Ye Chen drives Su xiaonuan to the hospital.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Su Xiaowen Dao.

"Let me see my aunt with you." Ye Chen laughed and said.


"After all, we are friends now, aren't we?"

In fact, ye Chen went because Ren'ai hospital is his own territory. If Su xiaonuan needs help, he can also help her.

For Su xiaonuan, ye Chen has great admiration.

A girl in the mountains for so many years, just for faith.

This kind of spirit makes Ye Chen admire very much.

So, now that Su xiaonuan is in trouble, ye Chen also wants to do his bit to help Su xiaonuan.

"Thank you, then." Su xiaonuan nodded her head.

Ye Chen said: "you go first, I'll go to buy some fruit and then go up."

”All right Su xiaonuan nodded and went to the ward.

Su xiaonuan is very distressed to see his mother on the hospital bed.

When Su xiaonuan was very young, her parents divorced.

Su xiaonuan follows his father, but his feelings for his mother are still deep.

"Don't worry, mom. I will cure you." Su said.

Su Mu said with a smile: "silly girl, my mother is OK. I have been ill for many years, and I have not been cured after seeing a lot of hospitals. Originally, I said I would go to the ordinary hospital, but your father had to arrange for me to enter the benevolence hospital."

"He was supposed to have arranged it. He was sorry for you." Su xiaonuan pursed her lips.

"Well, listen to your father, you have been running out for a long time, you don't call your father, and wechat doesn't return."

Su small warm cold hum: "he is willing to be anxious, let him hurry to it."

"Well, he just wants to use me as a tool for his marriage. Don't even think about it." Su xiaonuan pursed her lips.

Su Mu shook her head. After all, the child was old, and she felt that she owed a lot in recent years, and xiaonuang didn't say anything.

At this time, ye Chen came in.

Su xiaonuan quickly stood up and introduced: "Mom, this is my friend Ye Chen. I heard you were ill and came to see you."

Ye Chen held the fruit basket and said with a smile, "Hello, auntie."

Su mother see ye Chen also Leng for a moment, then a smile on her face, whispered to Su xiaonuan: "xiaonuan, is this your boyfriend?"

Su xiaonuan shook his head and said, "no, just ordinary friends."

"And lying to mom, I'm from the past." Su Mu Dao.

Su mother said: "Xiaochen, where do you work?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "I open Di Di Di."

"Tick it off?" Su Mu frowned, but said nothing.

At this time, Su xiaonuan said: "Mom, which doctor is treating you?"

Su Mu sighed: "benevolence hospital is the best hospital in China. There are a lot of patients. I have to line up. Your father is trying to help me."

Ye Chen said in one side, "Auntie, how about I help you to think of a way."

Su mother looked at Ye Chen, but she shook her head: "thank you Xiaochen, xiaonuan's father has helped me contact."

For ye Chen's ability, Su Mu does not believe at all.

After all, it's just a beeper. What kind of connections can you have.

Even she has been thinking, if her daughter and he have not yet confirmed the relationship, whether to let her daughter leave this little brother Didi.

Although Ye Chen looks very handsome, and the character is also good, but this society, but the money society.

If my daughter marries Didi, what kind of happy life can she have in the future!

Su's mother was afraid of Ye Chen's displeasure and explained: "Ye Chen, xiaonuan's father is engaged in medical equipment. He has some contact with the hospital, so he should have no problem."

Su xiaonuan knew that ye Chen was not so simple as to open Didi, so he said, "you don't have to ask him. Otherwise, he will look arrogant. I think we should let Ye Chen help us."

Hearing Su xiaonuan's words, Su Mu frowned.

There is no father, but ye Chen. It seems that the relationship between daughter and ye Chen is not general.

However, Su mother nodded: "small Chen that trouble you."

In fact, Su's mother means to let Su Xiaowen and ye Chen bump into the wall, knowing that the society depends on money and background.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "aunt, don't worry, I will find you the best doctor, and how to live in the ordinary ward, I will help you change the special care unit."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Mu was stunned.

Often hospitalized, she naturally knows how difficult Ren'ai hospital is to enter.

Even this ordinary ward is very difficult to enter.

Special care unit, only the leaders and those super rich big men are eligible for admission.

How can a little brother didi have such ability.

Su Mu thinks Ye Chen is a big talker.

Even worried that little warm was cheated by Ye Chen.Half an hour later, when Su Mu was lying in the luxurious intensive care unit, she was almost silly.

You know, she lives in the ordinary ward, is Su xiaonuan's father begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother, do not know how much mind, and ye Chen's words are actually done.

What's more, Su's mother heard from the phone that ye Chen was looking for the most authoritative expert in Ren'ai hospital. It seemed that her illness was saved.

Su Mu worried: "this ward must be very expensive."

Of course, the special care unit of Ren'ai hospital is expensive. It is charged by the hour, 1000 an hour, and more than 40000 a day.

However, ye Chen has a faint smile: "Auntie, you don't have to worry about the problem of money, there is me."

Su Mu said, "xiaonuan, your boyfriend is really capable."

"Ha ha, I say ye Chen is powerful. You don't believe it. It's much better than my arrogant father."

Su's mother asked curiously, "xiaonuan, is Ye Chen really opening didi?"

Su xiaonuan said with a smile: "you say, ye Chen's family that calls low-key."

"Mm-hmm, I've heard that it's popular for big men to open beeps now." Su Mu said with a smile.

Now, Su Mu's feeling of seeing ye Chen has completely changed and she is more and more satisfied.

Su Mu knew that this intensive care unit was not for ordinary people.

She heard that a friend, the boss of a top 500 enterprise, wanted to live in the intensive care unit, and one day 100000 families would not work.

Intensive care unit is too popular.

Su Mu whispered: "xiaonuan, what is your boyfriend for?"

Su xiaonuan shook his head: "I don't know. I only know that he is on the tick."

Turn it on?

Su Mu gave a bitter smile.

How can Kai didi have this ability!

Just then, the door of the ward opened and a middle-aged man strode in.

The man who came in was su xiaonuan's father, Su Feng.

Su Feng a face overbearing, see Su small heating blunt way: "small warm you this stinky girl, this period of time ran where, think big I dare not beat you."

"Try to beat one." Su Mu said coldly.

Seeing Su Mu's cold eyes, Su Feng immediately counseled.

When he was young, he had a junior and abandoned Su mu, but he was always very sorry for her.

So this time when she knew that Su Mu was ill, she spent money to let her live in the best hospital.

"Ah Jiao, aren't I in a hurry? This girl is more and more disrespectful. I heard that she even worked as an anchor and went to the mountain area to help teach. What's the future of this , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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