People heard Ye Chen's words are also a little incredible.

Director Zhou didn't know where ye Chen came from. He said he had a way.

"Hey, you know it's not so easy to find director Zhao Hua. Even if the leaders of the city find him, he won't meet, let alone people like us."

After hearing this, Guo Lei felt proud.

He knew his opportunity was coming. A friend mentioned Zhao Hua before.

However, Guo Lei didn't take it to heart at that time.

He knew that if he contacted this friend, he would be able to find the director named Zhao Hua.

Just give more money and everything will be done.

Guo Lei knew that if he helped Fan Ying find the director and asked him to operate on teacher fan, Fan Ying would be very grateful to him.

At that time, how could Fan Ying still revolve around Ye Chen? She must regard him as a great benefactor.

No matter what she asks, the girl must agree.

Guo Lei even thinks Ye Chen is talking big.

This kind of thing can only be done by yourself. How can ye Chen deliver takeout.

Guo Lei could not bear the excitement in his heart and said.

"It seems that this matter must be handled by me. I won't keep a low profile in front of everyone."

Hearing the speech, the people also looked at Guo Lei with a question mark on their face.

"Hey, let me be frank with you. For the sake of human life, I can only give a favor to find the cousin who is an official in mordu and ask him to talk to benevolence hospital."

When the female students heard the speech, they looked at Guo Lei with admiration.

I really didn't expect that this man should have such ability. It's really amazing that there are officials in the magic capital among his relatives.

"Guo Lei, you're so good. It's not easy if you want to stay in the magic city."

One of the male students said with envy on his face.

Everyone wants to hang out in modu. After all, it's a big city.

But it's not so easy in that kind of place. First, there's no money, second, there's no background, and even it's very difficult to find a job.

Although Ye Chen is mixed in the magic city, he is just a takeout. He looks no different from them.

"I still think our small place is better. I'm too lazy to go there. I don't want to rely on my relatives if I'm not familiar with my life."

Guo Lei waved his hand and said.

His words showed that he himself was also very ambitious.

They also gave Guo Lei a thumbs up in their hearts.

After hearing Guo Lei's words, Zhao Xiuling hurriedly said.

"Guo Lei, my mother always thinks you are the most promising. In that case, please call your relative and ask him to help find director Zhao Hua. Our family is counting on you."

Hearing the speech, Guo Lei looked at Ye Chen with a proud face.

His meaning is obviously showing off to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also said with a smile.

"Guo Lei, since you are so capable, don't call quickly. If you can really find director Zhao Hua, our whole class must thank you."

"Well, it's not too late. I'll call now and you'll wait for the good news."

Guo Lei also feels that now he is popular.

Only his teacher can help.

Ye Chen is nothing at all.

He was finally able to crush Ye Chen under his feet.

Guo Lei called his cousin who was an official in mordu with a proud face.

"Cousin, I have something I want to ask you for help. Please find director Zhao Hua of Ren'ai hospital. My teacher has lung cancer. I hope he can operate on the teacher."

The other party just said faintly.

"OK, you wait for my news."

From the two people's dialogue, we can see that the relationship between Guo Lei and his cousin is not particularly good.

I guess that's why he doesn't hang out in mordu.

"Yingying, martial mother, you and my cousin are sure to help fix it."

Guo Lei said with confidence on his face.

"Guo Lei, if so, you are really a benefactor of our family."

Zhao Xiuling said gratefully.

"Don't say that, Mrs. teacher. I don't deserve to be a benefactor or not. I won't forget the kindness of the teacher to me all my life. I happen to have a chance to repay the teacher."

As Guo Lei spoke, he even moved himself.

Zhao Xiuling was also moved when she heard the speech. She deliberately glanced at Ye Chen and said.

"To be a man, you must know how to repay kindness, which can be called a man."

Everyone also knows that Zhao Xiuling's sentence is for ye Chen, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Fan Ying said softly.

"Mom, if brother Ye Chen had such a great skill, he would certainly do the same."

Zhao Xiuling didn't speak. She just stared at her daughter and motioned her to speak less.

After all, when a girl saw Ye Chen, she was so rude, and now she is still talking for ye Chen.

In this way, I thought the relationship between Fan Ying and ye Chen was abnormal.

They live in a small place, where people are terrible.

Zhao Xiuling doesn't want her daughter to be damaged in reputation.

Except Guo Lei, everyone is anxiously waiting for the news.

He felt that his cousin would certainly help in this matter, but he knew his cousin very well.

Like himself, this cousin likes to show off very much.

If this favor can help, it will prove that my cousin is a very capable person.

Just when Guo Lei was full of confidence, the mobile phone rang.

He took a look at it. It was his cousin. He didn't have to think about it. He must have forgotten enough.

Guo Lei answered the phone with a smile.

"Cousin, have you finished your contact?"

The other party sighed and said.

"Director Zhao Hua refused directly, and he won't answer the phone again."

My cousin hung up after saying that.

Guo Lei stayed there with the phone.

"How's it going? What did your cousin just say? Can director Zhao Hua operate on him?"

Zhao Xiuling asked anxiously.

Just now, my cousin didn't even have a chance to talk to Guo Lei.

Originally, he wanted his cousin to try again, but the other party hung up directly.

"Teacher's mother, my cousin said that director Zhao Hua refused directly."

Guo Lei said dejected.

"Ah, how could this happen? Didn't you say you were sure it would work?"

Zhao Xiuling and Fan Ying said with a disappointed face.

Guo Lei didn't think of it, either.

I thought my cousin would be able to make an appointment with Director Zhao Hua through relationship, but I didn't expect that the other party directly refused.

This makes Guo Lei's face very ugly.

Originally, I wanted to pretend to be forced in front of the public, but now I can hit my face directly.

If he knew the result was like this, Guo Lei wouldn't say anything. He was just so confident that he would take the matter to himself.

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