Sakura and Naruto are also ready to fight.

At this time, Naruto shouted, "Sakura, I'll protect you."

Naruto stared at Ye Chen and asked coldly, "who are you and why are you here? You're not from Huoying village."

Ye Chen was stunned and looked at the Naruto with a bursting sense of justice on his face.

It has to be said that Naruto has a sense of justice in front of him, but in Ye Chen's opinion, he is very middle two.

Ye Chen knows that these three people are the protagonists of Naruto.

Looking at the Ninja fingerprints pinched by Sakura and Sasuke, ye Chen is not afraid, but very excited.

"Who the hell are you?"

Looking at Ye Chen's indifferent face, the three teenagers became more vigilant.

Because they all felt a very terrible smell from ye Chen.

Besides, what does Ye Chen open?

Is this some kind of advanced ninja?

However, all three felt that ye Chen's Ninja was very cool.

Naruto stared at Ye Chen's sports car.

Although in the author's works, the ninja world has a lot of Ninja, and there are some modern things, but there is no such thing as car.

So people are also very curious to see ye Chen's car.

At the moment, they feel Ye Chen's eyes are almost straight.

I have to say, ye Chen is so handsome.

After ye Chen got out of the car, she smiled calmly.

Because ye Chen knows that the three have not grown up yet, and their combat effectiveness is still very poor.

If they really fight, the three children are not necessarily Ye Chen's opponents.

But I have to admit that if these three children grow up, they are not their opponents.

After all, these children can destroy the existence of a city without moving a ninja.

Especially the celebrities in the later stage have the immortal mode, which is more awesome.

But now, a few people are just hairy boys.

Ye Chen is naturally not afraid.

Ye Chen looked at the three people with a faint smile and said, "don't worry, I'm not a bad man, and I won't threaten your village."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, several people were stunned.

Naruto said with a sword in his hand, "if you say you are not a bad man, will we believe it?"

After listening to Naruto's words, ye Chen said, "but I think you seem to be ill."

Hearing that ye Chen said he was ill, Naruto was stunned.

"What are you talking about? I'm sick?"

Ye Chen nodded: "yes, your disease is not light, and you get a secondary disease."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Naruto was anxious. His body rushed over like a strong wind, and the sword in his hand stabbed Ye Chen directly.

However, today's celebrities are really too weak.

His attack is full of loopholes for ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled faintly when he saw Naruto's attack.

His body flashed, and then his powerful speed and strength burst out in an instant.

Ye Chen uses a bit similar to Xiao Li's body skill, but he is rich enough to deal with Naruto.

Naruto's wrist was caught by Ye Chen, and then ye Chen made a sudden effort.

Naruto was directly thrown out by Ye Chen.


Naruto fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing Naruto fall out, Sakura and Sasuke are stunned.

Both of them looked at Ye Chen with a shocked face.

Who is this person and how can he have such strong strength?

"It's impossible. Seeing that this man is not very old, how can he be so strong?"

Moreover, his physique is not even lost to Mr. Kai.

Suddenly, Sasuke's face on one side was also dignified.

He glanced at the Naruto thrown away.

Although Naruto was thrown out and hit a tree.

But this guy had rough skin and thick flesh, but he didn't get hurt.

However, now Naruto has just taken the test of Zhongren, and his strength is close to Zhongren.

Several people have been practicing with teacher Kakashi, and now they are about to graduate.

However, Naruto was thrown out directly by the young man in front of him.

The strength of this young man is too terrible.

It can be said that ye Chen's impact on the three people can be described as explosion.

How can there be such a powerful person in this world except Mr. Kai.

At this time, Naruto also stood up.

Obviously, he's fine.

At this point, ye Chen still has a sense of propriety, otherwise he won't directly throw Naruto out just now.

Now, the state of Naruto is estimated to be just a little dizzy.

Naruto took a deep breath: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"But good, you also succeeded in provoking my anger."

Naruto is the same as that in the cartoon, as always in form two.

Naruto can't stand losing face in front of her favorite girl Sakura.

Suddenly, Naruto used his strongest Ninja to separate himself.

I saw that with the release of chakara, Naruto's body appeared countless separations.

These separated hands are holding swords.

Suddenly, countless separate bodies rushed towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen couldn't help sighing at these separated bodies. It's worthy of ninja.

Although Ye Chen has experienced many battles, it is the first time for ye Chen to face ninja.

I have to say, Ninja is really cool.

In this move, Naruto used almost all of chakara, and ye Chen knew that Naruto could not do it with his own strength.

This guy must have used the power of some Nine Tailed Fox.

More than 200 Narutos rushed towards Ye Chen.

Sasuke couldn't help laughing.

Although Naruto is usually the tail of the crane among the three people, Sasuke is also very clear that Naruto can break out a strong combat effectiveness after so many battles.

"Naruto has so many separate bodies. I believe that no matter how strong his body skill is, there is no way."

Sakura on one side also couldn't help saying.

At this time, ye Chen saw the split body rushing over, but a faint smile.

Ye Chen's wrist turned.

Brush, a silver gun appeared in his hand.

He swept away thousands of troops with a direct move.

I saw that those shadows that had just been close to Ye Chen were directly turned into foam by Ye Chen's sweeping.

The silver gun in Ye Chen's hand is waving like flying.

Countless gun shadows constantly pick up the rushing shadows.

Watching countless celebrities being picked up by silver guns, everyone was stunned.

"God, this man is really strong." Even Sasuke couldn't help exclaiming.

Sakura is also very shocked.

They have never seen such a strong expert.

It can be said that ye Chen's body skill is even better than Kai.

"What kind of Ninja is this?"

Sakura exclaimed.

"No, it's not ninja, it's body art."

Sasuke corrected.

(Genesis's new book, "the agreed abandoned house is actually the male god of the whole network?" If you like, you can have a look

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