Director Li Yang led a team of experts to give Su Mu a comprehensive inspection.

Even ye Chen also gave some treatment advice.

After all, ye chenfen is also a man with divine medical skills.

Li Yang said with a smile: "Miss Su, we have ordered a method of treating your mother with Chinese and Western medicine. I believe your mother's illness will soon be cured."

Thank you very much

Subsequently, experts from various departments of the hospital came to express their sympathy.

Su Feng was stupefied.

These directors, which one of their own see to bow and bow, but now the reverse, they even bow to Ye Chen.

What is Ye Chen's identity.

Although Su Feng likes to pretend to be forced, he knows that silent pretending is the most terrible.

Although Ye Chen did not say anything, but this forced pretending, let him this forced king to bow down.

When the experts are gone, Su Feng pulls Su xiaonuan.

"Xiaonuan, tell Dad honestly what ye Chen is for?"

Su xiaonuan said: "I said, ye Chen is a didi little brother."

"How could it be?" Su Feng frowned.

Little brother Didi, this is too exaggerated.

Su mother said: "Su Feng, this time you are convinced, others Ye Chen is much better than you."

One side of the Su mother is merciless attack Su Feng.

Su Feng's old face was flushed. Indeed, he was beaten in the face very much today.

Su mother said to Su xiaonuan in one side: "xiaonuan, your mother is in charge of your affairs. What man do you look for? You make your own decision. No one can force you."

Su Feng: "but..."

"But what? Xiao Nuan is my own flesh and blood. If anyone wants to bully her, I will play with him."

Su Feng:

Today's situation is too disadvantageous to him. He failed again and again, which made Su Feng feel frustrated.

"Well, Gillian, you can see a doctor well. My company has something to go first."

Ye Chen chatted with Su xiaonuan and Su's mother for a while, and then left.

Star College.

Wang Meng has been immersed in the laboratory these days.

They used hundreds of catalysts, but they still couldn't.

"Is Wang Meng in the wrong direction?" A student frowned.

"I believe in my intuition, it can't be wrong. We are still a little bit short of success. Maybe we can succeed with this little bit."

Wang Meng understood that science must be adhered to.

Maybe it's just a little bit short, then you'll miss success.

"Let's keep trying and maybe we'll succeed in the next experiment."

Wang Meng took a deep breath to encourage everyone.

After listening to Wang Meng's words, everyone revived.

After all, we have been fighting for several days. It would be a pity if we gave up like this.

A few of them were involved in the experiment again.

This time, they debugged another element.

Four men were staring at the machine.

But to their disappointment, after the elements were put in, there was no response.

Failed again?

But just then, suddenly the energy bar of the machine suddenly soared.

The data has almost doubled.

The four people hugged each other excitedly.

"We made it."

"Great, we made it."

"Our efforts have not been in vain."


According to the data, adding this element, nuclear fusion will produce huge energy, which is very terrible, and can even support the power of a city.

This experiment shows that their experiment is successful.

Four people wept with joy.

They paid too much for the experiment.

It can be said that apart from eating and sleeping, they used all their experiences in the experiment.

Several people recorded the experimental data in detail.

Ye Chen has just finished a business, and suddenly receives a call from Wang Meng.

President ye, we succeeded.

Ye Chen was very satisfied.

Come to school, ye Chen looked at their experimental data, and their own design, although there are some deviations, but this kind of experiment, there is a deviation is also very normal.

Nuclear fusion is being studied in many countries.

Even for this project, these countries have invested a lot of manpower and material resources, but they would not think that this experiment was successful in star University.

They finally finished the starlight project.

Four people look at Ye Chen nervously.

Ye Chen faint smile: "congratulations on your successful completion of my homework."

Four people listened to Ye Chen's affirmation and held them together excitedly."Headmaster, we made it. Thank you very much."

Ye Chen looked at the four children's excited expression is also very pleased.

In fact, ye Chen had already mastered the experiment and knew where they were wrong, but he did not say that because he wanted these students to find out for themselves.

Ye Chen said: "you are successful because of your unremitting efforts."

However, Wang Meng said affectionately: "President ye, the reason why we are successful is that you have given us new students because of the star University. Otherwise, we may have given up our dreams long ago."

Several people were full of tears.

Ye Chen can be said to be their bole. Without Ye Chen, their life might still be in the dark.

"Well, although this experiment is successful, there is no end to the road of science. You should continue to work hard, because there are still experiments waiting for you."

Four people and ye Chen talked about the detailed process of the experiment, ye Chen helped them to analyze, and then the four people left.

After they left, they went straight back to the dormitory and went to sleep.

These days they are too tired, has been a kind of spirit to support them, now the task has been completed, the weariness directly let them go to sleep.

This experiment can be said to be advanced in today's world because it is still at the theoretical level in many countries.

But they have succeeded.

This news, if spread out, will surely shock the world.

The next morning, Wang Meng was excited to look at the web page.

"Look, the 18th China Science and technology competition has begun.

"If we take part in the experiment, we will win prizes."

"Of course, even Professor Ye said that our experiment was advanced.

The four decided to take part in the science and technology competition with the light of stars.

They're going to win prizes and prove themselves to their parents and everyone.

Determined, four people found Ye Chen.

Although this project was developed by them, it was Ye Chen's theory and drawings. Therefore, in order to compete, ye Chen's consent must be obtained.

Four people found Ye Chen.

"You're going to compete with the light of the stars."

"Well, President, we want to prove ourselves that we go to star University. Many people laugh at us and say that star university is a pheasant university. Now I want to let them know how wonderful star university is."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "you take the star light to participate in the competition, which is a bit of bullying ah."

This project, not to mention the university students' science and technology competition, is the world's top science and technology competition, and it is also the first place properly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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