restaurant, the waiter will recommend you this or that, but others only recommend you one dish, and say that two people can eat enough.

"Well, I'll listen to you. Give me another cold dish and arrange it for you." Ye Chen nodded and said.

When the waitress left, Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said, "husband, I was thinking that if someone knew that song was written by you, you would be angry."

When Su Wanyi said this, she looked excited, as if she had seen Ye Chen become a big star.

"Silly girl, I can't let others know." Ye Chen said with a smile.

If you were someone else, you would be very beautiful, but ye Chen said so.

To know how many people want to become famous and enter the entertainment industry is to reduce their heads, but ye Chen has never thought about it at all.

Su Wanyi feels that her husband is super first-class in both appearance, figure and talent. She is completely made of star material.

"Why? It's a good thing for you." Su Wanyi frowned and said.

"Silly girl, that's not the life I want. Becoming a star has to be bound by a lot. I just want to live a free life." Ye Chen spoke out her thoughts.

"And there's one more thing I want to tell you." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Su Wanyi asked.

"That is to forbid anyone to disclose my identity. I don't want to make trouble for myself." Ye Chen said.

"And if my identity is announced, I won't create any works for the company in the future."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi couldn't help tightening her heart.

She suddenly understood that ye Chen wanted to hide her identity and didn't want to be exposed at all.

"Well, I promise you. I hope you won't regret your decision." Su Wanyi sighed and said.

She thinks this opportunity is too rare. This song is so popular that many people want to find Ye Chen. It's difficult to miss this opportunity.

"Silly, how can I regret it? I just want to live a plain life with you. You see, which big star's life is plain, there are a lot of helplessness." Ye Chen scraped Su Wanyi's Qiong nose and said.

After hearing this, ye Chen really made sense. Su Wanyi couldn't help being moved.

She felt that ye Chen didn't want to be famous, but wanted to live a plain life with her.

In fact, ye Chen's idea is to be a happy takeout, and then in her spare time, she can help Su Wanyi and enjoy a better life.

Bi Shujing has been alive for decades. Ye Chen doesn't want to be bound by fame, wealth and status.

He wants to live according to his own ideas and be with his loved ones.

While the two were chatting, the waitress came with a big bowl.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi were also shocked. The bowl was too big. This was the first time they saw it.

"Two, this is Mao xuewang. Please take your time." The waitress put the big bowl in front of Ye Chen and Su Wanyi and said with a smile.

Good guy, this is too big. No wonder the waitress said that only one dish is enough.

Looking at the big bowl in front of her, ye Chen thought, "even if there are two more people to eat, there is no problem."

This shop is really conscientious. The quantity of dishes is amazing, and the price is not so high.

After a while, the waitress brought another plate of celery, Lily and two bowls of rice.

"Gentlemen, your dishes are ready. Please take your time." The waitress smiled and left.

Just as ye Chen was about to clip vegetables with chopsticks, a systematic prompt sounded in her mind.

"Congratulations to the host. You have obtained a new take out order. Do you accept it?"

Ye Chen thought that this order would not come early or late. Why did he come only when he had dinner?

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