"Brother Ye Chen, let's go and go somewhere else."

Fan Ying thinks the things here are really too expensive.

She was really embarrassed to let Ye Chen spend so much money to buy it for her.

"Yingying, look at this necklace. Do you like it?"

Ye Chen pointed to the new necklace in the counter and said.

Fan Ying looked at the price and hurriedly said.

"I don't like it very much. Let's go and see other stores."

Ye Chen knew that Fan Ying didn't like it, but saw the price, so she said that.

Just seeing Zhang Shuang's attitude towards Ye Chen, the waitress thought Ye Chen couldn't afford it at all, so she didn't hold much hope at all.

Therefore, there is no match between Ye Chen and Fan Ying.

When ye Chen said that she would take out the necklace, the waitress said impolitely.

"Sir, this necklace is very expensive. If you break it and dirty it, you need to pay for it."

In the eyes of the waitress, ye Chen thinks that they just want to have a good time and can't afford it at all.

After hearing this, Fan Ying hurriedly said.

"Brother Ye Chen, I think I'd better forget it."

After the waitress took out the necklace, ye Chen handed it to Fan Ying and said.

"Yingying, try it."

Fan Ying's hands trembled at the thought of the price of the necklace.

"Miss, let me try it on for you."

The waitress said with a nervous expression.

Although she has just said that it is damaged and dirty, it needs compensation.

However, looking at the appearance of these two guests, it's not like they can afford to pay.

If so, she will be fined by the boss.

Hearing the waitress's suggestion, Fan Ying also nodded.

It's true that people deserve clothes. Wearing the necklace on Fan Ying's white neck improved the whole person's temperament.

Ye Chen looked at Fan Ying in front of her and nodded with satisfaction.

"Does brother Ye Chen look good?"

Fan Ying was so looked at by Ye Chen that her pretty face turned red because of her shyness.

The waitress didn't speak when she heard it. She thought about the use of looking good. She couldn't afford it. It was a vain attempt.

"Very beautiful."

Ye Chen began to praise.

Then he looked at the waitress and said.

"Is there a matching bracelet or ring in this series?"

The waitress said coldly when she heard the speech.

"Of course."

"Show it to me."

Ye Chen said faintly.

Hearing this, the waitress was even more angry. She thought she was not satisfied with trying one necklace and wanted to try other jewelry. How could she be so greedy.

Ye Chen certainly knows what the waitress thinks, but he doesn't care.

The more such a person is, the more he wants to be cured.

"Sir, this one you like is a new product of our store, and the price is relatively high. I suggest you take a look at other styles."

Ye Ying hurriedly said.

"Please take off this necklace for me and we'll go to other stores."

Of course, Fan Ying knows what waitresses mean. She just looks down on them.

"Yingying, since you like it, why don't you try it?"

Ye Chen said, and then he looked at the waitress and said.

"Please do as I say."

"Sir, I'm thinking of you. This series is our new product. The price is very high. It's hard for ordinary people to bear. I'm just giving you a suggestion."

The waitress explained.

"Thank you for your kindness. We just want to see new products."

Ye Chen said firmly.

Instead of moving, the waitress said.

"Don't pretend here without money. I don't have time to waste time with you here."

If the waitress had a better attitude, ye Chen didn't want to investigate.

But the waitress even spoke to the guest like this, which made Ye Chen a little angry.

"What's your attitude? Do you know I can complain about you?"

Ye Chen said coldly.

Although the waitress was afraid, she was still unwilling to get the jewelry for ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, forget it. Let's go."

Fan Ying hurriedly pulled Ye Chen's arm and said.

"Sir, you see how sensible this little sister is. People should have self-knowledge and don't look fat."

The waitress looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Call out your store manager. I want to ask him. Is that how your store serves guests?"

Ye Chen said angrily.

Just then, a middle-aged man came out of it.

"Why is it so noisy? What happened?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said.

"Store manager, it's like this. This gentleman has to see our new products. I just kindly advised him. After all, the price of new products is not affordable for ordinary people."

After listening, the store manager quickly scolded the waitress.

"Xiaomei, you should remember that we in the service industry should always remember to focus on customers, okay?"

The waitress didn't understand why the store manager blamed her, and said with a wronged expression.

"Store manager, this man can't afford this jewelry at all. I just think of them."

The waitress said forcefully.

"Store manager, is that how you train clerks?"

Ye Chen said with a sneer.

"I'm really sorry, sir. I'll teach the clerk well. Please don't be angry."

Other clerks don't understand why the store manager is so polite to a young man.

Everyone is a little confused, not to mention the clerk named Xiaomei, which the store manager likes very much.

Seeing ye Chen didn't speak, the store manager continued.

"Well, sir, the waitress is new and doesn't understand the rules. Let me entertain you."

"Store manager, do you think this is OK? Because of this waitress, I'm in a very bad mood. Should you give me an explanation?"

Ye Chen said again.

"Sir, don't push your luck. What qualifications do you have for the store manager to entertain you? You should know that only VIP customers have such qualifications."

The waitress said with a dissatisfied expression.

"Xiaomei, shut up. Now I declare you fired."

The middle-aged man said angrily.

He knows Ye Chen's idea. If Xiaomei is not expelled, it is impossible to solve this matter.

The waitress didn't understand why the store manager did this to her. She cried wrongfully.

The store manager motioned to other saleswomen to take Xiaomei aside, and he would personally entertain Ye Chen.

"Sir, I'll bring you my new product."

As the store manager said, he took the jewelry of this series from the counter to Ye Chen.

"Yingying, come and try it quickly."

Ye Chen pushed the jewelry in front of Fan Ying and said.

Because the store manager was a man, he motioned to other waitresses to try it on for Fan Ying.

After Fan Ying put the whole set of jewelry on her body, she became a talented person.

Xiaomei stood aside and kept on curling her lips, thinking that the poor couldn't afford it.

She has been waiting to see ye Chen's jokes.

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