Meng wanting, however, never knew how to do it

Li Yaoyao said, "you are really a papaya. You can ask him to go to the street and watch a movie. And isn't Xiaomei very fond of him? You can make an appointment to go to the amusement park. If you are often together, you will have feelings? "

"What you said is not reliable. You have not been in love." Meng wanting doubted.

Li Yaoyao said: "although I have never been in love, but I know a truth. If you don't hold fast to a man, he will surely run away."

Meng wanting bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind and said, "well, I'll try."

"Is that right? Come on, you are the best. Let me know if you need anything


The next morning, Meng wanting makes breakfast for Xiaomei and puts on her clothes.

Xiaomei is very happy today.

"Godfather said today to send me to school."

Meng wanting looked at her wristwatch: "but today is Monday. There are many cars. If you drive, you may get stuck and you will be late."

She looked out of the window, and sure enough, the road in front of her house had been blocked.

At this time, suddenly Meng wanting heard the roar.

Then, she saw not far away a helicopter slowly flew over.

"Well, if only there were helicopters. I'm sure I won't be late."

Meng wanting gave a bitter smile, which was obviously a daydream.

Helicopter, only those super rich can have it, OK.

But at this time, Meng wanting suddenly froze.

Because she found that the helicopter did not fly away, but circled in the air and stopped in her own community square.

I wipe, is it said that there is a rich man living in our community.

At this time, a handsome man came down from the helicopter.

Later, Meng wanting's mobile phone rang.

"Wanting, I'm Ye Chen. I've come to pick up Xiaomei and go to school."

"Ah, where are you?" Meng wanting asked.

Ye Chen said: "there is a helicopter in the square. Do you see it? I came here by helicopter. "

"What? Flying a helicopter? " Meng wanting was almost stunned.

Meng wanting leads Xiaomei's hand to the square, still has a kind of unreal feeling.

"My God, it's really a helicopter."

Ye Chen, dressed in a Hermes suit and a Patek Philippe watch on his wrist, was very handsome beside the plane.

Meng wanting opened her mouth and said, "is this helicopter yours?"

"Well, I saw that there was a traffic jam in the morning. I was afraid that Xiaomei would be delayed in school, so I drove a helicopter directly."

"By the way, I'll send you to the company after sending Xiaomei."

"Well." Meng wanting nodded.

Xiaomei is dying of happiness.

"Godfather, you are so good that you even drive me to school in a helicopter. It's so cool. I think Peng Peng dares to show off that they drive a BMW."

Ye Chen tiny smile: "don't worry, from today on, no one dares to look down on us Xiaomei."

Sitting in the helicopter, Xiaomei has been holding the helicopter to see the scenery outside.

"Mom, the cars outside are like ants."

Meng wanting is not in the mood to see the scenery outside. Her eyes are all on Ye Chen's body.

"My God, how can it be said that this man is still a rich man? Such a man is too good. "

At the moment, Meng wanting's heart has been melted.

Mordor No.1 Primary School.

The parents are sending their students to school.

Peng Peng's mother drove a BMW 740 and said, "pengpeng, in the future, you should deal with excellent children, like Xiaomei. Although they are lovely, they don't have money or background at home. Don't waste time on her. Understand?"

"Oh, I see, mom."

At this time, Peng Peng suddenly looked up and saw a helicopter.

"Mom, you see it's a helicopter."

Peng Peng's mother said faintly: "what's so strange about the helicopter? It's not your classmate's helicopter."

"Mom, it seems that the helicopter landed on the playground of our school."

"What?" Hearing her son's words, Peng Peng's mother was stunned.

Sure enough, the helicopter was slowly landing on the playground.

At this time, the whole school was a sensation.

"My God, who is this? The parents are so arrogant that they drive their children to school in a helicopter."

"That's right. The family has to be a miner."

Peng Peng's mother was even more eye-catching: "son, see if it is your classmates, such a child, we must make friends."

At this time, the door of the helicopter opened, ye Chen holding Xiaomei got off the plane.Peng Peng stupidly said: "Mom, it seems that Xiaomei and his father came down from the helicopter."


Peng Peng's mother was silly.

She excitedly said to her son, "pengpeng, your opportunity has come. It turns out that Xiaomei's family is a local tyrant. You should be good friends with Xiaomei in any case. You'd better catch up with her."


Ye Chen flies a helicopter to send Xiaomei to school. Almost all the students and parents have seen it.

Many students in Xiaomei's class think that Xiaomei's family conditions are not good, but it's silly to see Xiaomei's handsome and compelling father send her by helicopter.

It turns out that Xiaomei is the best in our class.

Xiaomei comes to the classroom with her schoolbag on her back.

All the students pay attention.

"It turns out that Xiaomei has a father."

"It turns out that Xiaomei's father is a super big man."

"My God, this is a typical white rich beauty."

All the parents at the door were stunned.

Especially those who drive BMW Mercedes Benz parents all look silly.

They think that driving BMW and Mercedes Benz is enough to have face. People especially drive helicopters directly. How can we compare this? What can we compare.

On the helicopter, Meng wanting said gratefully: "Ye Chen, thank you so much."

Ye Chen jokingly said with a smile, "how do you want to thank me?"

Meng wanting's face turned red.

Ye Chen saw Meng wanting's shyness and laughed: "I'm kidding. I'll take you to work."

In the eyes of everyone's consternation, the helicopter took off and went straight to Meng wanting's company.

At this time, at the gate of Hualian building, there are 18 magnificent Lamborghini sports cars.

In front of the sports car, there are many flowers.

The flowers were put into a heart, and some people even put out a banner.

"Meng wanting, I love you."

Hualian company, many female employees are full of stars, looking at the handsome guy in front of the luxury car.

A handsome man is a famous international brand. He looks handsome. The most important thing is to have money.

Eighteen Lamborghini sports cars propose. It's amazing.

"If only I had been asked to marry me."

"I don't know which girl is so happy."

Sun Xing frowned at the Rolex watch on his wrist.

Usually, wanting this time should be to the company, how has not come?

Just then, suddenly he heard the rumble of a helicopter, slowly falling down! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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