As Zhang Yuan spoke, her voice choked.

Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of her and was also very distressed.

For a girl like Zhang Yuan, life in the magic capital is a clear stream.

Obviously, you can eat on your face, but Zhang Yuan doesn't want to.

Ye Chen admires such a girl from the bottom of her heart.

Therefore, listening to Zhang Yuan's account, he has made a decision to help Zhang Yuan stay in the magic capital.

After Zhang Yuan finished, she was already sobbing.

It has attracted the attention of people around, and customers are talking about it one after another.

"You see, this man is very handsome. He looks like a scum man."

"Yes, I made such a good girl cry."

"I love the girl. I didn't meet a good man."

The crowd murmured at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked a little aggrieved after hearing that. It seems that he didn't do anything, but everyone misunderstood him.

Zhang Yuan also quickly wiped her tears and said with an apologetic face.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Although Ye Chen was wronged in his heart, he didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, it's on others. Let them say it if you want to.

"Zhang Yuan, I don't think you're willing to leave at all, do you?"

Ye Chen suddenly asked.

"Of course, I'm the only college student in our village. It's not easy to get into a big city. How can I be willing to leave?"

Then Zhang Yuan sighed again and said.

"What can I do if I'm not willing? I can't change all this."

There was a little helplessness in her words.

"Well, with me, you don't have to leave."

Zhang Yuan said quickly when she heard the speech.

"Ye Chen, you know I don't mean that."

She felt that she must have been misunderstood by Ye Chen, so she quickly opened her mouth and said.

Ye Chen also felt that his words were a little ambiguous. He scratched his head with a smile and said.

"Zhang Yuan, I may not have made it clear. I mean to help you find a job."

At last, Zhang Yuan was relieved.

Although she likes Ye Chen, she doesn't want Ye Chen to keep her. What's more, the two have met two sides this time.

"Is what you said true? I don't have to leave?"

Zhang Yuan asked with an excited expression.

"Well, but you need to give me some time."

Ye Chen added.

In fact, for ye Chen now, finding a job for Zhang Yuan is a piece of cake.

But the key is that Zhang Yuan is a girl after all. If Su Wanyi knows, she will think nonsense again.

"Ye Chen, how do I feel that I owe you more and more now."

Zhang Yuan blushed and said.

You know, it's not easy to find a job in modu. If ye Chen helps herself like this, does she want to take advantage of herself, just like those male bosses she met before.

But if this is true, Zhang Yuan can't wait. She is very fond of Ye Chen.

Of course, ye Chen doesn't know what the girl thinks. Now he wants to let Zhang Yuan work.

"We are friends, so you don't have to see me like this."

Ye Chen said faintly.

Originally I wanted to say goodbye to Ye Chen, but I didn't expect Ye Chen to say he wanted to help himself.

How can Zhang Yuan be unhappy.

"Ye Chen, what shall we eat later?"

Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Ye Chen doesn't mean to let the girl treat, but if she refuses, she looks a little contemptuous.

He decided to choose a cheaper one so that the girl's burden would be less.

Just as ye Chen was about to say the name of the restaurant, the telephone rang.

At one glance, it was su Wanyi.

"Wife, what's the matter?"

Ye Chen asked.

After hearing this title, Zhang Yuan felt a trace of jealousy in her heart.

Ye Chen just thought about her, but now she has an idea about her.

It turned out that ye Chen just helped her out of kindness.

"Husband, I'm bored to death. You know, my secretary suddenly told me to resign."

Su Wanyi said with a depressed expression.

Ye Chen was very happy.

Zhang Yuan doesn't know why Ye Chen is so happy. She also has some doubts in her heart.

Only Ye Chen knows that what he was worried about just now has been solved now.

So, ah, people should never be hard on themselves. No one knows what will happen in the next second.

Hearing that ye Chen didn't speak, Su Wanyi asked.

"Husband, are you listening to me?"

"Of course, I really listen to you."

Ye Chen said.

"You said I couldn't help criticizing her, but now I'm a little tricky without this secretary."

Su Wanyi spoke out her depression.

Then she continued.

"You'll pick me up at the company later. I'm going shopping."

"OK, I'll see you later."

Ye Chen hung up after saying that.

Before ye Chen spoke, Zhang Yuan asked.

"The girl who just called is your girlfriend."

Although Zhang Yuan heard the two people's cordial address, she still didn't want to believe it.

"Yes, my fiancee to be exact."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then he looked at Zhang Yuan and said.

"Sorry, I can't have dinner with you. Well, you can invite me after I find you a job."

Zhang Yuan didn't expect Ye Chen to say so, which means she still has a chance to have dinner with Ye Chen.

She also felt that in her current situation, she could not invite Ye Chen to a too high-end restaurant at all, which seemed a little shabby.

"Well, let's make a deal."

Zhang Yuan nodded and said.

At Zhang Yuan's strong request, she paid for two cups of coffee.

In order to give the girl face, ye Chen can only agree.

After the two people went out from the cafe, ye Chen looked at Zhang Yuan and said.

"Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Zhang Yuan took into account that taking a taxi would cost money, so she got on Ye Chen's car.

When she got to the car, she felt fresh in everything she saw.

You know, Zhang Yuan saw such a high-end sports car for the first time. She knows Ye Chen's identity better.

The girl sat in the car and thought she could be ye Chen's girlfriend. That girl must be special.

Seeing Zhang Yuan in a daze, ye Chen asked.

"What do you think?"

Of course, Zhang Yuan won't Tell ye Chen what she thinks. That's too embarrassing.

"Oh, nothing. By the way, stop by the side of the road and I'm here."

Zhang Yuan pointed to the cold drink shop in front and said.

Ye Chen knows that this shop is where girls work.

After ye Chen parked the car, the girl got out of the car.

The waiter of the cold drink shop has been looking in the direction of Ye Chen.

You know, it's the first time they've seen such a cool sports car and such a handsome man.

Ye Chen politely waved to the clerk, and then walked away.

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