Ye Chen stops at the roadside and connects the phone.

"Lawyer Zhang, what can I do for you?"

On the other end of the phone, there was the voice of Lawyer Zhang.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry to bother you. It's like this. This woman's family also has a child who will take the college entrance examination this year."

"If this woman is sentenced, it will certainly affect the child's future."

Ye Chen can hear Lawyer Zhang's embarrassment.

"Mr. Ye, are you thinking, thinking..."

Of course, he knew that Lawyer Zhang also felt sorry for the child and wanted to persuade him to change his mind.

If you really insist on suing women, women will be punished.

But the child will be implicated because of such a mother.

This is obviously unfair to children.

Ye Chen thought for a moment and said, "well, I won't sue that woman. Just help me scare her, so that she won't dare to do such a thing in the future."

"Mr. Ye is really kind-hearted. Don't worry, I will do it."

After hanging up the phone, Lawyer Zhang also breathed a sigh of relief.

He is also afraid that ye Chen will not agree, mainly because this woman is really hateful.

However, at the thought of the child about to take the college entrance examination, Lawyer Zhang was a little impatient.

"Madam, I just talked to Mr. Ye on the phone. He said he reserves the right to sue you. I hope you can take care of yourself."

There was a serious expression on Lawyer Zhang's face.

"I promise you, I will never dare again. Thank Mr. Ye for me."

The daughter-in-law also burst into tears when she heard the speech. She didn't expect Ye Chen to really stop investigating.

"Mr. lawyer, I'll transfer the money back to Mr. Ye now."

The daughter-in-law suddenly thought of something and said.

At this time, ye Chen's mobile phone sent a text message. At a glance, it turned out that the million was called back.

Ye Chen put her mobile phone away, got on the electric car and drove towards the front.

Just then, a systematic prompt sound came from my mind.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the order of Wanjie takeout. Do you accept it?"


Ye Chen thought in her heart that there was nothing right now.

According to the prompt of the system, ye Chen came to the nearby shop and bought a bottle of wine.

It seems that this customer should be very fond of drinking.

It is said that drinking is harmful to health, but ye Chen thinks that as long as it can satisfy customers.

After Jiuye found a good place to ride an electric car.

The wormhole opened and he drove in.

Once again, there is another world.

To Ye Chen's surprise, it was dark.

And there was a strong wind blowing around him, which made people's hair stand up directly.

When ye Chen looked around, he found that he was standing on the mountain.

After reconfirmation, it is indeed on the mountain.

He didn't understand that the system asked him to come to the mountain at night and send express to whom.

The darkness around is terrible. Coupled with the strong wind, it feels like taking ghost films.

"System, where is this?"

Ye Chen asked in her mind.

But I didn't wait for the system's answer for a long time.

Forget it, let it be.

If there is danger, ye Chen believes he can deal with it.

But there has always been a mystery in my heart. Who is the customer and where is it now.

Just when ye Chen was suspicious, a slight cough came from behind.

Ye Chen suddenly turned back and there was no one, which made his scalp numb.

He listened carefully again. The sound came from the woods behind him.

Ye Chen hurried to trot all the way.

He can't wait to see that man.

When ye Chen walked through the woods, he saw a figure.

This figure is very tall and straight, giving people a feeling of immortality.

Ye Chen looked at the man in front of him and was stunned.

The other party sees Ye Chen with the same expression.

"Who are you?"

The man looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Hello, I'm Ye Chen, a takeout from Wanjie. I've come to deliver the takeout to you."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"What is takeout?"

Men are obviously confused when they hear this word.

"This is what you want. I don't know what to call you?"

Ye Chen handed the bottle of high wine to the other party and asked.

"Just call me Taibai."

The man smiled and said.

"Taibai, Li Taibai?" Ye Chen thought in her heart.

The person in front of us is the poet Li Bai.

He has learned a lot of his poems, and he admires the great poet very much.

Ye Chen appreciates his talent and regrets his lack of talent.

I didn't expect to see this person today. It's really a great honor.

Li Bai's face brightened when he saw the wine handed over by Ye Chen.

In Ye Chen's impression, Li Bai is a person who likes drinking and writing poetry.

However, ye Chen felt that he was also a little strange when he ran to the mountain this big night. He couldn't help saying the questions in his heart.

"Brother Taibai, why did you come here this big night?"

"Brother Ye Chen, come to Huashan at the beginning of next year."

Said Li Bai, stroking his beard.

Ye Chen thinks that Li Bai's answer is not what he asked.

"Brother Taibai, I want to ask why it's bedtime. Why did you come here? Didn't you feel the cold wind?"

Ye Chen said more bluntly.

"You see how beautiful the moonlight is. I came for this, but I didn't expect it to be so cold here."

Li Bai opened his mouth and explained.

He took the wine in his hand, opened the lid, lifted his neck and drank it.

When ye Chen saw it, he was dumbfounded.

The degree of this wine is very high. When ye Chen wants to remind him, it's too late.

At this time, Li Bai had drunk half of a bottle of wine.

"Good wine, good wine..."

Li Bai praised it all the time.

Ye Chen looked a little stunned. You should know that this high wine directly lay down after drinking so much.

Although Li Bai didn't lie down, his face was red.

The steps under my feet are floating.

At first glance, it's drunk.

Just now, Li Bai felt so cold that his nose had come out.

Ye Chen's wine is just like rain in time.

After drinking the wine, Li Bai felt much warmer.

Seeing that Li Bai had some hair floating, ye Chen also pinched a sweat.

At their feet are cliffs, which will fall to pieces if they are careless.

If the customer falls down, ye Chen has to save it. It's too troublesome.

"Brother Taibai, you should pay attention to the safety of your feet."

Ye Chen hurriedly reminded.

"Brother Ye Chen, don't worry, don't worry."

Li Bai said at ease, but when ye Chen saw his posture, his heart was about to rise to his throat.

He was really afraid that Li Bai would fall down accidentally.

Ye Chen hurriedly pushed the drunken Li Bai to a place far away from the edge of the cliff.

In order to avoid Li Bai coming again, ye Chen had to stand close to the edge of the cliff.

In this way, ye Chen looked at Li Bai's continuous pouring of wine, and felt a vague melancholy in her heart.

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