Wu Tong's Kung Fu of speaking is about to rush towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen can also tell from what he said that this guy is not a good stubble.

He is also hostile to him, but it can't blame Ye Chen.

After all, Lin Shiyin took the initiative to chat with him.

"Wu Tong, what are you doing?"

Lin Shiyin quickly asked.

She knew that if ye Chen was picked up by Wu Tong, there would be no way to talk about the later things.

"Shiyin, I just want to help you teach this self righteous guy a lesson."

Wu Tong looked at Lin Shiyin and said.

At this time, Xie YingYing and others also came towards this side.

Ye Chen didn't want everyone to see the scene at the moment. She also blocked it with her body.

However, it was useless for him to do so. Xie Yingying still saw him.

"Brother Ye Chen, where did you find the piano player just now? He plays it very well."

Xie Yingying said excitedly.

Ye Chen's expression is a little depressed. Of course, he can't tell the truth.

Otherwise, the girl will ask questions again.

However, seeing Wu Tong's hostility towards himself, he also knew that the other party would say it.

This will still be found.

Wu Tong heard the speech and was going to speak out.

Lin Shiyin stared at him and motioned him not to talk.

Wu Tong always obeys Lin Shiyin's words.

He opened his mouth and finally didn't say anything.

But he wanted to see how ye Chen would answer this question.

Wu Tong also looks like watching a good play and looks at Ye Chen in front of her.

At the moment, ye Chen is very depressed. He doesn't know how to say it.

"Brother Ye Chen, why don't you talk? I want to know that man, too."

Xie Yingying said again.


Just when ye Chen hesitated, Lin Shiyin suddenly said.

"Ye Chen just asked me for help and asked me to play the piano to save the field."

Liu Tingting looked surprised at the speech.

"Sister Shiyin, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Everyone also looked at Lin Shiyin. You should know that this beautiful and talented student sister is hard to see in ordinary days.

The main reason is that she doesn't often come to school and works in her own company.

Can be said to be a legend.

Everyone wants to see her, but it's not so easy.

I feel very lucky to see you today.

"Yes, because I'm familiar with Ye Chen. He just called me for help, so I came."

When Lin Shiyin said this, the expression on her face was very natural, and there was no sign of lying at all.

"No wonder, as soon as I heard the piano sound, I knew it was played by professionals, which is better than the guy who played the piano before. I don't know how many times."

Liu Tingting smiled and praised.

Wu Tong was worried.

"Shiyin, you..."

"Wu Tong, there's nothing for you here. You'd better control your mouth."

Although Lin Shiyin is smiling, Wu Tong can feel the threat.

Wu Tong's heart is also a little depressed. Lin Shiyin has scolded him many times because of Ye Chen.

This has never happened before.

Wu Tong also felt a sense of crisis she had never felt before.

"Brother Ye Chen, you are really not interesting enough. You didn't tell us earlier. You just made us worry for so long."

Liu Tingting frowned and said.

"Tingting, how can you say that about brother Ye Chen? Without him, we would certainly make a fool of ourselves on the stage."

Xie Yingying said with an unhappy expression on her face.

She doesn't allow anyone to say ye Chen, even her best friend.

Ye Chen didn't expect that the two little girls would be a little unhappy because of themselves.

"I don't know where the poem is, but luckily she's at school, otherwise I really have no way."

Ye Chen scratched his head and said shyly.

"Yes, it seems doomed. When ye Chen called me, I was nearby, so I could come to help you."

Lin Shiyin winked at Ye Chen when she said this.

Ye Chen didn't expect that Lin Shiyin would take the initiative to help herself.

He had to make up some other excuses, but now the problem has been solved.

He can see that Xie YingYing and Liu Tingting really believe it.

Wu Tong stood by and listened to their chat. He felt his lungs explode.

On weekdays, being around Lin Shiyin is like licking a dog, but others ignore their love.

Now I'm so enthusiastic about a delivery man.

Wu Tong knows that although Lin Shiyin was entrusted by Professor Zhang, it's not like this.

Not only take the initiative to chat, but also help Ye Chen out.

Lin Shiyin saw Wu Tong's ugly expression and knew that if he stayed here again, this guy would be bad.

She hurriedly smiled and said, "Xuemei, I have something to do with Ye Chen, so I'll leave first."

When Lin Shiyin said this, she looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded with understanding.

"Ah, brother Ye Chen, did you leave so soon?" Xie Yingying asked in surprise.

"Why, Yingying, what are you doing?" Ye Chen asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Xie Yingying felt a kind of unspeakable pain when she saw Ye Chen leaving with Lin Shiyin.

Originally, she wanted Ye Chen to see her highlights.

But I didn't expect Lin Shiyin to appear here.

Lin Shiyin's beauty and talent make her feel inferior.

Even girls blush when they see Lin Shiyin and are deeply attracted by her beauty.

Originally, Xie Yingying wanted to ask Ye Chen how she felt when she saw her dancing.

Before she asked this sentence, she saw that ye Chen left with Lin Shiyin.

Xie Yingying thought Ye Chen liked Lin Shiyin.

I've been depressed since I came backstage.

"Yingying, what's the matter with you? You're so unhappy. How successful our performance was just now. It's great for our dance to play with sister Shiyin."

Liu Tingting said with an intoxicated face.

Xie Yingying doesn't want to listen to this. She is wondering if ye Chen likes Lin Shiyin at the moment.

Or the relationship between two people is not general.

Otherwise, how could such a proud goddess promise to help Ye Chen save the field.

Xie Yingying was more and more annoyed, and the whole person lay on the table.

Seeing that her best friend ignored herself, Liu Tingting stopped talking.

Just now, they have had some little friction. I think the other party won't pay attention to themselves.

Suddenly, Liu Tingting asked as if something had sounded.

"Yingying, are you so unhappy because ye Chen and Lin Shiyin go together?"

Xie Yingying didn't speak, just nodded.

She knows what she can do even if she is unhappy. The gap between her and Lin Shiyin is like an ugly duckling and a white swan.

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