"Yingying, who did you call? Let's go to the rehearsal quickly."

A girl's voice sounded behind her.

"Eh, brother Ye Chen, why don't you answer the phone?"

Xie Yingying said to herself that she didn't hear the girl's voice at all.

"Yingying, what do you think? If you don't go again, we'll be late."

Seeing that the other party ignored herself, Liu Tingting walked towards the front.

At this time, Xie Yingying came back to her senses.

"Tingting, are you talking to me?"

"Sister, there are only two of us here. I won't talk to you. Who am I talking to?"

Liu Tingting turned white and Xie Yingying said with a glance.

"We're going to rehearse. Who are you calling here?"

"I, I..."

Xie Yingying said stutteringly.

"Oh, I see. It must be for ye Chen, right?"

Liu Tingting suddenly realized it and said.

"Yes." Xie Yingying nodded gently.

"But he didn't answer."

When the girl said this, her face showed a disappointed expression.

"Well, don't think about it. Let's practice quickly. Didn't you say you should brighten Ye Chen's eyes at night?"

Liu Tingting ran to the rehearsal room with her best friend who seemed to have lost her soul.

"Tingting, you run slowly. I feel a little difficult to breathe."

Xie Yingying said helplessly.

"I don't pull you like this. When can we get there?"

Liu Tingting shook her head and said.

She knows that Xie Yingying's mind is all about ye Chen's failure to answer the phone, so she doesn't want to rehearse at all.

Just then, Xie Yingying's cell phone rang.

"Yingying, what's up?"

Ye Chen said.

"Brother Ye Chen, why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

"Oh, I have something to do just now. Now you can say it."

Ye Chen didn't tell Xie Yingying what it was, because he didn't think it was necessary.

And Xie Yingying must have something to call him. Let the other party say it.

"Brother Ye Chen, I just want to tell you the time of the party."

Xie Yingying whispered.

"Yingying, I really want to attend the party, but I can't get in at all."

"It's all right, brother Ye Chen. You go to the school gate at 6:30 and I'll pick you up."

She knew this was the reason why Ye Chen wanted to refuse, so she quickly opened her mouth and said.

"I know you will come, right?"

"Well, see you in the evening."

"Yingying, look at that schoolgirl." Liu Tingting pushed Xie Yingying's arm with an excited face and said.

Xie Yingying is still on the phone with Ye Chen. She thinks nothing is more important now.

"Don't make trouble, Tingting. Don't you see I'm on the phone." Xie Yingying glared at her best friend.

"Well, Yingying, you're busy."

Ye Chen hung up the phone.

"Tingting, what are you making a fuss about? You're just a schoolgirl."

Xie Yingying looked in the direction of her best friend's finger.

I saw a tall and beautiful girl walking on campus.

The girl was accompanied by a handsome boy who acted as a flower escort.

"Tingting, who is this student sister?" Xie Yingying asked.

I don't know why, she is a girl who is deeply attracted by the beauty and temperament of that schoolsister.

"Didn't you just say I made a fuss? I'm angry." Liu Tingting looks like a child with her waist in her breath.

"Well, Tingting, I just called brother Ye Chen. I'm a little nervous. If you make trouble again, I'll be even more nervous. I'm wrong." Xie Yingying shook her best friend's arm and said.

"Well, I'll tell you for your sincerity."

"Her name is Lin Shiyin. She is a beautiful woman with equal emphasis on talent and beauty. Of course, she is also the school flower of our school."

Liu Tingting patiently explained.

Then she looked at her friend with a surprised expression on her face.

"Yingying, you don't even know this."

"I really don't know."

Xie Yingying said with a red face.

"You know, the Lin family is one of the best in the magic city. She is the daughter of the Lin family, and the most powerful thing is that because of the existence of sister Lin Shiyin, the school flower has not been changed."

"Ah, this student sister is too powerful." Xie Yingying couldn't help sighing.

"Of course, she's a talented girl, but she seldom comes to school. What's going on today?"

Liu Tingting thought.

But she wanted to break her head and didn't understand the reason.

"Well, stop talking. If we don't go to rehearsal again, we'll be late and we'll have to talk again later."

Liu Tingting looked at her best friend and said.

The two girls ran towards the rehearsal room.

Lin Shiyin walked around the campus with a cold face. Influenced by her childhood family, she has long become a proud princess.

People who are proficient in calligraphy and painting have won the grand prize since they were seven years old.

It can be said that he is a man of the moment in the University.

Lin Shiyin walked towards the dean's office in the envy of everyone.

"Hello, President Chen."

"You're here."

The old man with glasses saw the girl coming in and said with a smile.

Lin Shiyin nodded and said.

"Dean Chen, Professor Zhang should have told you before."

President Chen said with a smile, "I heard that Zhang Ming can't handle anything. It's really talented to leave it to a little girl."

Lin Shiyin smiled and said, "President Chen, this ye Chen is really so powerful that even old sun visits him in person. It's a little incredible."

"Shiyin, you've really asked me this question. I haven't seen Ye Chen, but since Sun Lao and Zhang Ming both value people, they must be unusual." President Chen stroked his beard and said.

"In my opinion, this guy shouldn't be a big deal. There's no need to let our poetry come out at all." The man standing next to Lin Shiyin suddenly said.

"Wu Tong, pay attention to your words." Lin Shiyin stared at the man around her and said coyly and angrily.

After Wu Tong heard the speech, his face also changed and he was too frightened to speak.

In front of Lin Shiyin, he didn't dare to say more.

"Shiyin, why is Wu Tong a man? You don't give face. Besides, people have been pursuing you and helped you solve many problems." President Chen looked at the proud girl in front of him and said.

He also knows that since Lin Shiyin went to college, Wu Tong has been a loyal suitor and has never changed his mind.

He followed Lin Shiyin with all his heart and followed his lead.

President Chen's words also made Lin Shiyin blush.

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