"What do you want to say?" Ye Chen looked at the big boy in front of him with a puzzled expression and asked.

"President ye, I want to say thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be who I am now."

When Wang Hao said this, his eyes were a little wet.

Ye Chen is the one who can't see girls crying, but he can't stand the boy crying in front of him.

"Wang Hao, you don't have to thank me. You just need to prove yourself to the world." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Su Wanyi was not only amused when she saw the scene in front of her.

Because of Wang Hao's face, she didn't laugh.

"Well, Mr. Ye, I will work hard." Wang Hao nodded and said.

"By the way, Wang Hao, I want to discuss something with you?" Ye Chen smiled and said.

In fact, Wang Hao has always wondered why Ye Chen called himself over.

"Mr. Ye, you said." Wang Hao said.

"Well, I won't beat around the bush with you. I heard that all the tickets for the concert have been robbed. Is there really no other vacant seats?" Ye Chen said straight to the point.

"Well, I don't know. This is also my first concert." Wang Hao scratched his head and said.

"Oh, that's right. Do you agree to add two more positions?" Ye Chen asked tentatively.

After all, this concert belongs to Wang Hao. He still needs to ask his own opinion first.

"Mr. Ye, no problem." Wang Hao smiled and said.

Su Wanyi heard the two chatting and came over and asked.

"Ye Chen, why add two more positions?"

Without hesitation, ye Chen said, "well, I know two fans of Wang Hao. They especially want to see Wang Hao at the scene, but they have robbed all the tickets, so I came up with a way to add two positions."

Before Wang Hao spoke, Su Wanyi asked, "the two fans you mentioned should be girls?"

"Yes, it's my two schoolgirls." Ye Chen said bluntly.

Su Wanyi's expression was a little gloomy.

She didn't expect that ye Chen would come up with such a way for the two girls to go to the concert.

Su Wanyi was also jealous.

"You are the boss of this company. You can decide this by yourself. You don't have to ask us at all." Su Wanyi said coldly.

"This company belongs to you. Wang Hao himself needs to agree, and your boss has to agree." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

In fact, he wanted to wait until Wang Hao's consent was obtained before talking to Su Wanyi.

Now Su Wanyi is here, just two people said together.

"Since you have a new idea, why don't you discuss it with them and I'll go back to the office." Su Wanyi turned and was about to walk out of the conference room.

"No, I'd better wait for you in the office. I haven't been involved in the concert. You'd better come." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Knowing that Su Wanyi must be angry, he hurried away with interest.

In Ye Chen's eyes, this is nothing at all.

He has no selfish thoughts about Xie YingYing and Liu Tingting, but treats them as his sister.

When she just saw Ye Chen coming, Su Wanyi was still very happy and wanted to discuss things with him.

But hearing that ye Chen came for two girls, her mood fell to the bottom in an instant.

Somehow, Su Wanyi could no longer concentrate.

She couldn't hear what the surrounding staff said clearly.

"What's the matter with Ye Chen? It's for two girls. What's the relationship between these two people and him?" Su Wanyi thought wildly.

Su Wanyi has just noticed that she has lost her manners. She is the boss of the company. How can she say such irresponsible words.

Think about it, I feel ashamed of these staff.

Of course, other staff in the conference room also noticed Su Wanyi's emotional changes, but no one dared to ask.

Song Li was just guessing in her heart and didn't dare to make a sound.

Su Wanyi is the boss after all. How can their employees manage the boss's affairs.

If you don't, you'll be fired.

After more than an hour, the door of the conference room opened.

Su Wanyi came out of her mind.

Wang Hao also chased out and asked, "President Su, are you okay?"

"It's all right, Wang Hao. Are you looking for me?" Su Wanyi waved her hand and asked.

"No, I just want to tell you that you misunderstood president Ye." Wang Hao said slowly.

As a boy, he can see that Su Wanyi is unhappy because of Ye Chen.

But Wang Hao can also feel Ye Chen's love for Su Wanyi.

Because ye Chen is kind to him, he also wants to help Ye Chen.

Seeing the misunderstanding between Su Wanyi and ye Chen, he wanted to help Ye Chen explain.

"Well, I see." Su Wanyi nodded and said.

Wang Hao is also a very knowledgeable person. He knows that Su Wanyi doesn't want to discuss this topic.

"Mr. Su, if there's nothing else, I'll go." Wang Hao said.

When Wang Hao left, Chang Wu came over.

Because Su Wanyi just let Ye Chen decide by herself, ye Chen found the business.

Su Wanyi is the boss of the company. Of course, he has to report to Su Wanyi.

"President Su, President Ye just discussed with me about adding two positions to the concert. Where do you think it would be better to add them?" The field manager asked.

In fact, ye Chen can decide this position. The reason why he didn't decide is to respect Su Wanyi.

"Right ahead." Su Wanyi rubbed her sore forehead and said.

"Well, well, I'll arrange it right away." After finishing the field work, he left.

In this way, Su Wanyi also gave Ye Chen enough face.

Although she was reluctant, she still didn't want the two people to have contradictions because of this matter.

After discussing things with the field affairs, ye Chen returned to the office.

Seeing Su Wanyi coming in, ye Chen smiled and said, "wife, you're back."

"By the way, husband, I just told the field manager to add those two positions directly in front of the stage." Su Wanyi said without expression.

"Everything is up to my wife." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Now you can tell the two girls." Su Wanyi said with a sense of jealousy.

"Wife, how can I smell vinegar? Has the vinegar jar been knocked over?" Ye Chen joked.

"Don't laugh with me here. Tell me what these two girls have to do with you?" Su Wanyi really couldn't hold back.

She knows that if she doesn't find out what the relationship between the two girls and ye Chen is, she must be restless today.

"Wife, I just said it. It's just two schoolgirls." Ye Chen said helplessly.

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