Mordong street, I heard that there are many second-generation demolition, relying on rent collection for a year, millions.

No wonder this boy is so arrogant. It turns out that he is the second generation.

Listening to the discussion around, Lulin looked at Ye Chen with pride and disdain.

"For some people, if you have a luxury car, you'll be a force? My brother has a street store, which charges several million yuan a year. The more the car goes, the more it depreciates. But my shop can bring me real money every day. "

The more Lu Lin said, the more proud he was, and even began to hum a minor tune.

I found the feeling of forcing the king again.

Xia Ying looks at her ex boyfriend and pretends to be angry.

No wonder the boy friend is so arrogant now. It turns out to be the second generation.

Before, Lulin was very miserable. In a garage, her monthly salary was two or three thousand, and she even relied on Xia Ying for relief every month.

I didn't expect that this guy stepped on the shit and became the second generation of demolition.

What makes people angry is that I helped you when you were poor. Now that you have money, if you don't repay me, you will still be angry with me.

Ye Chen does not speak, quietly looking at the other side pretend to force.

This guy pretended to be addicted, and even looked at Ye Chen provocatively.

"Boy, do you know what the peak of life is? It's not a luxury car, but a rent collector, you know

"Well, it's good to be a rent collector." Ye Chen light way.

Lulin thought Ye Chen had confessed, and he was so happy in his heart.

But at this time, ye Chen's mobile phone rang.

The call is from manager Chen of the financial building.

"Mr. Ye, we have collected all the rent of our financial building this year. The total amount is 1.2 billion yuan, which has been transferred to your private account."

Because the mobile phone is out of tune.

Financial building, 1.2 billion!

Lu Lin, who had just finished the installation, almost didn't spit out his old blood.

Nima, the rent is 1.2 billion a year, which is too exaggerated.

Xia Ying is just depressed. It's silly to hear ye Chen's rent of 1.2 billion yuan.

After listening to Ye Chen, his face is very flat, light reply: "I know."

Almost at the same time, ye Chen's message rings.

Lulin was nearby and took a look at the short message sent by the bank. There were a long string of numbers, with ten digits.

Now Lulin is about to cry.

Originally wanted to install a force, did not expect to be again Ye Chen mercilessly hit in the face.

He is just a few stores. He rents a building.

Compared with others, it's just the difference between heaven and earth.

In fact, his annual rent is more than 1 million yuan, and ye Chen is worth 1.2 billion yuan. How to compare this concept.

Thinking that he just pretended to be forced in front of Ye Chen, Lulin's face suddenly became hot.

If it's just a phone call, Lulin is a fake.

But just now he was next to Ye Chen, a long string of bank SMS numbers will not be false.

Ye Chen hung up the phone and looked at Lulin with a smile: "I really don't have a shop. I have a building, and I never have to worry about collecting rent. Someone will collect it and call me on the bank card in person."

Lulin couldn't help nodding.

"Big guy, you're tough."

"Well, in fact, you can hire a property company just like me. You don't have to worry about anything. By the way, the salary of our property manager seems to be more than three million a year."

Lulin:.... "

Lao Tzu's rent is only one million a year. Is it bullshit to invite a property company?

Lu Lin finally understood that he was pretending to be forced. Ye Chen was really forcing God.

Xia Ying can't help but ask, "Mr. Ye, you are so rich, why do you come out to run didi ah?"

Others also looked at Ye Chen curiously.

Ye Chenguang charges 1.2 billion yuan a year. He is so rich that he doesn't have to go out and open a didi.

Isn't it nice to enjoy life at home?

Ye Chen is shaking his head: "when your money is just a number, you will lose the goal of struggle, will feel that life is meaningless, so I want to return to ordinary, return to nature."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, they all seem to understand.

It seems to be very philosophical.

Lulin was even more ashamed.

I only earn more than one million yuan a year, so I pretend to be forced. The big guy who rents more than one billion yuan even comes out to experience life.

What is the pattern and what is the gap.

Thinking about how he looked when he was rich, Lulin was ashamed.

Xia Ying is also a cold hum: "see, know what is the real big man, hum a man, every day pretend to force, really think that their own cattle force, don't you know that there are people outside the people, heaven and earth?"

Having a look at her boyfriend, Xia Ying hates that iron is not steel.

Lulin seemed to feel something, suddenly stood up and came to Ye Chen, bowing and saying, "Mr. Ye, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't pretend to be forced. I'll be down-to-earth in the future."Hearing Lulin's words, Xia Ying was stunned.

Is this really his supercilious ex boyfriend?

Lu Lin took a look at Xia Ying and continued: "Xia Ying, I'm sorry, in fact, I always love you in my heart. I pretended to force you to pay attention to me. I didn't expect that I was too stupid. Your boyfriend is so good and handsome. I can't deserve you. Losing you is my greatest regret in this life. I regret that if I don't love pretending to be forced, you may not abandon me."

With that, Lulin's face was even covered with tears.

"Although I am rich now, I feel very empty in my life. I especially miss the days when I was with you before."

"Unfortunately, it's too late now. Your boyfriend is so good and excellent. I don't know how to cherish it. I'm sorry I lost you."

"Xiaoying wish you happiness, I will always remember you." With that, Lulin stood up and prepared to leave.

Xia Ying was stunned. She never dreamed that Lulin would say such a thing.

It turns out that Lulin always cares about himself and loves himself.

Xia Ying looks at Lu Lin who goes out in a daze.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "what do you still want to do? Go after it quickly?"

Xia Ying's eyes were full of tears and bowed to Ye Chen: "thank you, Mr. Ye."

Then, Xia Ying quickly rushed out and called to Lulin: "fool, stop for me."

Lulin stupidly way: "Xia Ying, you don't have to comfort me, this may be the punishment of God to me."

Xia Ying hugged Lulin: "fool, I always love you."

Lulin Leng looked at Ye Chen: "that God Hao big guy?"

Xia Ying said with a smile: "I know you will pretend to be forced again when you see me, so I came to him from the street to pretend to be my boyfriend."

Lulin Leng for a moment, a face excited: "you said is true?"

"It's true, of course." Xia Ying said with a smile.

They hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Subsequently, Xia Ying pulls Lulin to Ye Chen.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye. Without you, we might never be together." Xia Ying said gratefully.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye. I'll keep your teachings in mind. I'll keep my feet on the ground and never pretend to be forced any more."

Ye Chen faint smile: "since you know each other's heart, it is necessary to love each other and wish you a long life together."

At this time, Lin Shiyin called: "President ye, Mr. Qian has come to our star university with a leader." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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