Soon, the video of Ye Chen's rejection of the rich was posted to the Internet.

"Didi brother, refuse ten billion property for love."

This video immediately became popular.

"I wipe, the world actually has love."

"Brother Didi, it's brother didi again. Is brother didi so powerful now?"

At this time, Lin Shiyin's aunt has come to the ward.

"Shiyin, you are looking for a good boyfriend. You are not only handsome and capable, but also indifferent to ten billion yuan of property. If you are handed over to him, my aunt will be at ease."

"Auntie, what are you talking about? We are just ordinary friends. "

"Cut, still dress up with my aunt, what do you think you don't know?"


In the evening, Lin Shiyin sits on the didi car of Ye Chen.

"I just heard that you refused an opportunity to inherit ten billion yuan."

Ye Chen Leng for a moment: "how do you know?"

"My little aunt just saw it, and she recorded a video for me."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "of course, who is my brother? How could you give up love for the sake of ten billion dollars? "

Lin Shiyin said with a bad smile: "ha ha, are you sorry now?"

"A little bit."

"Well, you dare." Lin Shiyin was angry.

"Ha ha, money is just a number for me. Love is the most important thing." Ye Chen said earnestly.

There is nothing wrong with Ye Chen's words. Ten billion yuan is not attractive to Ye Chen at all.

You should know that ye Chen's assets must be 100 billion yuan.

It's too much less than 10 billion yuan and self imposed force.

Because his father's illness was stable, Lin Shiyin could go back to work at school.

"By the way, ye Chen, several students in our school seem to have been studying nuclear reactors. Should we stop them?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "since the research, let them study it, there is no danger."

Star university is a system management, if there is a danger, the system will prompt.

"OK, I see."

After Lin Shiyin got off the car, he gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise.

[Ding congratulates the host on winning the five-star high praise, activating the third praise star, and obtaining the system reward primary antique shopping cash back card. 】

the cash back card for antique shopping will be returned ten times of the cost of purchasing antiques.

I wipe it. This is a cow.

If you sell antiques, you can find Li Rongrong.

He is also the appraiser of Li Rongrong's treasure house, but he has not given Li Rongrong any strength.

Thinking of Li Rongrong, she called.

"Ye Chen, I hired you to be an appraiser. It's too much for you not to come to our treasure house for such a long time." Li Rongrong complained.

"Am I not busy?"

"Busy beeping?" Li Rongrong joked.

"If you know me, it's Rongrong." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, there will be an auction tomorrow. You and I will join you." Li Rongrong road.

"Yes, no problem." Ye Chen has sharpened his knife.

Ten times shopping cash card, you can make a profit.

At this time, ye Chen's telephone rang.

"Hello, is this ye Dong? I'm Li Na, CEO of Gucci group

"Oh, hello."

"Mr. Ye, according to our Gucci regulations, several major shareholders take turns to be the chairman of Gucci company. From today on, it's your turn."

"Oh, I see." Ye Chen nodded.

Several of Gucci's major shareholders are foreigners, and ye Chen is the only Chinese shareholder.

The next day, ye Chen drove to Li Rongrong's house.

After the meeting, how about the quality of the auction

"Of course, it's the best auction in China, and many big Chinese people will come to attend." Li Rongrong road.

"Well, that's good. If there's nothing of high quality, I'm not interested."

"Well, do you have a lot of confidence

"Brother is a powerful family, but he still uses it to help others?"

"Yes, but this is the biggest auction organized by our treasure house. If you can, you can help us raise the popularity of the auction."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "don't worry, I will make your auction hot."

"Well, you don't have to spend too much money. There are hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions of things in this auction. You can spend hundreds of thousands."

Ye Chen laughs a few hundred thousand? I want to buy tens of millions of them.

You know, buy more, give more, don't buy is a fool.

Li Rongrong doesn't know ye Chen is already a hundred billion rich person, let alone that ye Chen has a cash back card.

Let alone tens of millions, he can afford hundreds of millions.After getting off the bus, Li Rongrong gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's winning five-star praise, winning the fourth praise star, and obtaining 40% shares of aegis group. 】

aegis group is one of the leading antivirus software companies in China.

It is said that almost every computer in China will be equipped with Aegis anti-virus software.

Soon the car came to the International Exhibition Center.

The International Exhibition Center has gathered luxury cars.

This is the biggest auction held by China this year.

It has even attracted many foreign treasure collectors.

As soon as they got to the door, they saw a middle-aged man, Ren Fei, the boss of Dahua Group.

Ren Fei is one of the largest manufacturers of mobile phones in China, and Dahua mobile phones are very popular in China.

Moreover, Ren Fei is also a patriotic businessman and has a good reputation in China.

I didn't expect that even the big guy came. It can be seen that the level of this auction must be very high.

You know, Ren is a big man in Chinese business circle.

"Uncle Ren, you are here." Li Rongrong and Ren Fei are very familiar and take the initiative to say hello.

"Rongrong, there are many good things in this auction. Don't let me down."

"Don't worry, uncle Ren, you won't be disappointed. By the way, I'll introduce you a friend of mine, ye Chen."

Ren has been busy studying technology, not too concerned about the aristocratic circle, so do not know ye Chen.

He kind smile: "young man, looks very handsome ah, good, good, good appearance talent."

Although he is a big man, Ren Lao is very approachable.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Ren Lao, I've heard a lot about you. It's a great honor to know you."

Ren Lao laughs and reaches out his hand.

Holding hands together, Ren saw the shining Patek Philippe on Ye Chen's wrist.

This watch is a limited edition of Patek Philippe, worth more than 7 million yuan. Ren can see that this seemingly ordinary little brother has an unusual background.

The two chatted for a second and then entered the auction hall.

At the moment, a lot of people have come to the auction hall.

In this auction, there are only 100 places.

Therefore, all the people who like antiques are big men.

Li Rongrong arranged Ye Chen in the front position, but he was busy.

Just sat down, beside a middle-aged man smiling and stretched out his hand: "my name is Luo Guofu, where does this little brother make a fortune?"

Luo Guofu saw that ye Chen was young and talented, like the children of a large family, so he wanted to get to know him.

Ye Chen faint smile, politely extended his hand: "Hello, my name is Ye Chen, open Didi."

Turn it on?

Hear ye Chen's words, the other side's face slightly stiff, originally held the hand to loosen immediately.

Then he laughed awkwardly, and then he stopped talking to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is speechless. This man is really realistic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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