In the laboratory, many nuclear experts are looking at Ye Chen's small things in doubt.

They don't understand why Mr. Qian attaches so much importance to the scientific research project developed by star University.

Star university is just an unknown pheasant university. What surprise can they come up with.

Entering the laboratory, Mr. Qian can't wait to start the experiment.

At the beginning of the experiment, a golden light appears at the terminal as the star light rotates violently.

At the same time, the statistics of data are also started through the instrument.

Everyone froze when they saw the energy generated.

This little thing actually releases 5 billion joules of energy per second.

It's a shocking number.

The most important thing is that unlike nuclear power, ye Chen's device produces more energy than nuclear energy, but it does not produce any harmful substances.

It can be said that this should be the most environmentally friendly energy in the world.

Qian always looks at the data and his hands are shaking.

Even he didn't expect to see such amazing technology in his lifetime.

He knows that this technology, once used, will change the world.

Now the biggest problem in the world is energy.

Whether it's oil or nuclear, there's a lot of pollution.

However, ye Chen's nuclear energy is pollution-free, and the energy produced is several times that of the other two.

The experts who just looked down upon the experimental data were completely dumbfounded.

They never dreamed that the star university they despised should have developed such a powerful technology.

Mr. Qian took a deep breath: "Mr. Ye, this technology is really powerful. I have applied with the higher authorities. I believe that they will attach great importance to this group of data."

Ye Chen nodded.

At this time, the results of the science and technology competition of Huaguo university came out.

To Ye Chen's surprise, it is still the works of star university that won the championship.

The winner of this work is SUN Hao, whose work is intelligent robot.

Ye Chen spent this period of time focusing on nuclear energy, and did not pay attention to SUN Hao.

Although he knew SUN Hao also signed up in his own name, he didn't expect to win the championship.

It seems that we should pay more attention to these students in the future.

Ye Chen went back to Mordor and continued to drive his didi in addition to occasionally going to school.

This day, a beauty about 75 points got on the car.

There are tears in the corners of her eyes. She seems to have just cried.

At this time, the beautiful woman's mobile phone rang, the girl some collapse way: "Zhang Zhen, you don't think left you, the earth will not turn, leave your mother live well."

"I'll tell you, I already have a boyfriend. My new boyfriend is more handsome and richer than you. You'll regret it."

Beauty hang up the phone, some regret.

What she said just now is angry, and where does she have a boyfriend!

Ye Chen said with a smile: "beauty and boyfriend quarrel?"

Xia Ying sees Ye Chen excited way: "Wow, you are handsome."

Ye Chen listened to Leng for a moment and said, "well, it's OK."

"Handsome boy, can you do me a favor? Can I give you an hour? I can give you a thousand dollars. "

Hearing the girl's words, ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Now girls are so direct?

They have to take care of themselves.

Ye Chen embarrassed way: "beauty, I do not sell myself."

Xia Ying pretty face a red: "not what you think, I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend."

Afraid Ye Chen does not agree, Xia Ying said: "I quarreled with my ex boyfriend, you must help me."

Xia Ying said: "my boyfriend may have pretended to be forced. Recently, he seems to be rich. He sends flashy photos to me every day, which makes me regret."

Ye Chen listened to some speechless.

These young people are so fond of pretending?

You and your girlfriend broke up, you and other people show off what rich, so angry people this is a bit wrong.

After all, two people break up peacefully, even can be ordinary friends.

What do you mean by deliberately sending photos of your wealth every day?

When you have no money, your girlfriend and you share weal and woe. If you have money, you will abandon your girlfriend. You still pretend to be forced by your girlfriend.

This mentality is really not very good.

Xia Ying sighed and said, "I used to hate that he was complacent with his little achievements, and that's why he broke up."

Say Xia Ying beseech way: "didi younger brother, he asked me to have a meal, certainly wants to pretend to be forced with me, please help me?"

Ye Chen is very speechless, but the girl's boyfriend's practice is also a little too much, so he nodded: "ah, that's OK."As a didi little brother, ye Chen thinks that since the passenger's request should be accepted.

Ye Chen said: "but I will remember to give me a five-star praise."

The girl nodded: "no problem."

Ye Chen drives straight to the girl and her ex boyfriend's appointment place.

The girl went to the restaurant first. Obviously, in order to get angry with her boyfriend, she ordered a table of dishes on purpose.

And what's more expensive.

He ordered more than 10000 food in one breath.

Looking at the table full of vegetables, ye Chen is speechless.

You said that your ex boyfriend can pretend to be forced. You are not bad at pretending to be forced.

"By the way, you can't wear this dress. I ordered a suit for you. By the way, don't get dirty. You have to return it later."

Ye Chen:

I'll do it. It's so well prepared that even the clothes are ready.

Ye Chen feels that there must be a big play waiting for him.

But when it comes to pretending, who can pretend.

The problem is that others are pretending to be forced, but ye Chen is really strong.

Ye Chen said, "my clothes are very good."

Xia Ying said anxiously: "that can't do, I want to introduce you to be the overbearing president of the company, how does this suit president's identity?"

Ye Chen said: "it doesn't matter. I don't think it's important to dress. Temperament is the most important thing."


At this time, a new man came from Xia Ying, who was a new man

Ye Chen looked back and saw a proud young man dressed in an international famous brand. He walked over with pride on his face.

The man sat directly opposite Xia Ying: "what's the matter? The play hasn't started yet, and the costume hasn't changed yet?"

Xia Ying heard the blush of her pretty face. She was caught on the spot. It's a shame.

The man looked at Xia Ying with a banter on her face: "you're a tough enough man. If you want to change your name brand, you'll be your boyfriend. By the way, the famous brand hasn't been taken down. Are you going to return it later?"

In the face of her ex boyfriend's ridicule, Xia Ying's pretty face flushes, and she wants to find a ground to drill in.

Then the man looked at Ye Chen: "what do you do?

At this time, ye Chen's mobile phone suddenly rings: "you have a new didi order."


The man couldn't help laughing: "Xia Ying, your taste is getting higher and higher. Unexpectedly, I found a little brother didi to be a boyfriend." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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