Hearing Ye Chen's offer, everyone was silly.

I wipe, a painting actually cost 50 million?

just a few mocked Ye Chen is woodlouse's person also immediately foolish eyes.

"fuck nouveau riche will pay fifty million, where is woodlouse?"

"Niubi, who is the second generation of the rich family who is so rich?"

People marvel at it. What ye Chen just shot is a small piece, so many people don't think so.

As a result, this shot of 50 million shocked everyone.

Even a few big men in the front row look back at Ye Chen.

People have a different feeling.

Is this guy not only shooting the front small pieces, but also the back ones?

Luo Guofu was dissatisfied to see someone competing with him.

He raised the sign again: "51 million."

He likes this painting very much. Ben is sure to get it.

He didn't expect that someone would come out to stir up the game.

Ye Chen continued to raise his cards: "60 million."

The scene was silent.

Everyone was in a daze.

This NIMA is too cruel. It adds nine million directly.

Luo Guofu frowned.

He always liked Qibai's paintings very much.

This painting has been coveted for a long time.

Said Luo Guofu and quoted a price: "61 million."

Seeing ye Chen raise his card again, Luo Guofu took a deep breath: "young man, give me face. Let me have this painting."

Ye Chen took a look at Luo Guofu: "sorry, we are not familiar with it. I like this painting very much. Why should I give it to you?"

"70 million." Ye Chen, as always, was a bull force, and directly increased to 70 million.

The scene is silent, 70 million, which is far beyond the value of this painting.

At this point, everyone was stunned.

Even those big men are also some shocked looking at Ye Chen.

Who on earth is this young man? He has such a strong foundation.

You know, Luo Guofu has just said hello to him, but this young man is still fighting with each other.

"Not even Lao Luo's face."

"This young man is crazy."

"Looking at the face? Are they the children of some big family? "

People are talking about ye Chen's identity.

If we talk about the auction in front of us, people are just watching.

But this painting, ye Chen, has directly offered a sky high price of 70 million yuan.

The most important thing is, even Luo Guofu's face is not given, this boy is simply too arrogant.

Luo Guofu looks cold and takes a deep breath. Although he likes it, he still gives up.

70 million. If you continue to increase the price, this painting has exceeded his bottom line.

"That's it!"

Ye Chen is a little disappointed.

And expect the other side to continue to increase the price.

Because if Luo Guofu raised the price, ye Chen could increase the price by 10%, but the other party gave up, and ye Chen could only buy the painting for 70 million yuan.

Finally, ye Chen bought the painting with 70 million yuan in the eyes of everyone.

It's also a good time to take another look.

He suddenly felt more and more unable to see through the young man.

Ye Chen feels Ren Fei's eyes and nods in a friendly way.

For Ren Fei, ye Chen has a good opinion.

Ren Fei's strength is also in the forefront of China, but he is a low-key person and often does welfare work.

Luo Guofu is too able to pretend to be forced. Why can't others increase the price of something you like.

Ye Chen specializes in dressing up, no matter who you are.

"Mr. Wang has offered 70 million yuan for this picture of peach land. Have you continued to bid?"

"Seven thousand a time."

"Seventy thousand twice."

"Seventy three times."

"Congratulations, Mr. 88, for the picture of Taoyuan.

Li Rongrong made a final decision, which means that this painting belongs to Ye Chen.

Luo Guofu stared at Ye Chen coldly, and suddenly stood up: "wait a minute. I suspect he is here to make trouble. If you want to take this picture, you must pay first."

After listening to Luo Guofu's words, the scene was in an uproar.

Ye Chen's practice today is indeed very questionable.

All the items are taken out of value.

There have been such disorderly people at previous auctions.

And ye Chen is a fresh face.

At this time, the middle-aged man beside Ye Chen stood up.

"I prove that he just told me it was Didi, and I feel that this boy is just mixing in to make trouble."

After listening to the middle-aged people, the scene was even more chaotic.

"It's no wonder that he's going to bid higher than the auction price, so he's here to make trouble.""This security is too bad."

"What happened to the organizers of the auction."

People look at Ye Chen's eyes from shock to scorn.

Luo Guofu sneered at the corners of his mouth.

He was just guessing, but he didn't expect someone to prove that ye Chen was fake.

Li Rongrong is also a little worried, looking at Ye Chen.

She doesn't know much about ye Chen's strength. It's incredible to take 70 million pictures of this painting.

At this time, the person in charge of the organizer came forward.

"Mr. Ye, there's some truth in what Mr. Luo said. Would you like to pay in advance?"

Ye Chen sneers: "you this is suspicion I can't afford money?"

After all, the rule of the auction is to pay after the auction, which really makes Ye Chen lose face.

The organizers were also embarrassed.

On the one hand, Luo Guofu, on the other hand, he is a mysterious local tyrant.

It's not easy to offend on either side.

At this time, Ren Fei stood up: "forget it, no, I'll be the guarantor of this little brother. If he can't afford to buy this painting, I'll do it for him."

Hearing Ren Fei's words, everyone was stunned.

Ren Fei guarantees Ye Chen because he feels a different temperament from ye Chen.

What's more, the Patek Philippe with Ye Chen is limited and worth more than 70 million yuan.

It seems normal that ye Chen can buy this painting.

Ren Fei as a guarantee, Luo Guofu and the auction director are not easy to say anything.

Due to Ye Chen's 70 million high price auction of "Taoyuan map", the whole auction also reached an unprecedented climax.

The midfield auction is over.

At this time, many people have gathered around Ye Chen.

After all, how can such a person be an ordinary little brother didi if he can make sure that he has taken 70 million pictures.

Just the middle-aged man also came over: "little brother, really did not see, the real man does not show his face."

For this kind of double dealing person, ye Chen is simply too lazy to answer.

"Mr. Ye, you are really a formidable man." At this time Ren Fei came over.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "thank you just now."

"Thank you for what? I've always believed in how I feel. " Ren Fei said with a smile.

"Then the two began to talk."

The old and the young are very congenial.

Ren Fei said with a smile: "by the way, after a period of time, our Dahua Group will hold an elite chamber of Commerce. If Mr. Ye is free, he must go to the stage."

"Certainly." Ye Chen nodded with a smile.

At this time, all of a sudden, people around the face became strange, the atmosphere suddenly a little cold.

Behind Ye Chen, a middle-aged man came over.

At this time, Luo Guofu did not know when he had stood behind Ye Chen, staring at Ye Chen coldly.

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