Ye Chen went to the stage and took the gift box and certificate. He walked to Luo Guofu with a smile.

"Mr. Luo, thank you for your support for Gucci. You bought star star star with 150 million yuan. I believe your girlfriend will be very happy with it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Happy? I want to break you up

Luo Guofu is about to get mad. If he is just trapped by Ye Chen, it's OK to say that ye Chen of special Mo is still the chairman of Gucci.

How stupid are you? Spend money to earn money for others.

However, with Ye Chen's identity, Luo Guofu did not dare to take ye Chen any further. He took a deep breath: "Ye Dong is polite. My girlfriend likes it very much, so I have to take a picture of how much money it costs."

It seems that the wind is light and the clouds are pale, but my heart is aching to death.

This breath, by Ye Chen pit 250 million.

Although Luo Guofu was very rich, he lost 250 million yuan at once, which was also painful.

Ye Chen said with a smile to Ren Fei: "Ren always doesn't like it.

Ren Fei nodded: "originally I wanted to buy it for my daughter."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "Mr. Ren, you don't have to spend 150 million shots. We sold the last star of stars to you at the cost price of 7 million."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Luo Guofu is going mad. People buy seven million yuan and he buys 150 million yuan. This is clearly intended to anger him.

Luo Guofu's face was livid.

"Son of a bitch, don't fall into my hands in the future, or you will look good."

However, although Ye Chen was scolded in his heart, he still had to pretend to be smiling.

Ye Chen finished the gift, and then sat back to the original seat.

Just now, people are guessing Ye Chen's identity. Now they know that ye Chen is the chairman of Gucci. The eyes of people looking at Ye Chen have completely changed.

Ye Chen didn't care and continued to watch the auction.

The rest of the auction, all by Ye Chen shot away.

This wave, with the cash back card shopping, ye Chen made a total of 1 billion.

The end of the auction is dinner.

Li Rongrong changed an evening dress and came to Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much for supporting our auction."

This time, because of Ye Chen, Li Rongrong's company has made a lot of money.

This makes Li Rongrong very embarrassed.

Ye Chen faint smile: "it doesn't matter, brother has money, this is not what."

Li Rongrong is very warm in her heart.

After all, this is the first time that she presided over the auction, and she was very nervous, because with Ye Chen, not only all the auction prices were the highest, but also she got a very good reputation.

On the other hand, Luo Guofu is more and more angry.

He used to pit others, but today he was trapped by Ye Chen.

"Chairman of Gucci? What's the big deal? After all, Gucci's headquarters are abroad. "

Luo Guofu is thinking about how to deal with Ye Chen when his mobile phone rings.

Just because of the auction, Luo Guofu turned the mobile phone to mute. After a look, he found that there were more than a dozen missed calls.

All the calls were from the secretary. Luo Guofu connected the phone and said, "what's the matter?"

"We are no longer the largest shareholder of the other company. The largest shareholder of our company has been acquired."

"What? How can this happen? Who can buy our shares without knowing it? "

The Secretary said, "we just got each other's information, his name is Ye Chen."

"What? Ye Chen Luo Guofu suddenly muddled.

"Is it a young man in his twenties?" Luo Guofu asked with an ugly face.

"Yes, do you know Mr. Luo?"

Luo Guofu is a bad person.

"How could it be, how could it be him again?" Luo Guofu exclaimed.

At this time, everyone looked at Luo Guofu's direction. They didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, Luo Guofu's whole face was pale and his eyes were lost.

Luo Guofu walked to Ye Chen in front of everyone's incredible eyes.

Ye Chen and Ren Fei are chatting, and they are stunned to see Luo Guofu's dejected coming over.

Seeing Luo Guofu's expression, Ren Fei was stunned.

Luo Guofu is arrogant and has a bad temper.

Ye Chen has just been pit each other twice. He must hate Ye Chen with Luo Guofu's character.

But now Luo Guofu's look at Ye Chen is full of awe.

People around were also stunned.

Because Luo Guofu's mood is not right.

"Today, Luo Zong is so miserable by Ye chenkeng, and will certainly not give up."

"Yes, I heard that Mr. Luo will never suffer a loss.""It's said that Luo Zong is not afraid of anyone, and Ma Ge and Teng Ge are just passed by him."

"Ye Chen is still too young, who should be offended, but Luo Guofu is offended."


At this time, people are ready to see Luo Guofu's hard and hard Ye Chen's play.

Many people have taken out their mobile phones and are ready to shoot videos and send them online.

However, Luo Guofu came to Ye Chen with a flattering smile and a respectful face.

"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry about what happened just now. I didn't know you just became the largest shareholder of aegis group."

Luo Guofu was very embarrassed.

However, ye Chen is a light smile: "Luo always polite, after we more cooperation."

Ye Chen is a person with a pattern. What happened just now is just a small episode in his eyes. He didn't put it in his heart at all.

There is no eternal enemy, as long as the interests are the same, then everything is easy to say.

And ye Chen knows. As the head of aegis, Luo Guofu is an indispensable candidate.

So ye Chen is more unlikely to hold on to such a small matter.

What? Ye Chen has become the largest shareholder of aegis?

Hearing Luo Guofu's words, everyone was stunned.

The scene is scared by Ye Chen's identity.

"I wipe, this young man is too strong. He is not only a major shareholder of Gucci, but also the largest shareholder of aegis!"

"That's amazing."

"How much money does this young man have?"

"No wonder Luo Guofu became a dog licker. Ha ha, this plot is so funny."

The next day, ye Chen continued to run Didi.

Ye Chen pulled a couple of young lovers.

The man beeped as soon as he got on the bus.

Boast about how rich your family is.

I have a mine at home and a few luxury cars.

The girl was said to be in full bloom.

"Honey, have we reserved our hotel yet?"

The man heard and said, "originally I wanted to book the Marriott Hotel, but the hotels there are full. It's a pity."

"Oh, if only at the Marriott."

The man sighed: "yes, it's really annoying. I can't spend money. It's so depressing."

Ye Chen really can't stand it.

This guy is so bragging.

The girl looked happy: "my husband is good to me. If only I could have a wedding in Marriott Hotel."

"Yes, the Marriott Hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels in Mordor. It is said that a wedding will cost four or five million yuan. But what I need is not money, but I can't spend it."

In fact, boys are just bragging.

The boy's family did have some money, but he was not willing to spend four or five million on a wedding.

At this time ye Chen suddenly said: "my friend wants to book a Marriott Hotel. I have something to do with it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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