The next second, the dog licking man quickly begged.

"Sasha, I'm wrong. Please give me another chance."

Ye Chen knows that the more such a man is, the more he will be looked down upon.

The girl was surprised to see that she didn't go upstairs.

The dog licking man looked depressed and sighed.

He even regretted his intestines. He thought that with his conditions, the girl would hesitate.

After all, two people have been together for so long, they will have feelings anyway.

But what the dog licking man didn't expect was that the girl accepted his breakup proposal gladly, and didn't want to stay at all.

"Brother, you're not worth it." Ye Chen said comfortingly.

He really thought this man was too sad.

What made the dog licking man more depressed was that after a while, ye Chen's phone rang.

I looked at the girl's phone just now.

Ye Chen hesitated, but he still connected.

As soon as the phone was connected, the girl's excited voice came from the opposite side.

"Handsome boy, let's date tomorrow."

"Miss Sasha, I think you have the wrong number?"

"No, I just called you."

The girl said seriously.

The dog licking man listened and his face became very gloomy.

He didn't think that not only is a delivery boy important, but even a delivery boy is much more important than him in the girl's heart.

The dog licking man is now devastated.

The girl named Sasha is actually a beauty controller. She knows that dog licking men are good everywhere, but she looks too ashamed.

When the girl just went downstairs, she saw that ye Chen, a delivery boy, was so handsome. She couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Without waiting for ye Chen to speak, the dog licking man grabbed Ye Chen's phone and roared.

"You'd rather date a delivery boy than me. What's this?"

"Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you that because you're ugly, my little brother looks handsome."

The girl said in a florid tone.

"But how can he look handsome and not be a meal? How can he compare with me in one month's salary? Can he meet everything you want?"

Asked the man licking his hair.

Ye Chen is also a little speechless as she listens. She wants to let the sad man recognize the reality and make a quick decision.

But I didn't expect to get myself involved.

Originally, ye Chen wanted to get his mobile phone back. It was scary to see the man's expression.

I can only wait for him to vent.

"I just like a handsome man. He doesn't earn as much as you do, but I'm willing to keep him, and I don't care about the things you gave me."

The girl retorted.

This sentence hurt the man's heart again. The girl would rather keep Ye Chen than associate with herself. It's really ironic.

"Hurry up and give the phone to that handsome little brother. I want to talk to him."

The dog licking man looked at Ye Chen angrily and handed over the phone.

Ye Chen carefully answered the phone.

"Miss Sasha, stop joking, will you?"

"Handsome boy, I'm not kidding. You should have heard those words just now. I'm serious."

The girl said again.

"Well, I don't have time to chat with you here. I'll hang up if I'm okay."

Ye Chen knows she can't talk to the girl anymore.

When he saw the man's murderous eyes, his heart trembled.

If the eyes can kill, ye Chen doesn't know how many times she has died.

"Brother, I'm gone. Take care."

Ye Chen looked at the dog licking man whose lungs were going to explode and said.

When he turned around, he heard the man roaring and trampling under his feet.

Ye Chen knows that the trampled thing must be the bunch of roses that poor nobody wants.

The girl named Sasha called again several times, but ye Chen didn't get through.

He didn't know why the man who licked the dog liked such a annoying woman so much and simply put the other person's phone on the blacklist.

Looking at the time, Su Wanyi should also be off work.

Ye Chen didn't continue to take orders, but drove in the direction of home.

Park the car, and ye Chen excitedly wants to surprise Su Wanyi, but finds that she still hasn't come back.

"Wife, where are you?" Ye Chen calls Su Wanyi and asks.

"I went shopping with some girlfriends, and then we'll have dinner outside. How are you so busy?"

Su Wanyi asked.

Ye Chen opened her mouth and wanted to say that I was back.

But he didn't say so in the end. The main reason is that Su Wanyi seldom goes shopping with her sisters.

Usually busy with work, it's not easy to have such an opportunity. Ye Chen doesn't want Su Wanyi to miss it for her own sake.

"Oh, I'm still busy, so hurry up and let's get back in touch." Ye Chen told a white lie.

"Well, then I won't tell you."

Su Wanyi hung up after saying that.

There is himself at home, and ye Chen also feels a little lonely.

Suddenly, the cell phone rings.

At one glance, it was Tong Xiaoya.

"Ye Chen, you are not interesting enough. How can you say to go?"

"Sister, have you lost your memory? I told you when I left."

Ye Chen feels a little speechless about Tong Xiaoya's saying this. Mingming has said hello to her.

"I know. It's mainly because you refused to be the leading role, which made me very angry. And I asked you to be the acting director. It's not interesting for you to leave after such a short time."

"You don't give me a salary, and I guided the actors according to your requirements."

Ye Chen said.

Before Tong Xiaoya spoke, ye Chen said with a smile, "Xiaoya, don't beat around the bush. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Ye Chen, it's like this. Director Zhang asked me to call you. He wanted me to persuade you to be the star of the film, and he said that as long as he acted, the film would definitely win an Oscar."

"You know this is my first film, and I hope he can get good grades. Can you help me?"

Opposite Tong Xiaoya pleaded.

"Xiaoya, it's not that I don't help you, but that I really don't have time."

"You know you're busy delivering takeout, but can you just do me a favor? Can't you send a few less orders?"

"Xiaoya, I'm really sorry. I really can't help you with this. Moreover, even if Tang Qiang is arrogant, he has no problem when he plays the leading role. I taught him a lesson when I was on the set."

Ye Chen said in embarrassment.

"Ye Chen, it's like this. There's one thing you may not know."

Tong Xiaoya hesitated and said that she thought it should be said to Ye Chen.

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