After all, Su has adjusted her mood for a long time.

"Thanks for Didi's love. I promise that all the money will be spent on the children."

Ye Chen has heard a lot of thanks, but Su xiaonuan's thanks are the most enjoyable.

Female anchor not only beautiful, but also very kind, such a girl is really too few.

Su xiaonuan said: "didi little brother, what song do you like? I'll give it to you."

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "then you can sing a short love story on paper."

This song is a song Ye Chen liked to listen to in his previous life.

Su xiaonuan was stunned when he heard the name of Ye Chen Bao's song.

"Sorry, little brother. I can't sing this song."

"You should be able to read music scores. I'll send you the lyrics and scores."


Su xiaonuan Received ye Chen's lyrics and music scores, and just read it once, he fell in love with this song.

Oh, my God, this is a wonderful song.

"Little brother Didi, I didn't expect you would write songs? This song is really wonderful. Now I'll sing it to you

After a simple trial, Su xiaonuan began to sing.

"It's a wonderful song."

"That's right. It's really a piece of music created by brother didi?"

"Great, this piece of music with a little warm sound will be fire."

This song Su xiaonuan sings, immediately shocked everyone in the live room.

There are people who praise Su xiaonuan constantly.

At this time, someone has posted the song online.

"Oh, my God."

"The girl's voice is so good. I heard that she was doing live broadcasting for the children in the mountain area."

"Who wrote this song? It's really great."


Ye Chen also did not expect, he wrote a song, unexpectedly let Su small warm fire up.

The number of people in the studio has exceeded 100000.

There's a constant stream of rewards.

Ye Chen is not stingy, but also a thousand super fire.

"It's worthy of being Didi's younger brother. He's as forthright as ever."

"Give little brother didi some praise. Xiao Nuan says that all the money is spent on children in mountainous areas."

"I've never been a prostitute for six dollars."


Su xiaonuan was stunned to see the constant fire in the studio.

Her studio, the number of people is constantly rising, just a few minutes has more than 200000.

In the past, most of her live room rewards were fish balls and other kinds of money.

Although she also said that the money would support mountain children, few people paid attention to it.

With so much reward, it should be enough to build a school for the children in the mountain area.

For ye Chen, Su xiaonuan is more grateful.

Su xiaonuan is shaking the net fire in an instant.

Super cure song, Didi local tyrant reward, enthusiastic about public welfare.

Even, the teacher of the Conservatory of music, who was broadcast live for the students, was rewarded by didi for one million yuan, which instantly became a hot search on the Internet.

Su xiaonuan's eyes are wet as he looks at the climbing fans.

During this time, she has been trying to raise money for these children.

They're really hard.

But not many people supported her.

Live broadcast only has more than 2000 yuan a month, which is used to maintain the school's various expenses.

Sometimes she feels lonely, even powerless.

But today, didi not only gave a million awards to himself, but also so many enthusiastic netizens.

She felt the warmth of the society.

At the moment, Su xiaonuan is also blushing. She is more and more interested in this little brother Didi.

"Wow, did you notice that the anchor blushed."

"Yes, the anchor was also conquered by brother Didi."

"Ha ha, the anchor blushes so beautiful."

Su xiaonuan was said by netizens on the face of hot typing said: "you don't talk nonsense, I'm just because children can build a school happy."

Ye Chen saw Su xiaonuan's expression is also a faint smile.

Su xiaonuan just shy look, really very cute.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "these money, you all use to build teaching buildings for students, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time."

"Thank you, Didi. Is that ok? I want to name the hope primary school in your name. What do you think it's called? "

Ye Chen thought, he did not want to be famous, but since Su xiaonuan put it forward, he typed: "let's call it Xingchen hope primary school."

Su xiaonuan nodded: "OK, thank you again, little brother Didi. I will tell my students that it is the school that little brother didi built for you."Ye Chen stayed in the studio for a while and went to bed.

The next day, ye Chen got up in the morning to exercise first, and then started to tick.

Turning on the radio, ye Chen heard Su xiaonuan's familiar voice.

The voice of the host came from the radio.

"Yesterday, I heard a very healing song on the Internet. This song was given to a female anchor by a didi little brother. Now this song has become a hot song on the Internet."

"Yes, many stars are covering it. This song is really super healing."


Ye Chen faint smile, in the previous life this song is also super fire, it seems that the aesthetic level of two world netizens is the same.

Come to the breakfast stand at the door, ye Chen bought fruit and bean curd.

He was just about to eat when he saw a little girl playing with a ball on the side of the road. The ball in her hand fell into the middle of the road.

The child's mother was on the phone, not paying attention.

The little girl ran to the middle of the road to pick up the ball.

Just then, a fast car came.

Because there is a blind corner of the driver's vision, when the driver found the little girl, it was too late to brake.

Ye Chen body a channeling, directly rushed to the little girl's body, a hug little girl.

At this time, the car has hit, ye Chen single hand out of the car directly in the front of the car.

A shocking scene appeared, and the car was blocked by Ye Chen.

At this time, there were many people in the breakfast shop, and they were shocked to see this scene.

In fact, a lot of people just saw this scene and thought that the little girl must have been hit.

In front of the breakfast stand, many people even made exclamations.

But let all people did not think of is, ye Chen unexpectedly one hand blocked the car.

Oh, my God. What strength does this man have to do.

Ye Chen also gave a breath.

For the first time, he felt the strength of his body.

If it is an ordinary person, one hand can not block a speeding car.

At this time, the little girl's mother ran over.

She was on the phone, heard people's screams, saw a car hit the little girl, she had been scared silly.

But unexpectedly, a young man ran out and saved his daughter.

"Xiaomei, are you ok?"

"Mom, I'm fine, thanks to this uncle, or I'll be hit by a car."

Ye Chen gave the little girl back to the woman, light way: "after taking children, don't play mobile phones, more dangerous."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Women are also afraid.

The woman said gratefully: "little brother, can you add your wechat, and then I'll invite you to dinner and thank you for it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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