Ye Chen's words made the scene quiet.

You can say too much.

In particular, the momentum of his body, so that many people on the scene feel a sense of pressure from the superior.

In fact, although Ye Chen seems to be forcing Wang Ziming, people don't think it's wrong at all.

After all, ye Chen can develop this video without giving Wang Ziming a cent.

But ye Chen did not do so, which shows that ye Chen's character is very good.

What's more, ye Chen is also quite aggressive.

I tell you plainly that you don't agree to cooperate with me, I will develop it by myself, but you have no temper.

This is strength.

Several big men on the scene nodded secretly.

Ye Chen is so young that he has such a tyrannical and cruel means. No wonder so many industries have been gathered in his early twenties.

Such a person can only be seduced, can not offend ah!

For ye Chen's behavior, although some overbearing, but no one can say what.

After all, the business circle is always cheating, big fish eat small fish.

It happens too much in business.

And ye Chen put things on the surface, which not only shows ye Chen's confidence, but also shows ye Chen's strength.

Many people remember ye Chen's name.

This young man is really terrible.

Wang Ziming was silent for a moment and finally nodded: "Mr. Ye, I promise you."

After thinking about it, Wang Ziming finally compromised.

This project is very creative, but if you do it yourself, it will take a lot of detours.

With Ye Chen's help, the project will be 100% successful.

Hearing Wang Ziming's reply, ye Chen nodded.

This young man is very smart, and he is very decisive, which is worth cultivating.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "since Mr. Wang has agreed, the investment of 10 million is indeed a little less. I will add another 40 million, a total of 50 million, and 35% of the equity will remain unchanged."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the scene was shocked again.

It's just too overbearing.

The direct investment is 40 million.

You know, even if magotanga several big men may not have the courage to spend so much money on a project in the future.

What ye Chen wants is this effect, with grace and power.

Sure enough to hear ye Chen's words, Wang Ziming's face showed a rapturous expression.

Just now he was not very comfortable, after all, he was forced to sign.

But Wang Zichen's discontent disappeared in the moment.

There is even admiration in my heart.

Ye Chen so will control people's heart, let the scene of a few big men on Ye Chen is a high look.

This young man is terrible.

First give a slap, and then give sweet jujube to eat, benevolence and awe, the skill of controlling people in Ye Chen's hand is perfect.

Wang Ziming is also very happy with his choice.

With Ye Chen such a domineering supporter, how can the future shaking video not fire.

Even Wang Ziming has imagined the future of listing as a video giant.

Others do not know the value of shaking video, but ye Chen is very clear. Tiktok

will create a short video Empire like jitter, and even become an independent school video website.

As the last project was won by Ye Chen, the entrepreneurship conference also came to an end.

At this time, just those who despise ye Chen are surrounded by Ye Chen.

For these people, ye Chen is just a few words with a smile.

These people are not worth making friends with at all, even in the identity of Ye Chen, these people do not have this qualification at all.

Then came the banquet.

This banquet is in charge of the hotel, ye Chen can be said to be the host.

Ye Chen is also very heroic, directly announced that this dinner party is his own treat.

The back kitchen is very busy.

Li Xiangxiang is also very nervous, after all, she is the first time to prepare such a large party.

And she's just become a chef, so be sure to do well.

Li Xiangxiang made a Kung Fu abalone and said to his assistant, "take this dish to table 1."

"OK." The assistant nodded.

At this time, the assistant's cell phone rang, he answered a phone call, and then came back to push the dining car to table one.

"Everybody, this dish is Kung Fu abalone."

With that, the assistant brought the dish up.

But all the people were stunned when the dish was opened.

This is not what Kung Fu abalone, it is actually a few rotten abalone, and even there are a few maggots crawling around.

The scene is all big guy level figures, see this dish the facial expression is slightly a change.Even a couple of women vomited straight out.

Ye Chen eyebrow immediately wrinkled: "how to return a responsibility?"

After all, he's the owner of the Milo hotel. Isn't it a slap in the face that such a dish appears on the table of his own treat?

Assistant also silly: "boss, I don't know, this is not my dish."

Ye Chen said coldly: "take it down and serve it again. The dishes behind should be well checked."

The assistant went down with the food in a hurry.

Ye Chen embarrassed way: "you are really sorry, it is estimated that the kitchen may have made a mistake, affecting your appetite, this matter I will strictly investigate and inform you."

The atmosphere at the table was a little awkward.

After all, all of you here are people of status and status. It is intolerable that maggots appear in the food we eat.

However, everyone is to see in the face of Ye Chen, there is no voice.

At the end of the party, ye Chen sat in the office, cold as ice.

Li Xiangxiang's assistant stands in front of Ye Chen.

"What the hell is going on?" Ye Chen is cold.

Assistant shivered. "Boss, I really don't know. The dish I served was not really made by chef Li."

"Then why is the abalone with maggots on it?" Ye Chen is cold.

"I don't know. The abalone is selected by chef li himself. I'm also there. It's all the best. There can't be maggots. Besides, I've been there all the time. I'm sure this dish wasn't made by chef Li."

After listening to the assistant's words, ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "Xiangxiang has become the chef, is there someone dissatisfied with the kitchen?"

"Of course, Wu Bin went on strike the same day when he heard the news. He had asked for sick leave, but he didn't know how to come back again. Moreover, he encouraged other chefs to fight against chef Li."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, he already knew who was the culprit.

Soon, Wu Bin was called to the office.

When Wu Bin saw Ye Chen, he was stunned. He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so young.

But a scornful smile flashed across his mouth.

No wonder Li Xiangxiang will be promoted to chef because she is beautiful.

Even Wu Bin has concluded that Li Xiangxiang and ye Chen must have an affair.

Ye Chen saw Wu Bin with a faint smile: "Master Wu, you have been in the mile hotel for more than ten years."

"Thirteen years?" Wu Bin a look dependent on the old, sitting on the chair, it seems that ye Chen did not take seriously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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