Ye Chen drove to the old house.

Ye Chen originally arranged for his parents to live in the villa, but the parents said that they couldn't get used to living in the old house and said that it was more comfortable to live in the old house.

Ye Chen has no way but to promise.

When ye Chen comes home, he sees his parents looking sad.

"What's wrong with mom and dad?" Ye Chen asked in doubt.

Ye Fu said, "ah, these relatives don't know where to listen. You've made a fortune, so they all come to borrow money."

Ye Chen also understood the truth of the matter. It must be that these distant relatives heard on TV that they had opened a school, so they all came to borrow money.

The two old men were originally thin skinned, but they were in the way of affection.

So I don't know how to say no.

Ye Chen listened to the reason and said: "nothing, let them all come to me to deal with this matter."

"Can you handle it well? No, I'll take out my pension. " Father gnawed his teeth.

Ye Chen speechless way: "Dad, they are and I borrow money, not with you, rest assured, I can handle."

The next day, the relatives who got the news all came to Ye Chen's house.

Ye Chen sits at home, smiling at the seven aunts and aunts.

These relatives are unable to fight, usually have no contact, but now they all come out.

"Big nephew, I hear you are rich. You can't forget our poor relatives."

"That's right. We are so blessed to have such rich relatives as you. You can't ignore us, nephew."

Ye Chen listened to a faint smile: "you uncles and uncles, in fact, I have no money."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, these relatives are not happy.

"Nephew, who are you cheating on? You don't have money? We've heard that you drive a sports car. "

Ye Chen faint smile: "the sports car is my girlfriend's, but it's all relatives. If you really have difficulties, it's not impossible to borrow money."

The relatives were all in a daze.

"There are difficulties. Of course we have difficulties."

"Our children have no money to go to school."

"My mother is ill and needs money."

"My business needs capital turnover."


The noise of these relatives is worse than that of others.

"Ye Chen, when you were a child, you could often come to our house for dinner."

"When you were a child, I used to give you lucky money."

"I bought all your new clothes for the new year."


These relatives seem to be prepared, one by one began to pull relations, afraid Ye Chen will not lend them money.

Ye Chen looks at these relatives and knows why his parents have a headache.

In fact, ye Chen is worth 100 billion yuan, so it's nothing to borrow some money.

But the behavior of these relatives is shameful.

Even with what forget the original, rich forget poor relatives words to stimulate parents.

The parents are in a bad mood to sleep every day.

What's more, most of what these relatives said was nonsense. They clearly wanted to blackmail their family for a sum of money.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "if you are in trouble, I will certainly help you if I can help you. In this way, please line up. As long as you are really in trouble, I will borrow the money."

Hearing Ye Chen really lend them money, these relatives are excited.

After queuing up, ye Chen said, "it's OK to borrow money. You can borrow money, but you need to make a debit note."

Ye Chen is not stupid. Will these people repay the money they borrowed? I'm sure it won't change.

Although Ye Chen is not short of money, he does not want to be disgusted by these people.

The money is all hard earned by oneself. Why give it to them in vain.

Most importantly, they also threaten their parents with this despicable means.

Hearing Ye Chen want to make a note, these relatives are not happy.

"Xiaochen, what do you mean? I'm afraid we won't pay back the money."

"That's right. Is it all the relatives who can do it?"

Ye Chen is tough.

You said it's useless. It's natural for you to repay debts. You and my parents are relatives. I don't know many of you. Since I borrow money from me, I think it's good to lend it to you for the sake of my parents. If you don't write an IOU, you can't borrow a cent from me. "

Hear ye Chen's words, those relatives have no way.

However, these people have a small idea, what if they have the IOU, and if they don't return it, what else can he do?

Ye Chen nodded and sat directly in front of the table and said, "OK, one by one."

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing patched clothes crowded out: "big nephew, I'll borrow money first."

Ye Chen took a look, this relative is really miserable enough to wear clothes patch stack patch.

But ye Chen looked at his resume and sneered.

This relative's family condition is very good, every year will travel abroad with the boss.

Are you short of money? Certainly not, but who doesn't want the money for nothing.Ye Chen said: "good, you first say you have what reason to borrow money."

"My boss is seriously ill. He has to see a doctor. He needs two hundred and not half a million." The middle-aged relative stretched out five fingers and looked at Ye Chen uneasily.

Ye Chen nodded: "Oh, yes."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the middle-aged people were overjoyed.

Ye Chen directly transferred the relative's information, and then wrote on the paper: "Ye Mingyu owns two bedrooms, one living room and one real estate in Huayuan community, Pudong East Road. As a mortgage, he borrowed 500000 yuan from ye Chen Then write the date. "

The middle-aged man was stunned. He didn't expect that ye Chen knew his situation so well.

Ye Chen faintly smile: "sign the monograph, the money turns to you immediately."

Ye Mingyu took a look at the note, but he snorted in his heart. I don't pay back the money. You can't sell my house. Thinking of it, he signed his name.

Sure enough, ye Chen transferred money directly.

Seeing ye Chen so forthright, other relatives also began to write IOU.

The reasons for borrowing money are various: children go to school, children buy houses, and old people get sick.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten relatives directly borrowed more than five million yuan from ye Chen.

They obviously use Ye Chen as a cash machine and borrow more and more money.

Even the relatives who borrowed money at the beginning are secretly regretting that they should borrow more money from ye Chen.

Ye Chen is as long as borrow, write a note can.

A dozen relatives were satisfied.

"Oh, Xiaochen is forthright."

"Thanks to Xiaochen, but it solved the urgent need of our family."


Ye Chen raised his mouth slightly.

At this time, the door heard the sound of brakes, and then a bald head with a group of thugs came in.

When they saw the group, their faces changed.

This group of people are depicting the dragon and Phoenix, and some relatives even know this master.

It is the famous leopard brother of Mordor.

Leopard brother saw Ye Chen licking the dog on his face.

"Brother Chen, tell me to come here. What can I do for you?"

Ye Chen handed a stack of notes to brother Bao.

"Oh, these are all my relatives and I've borrowed money. There are repayment dates on them. When you ask for my account, I don't have any other requirements. I don't need any interest. I'll get back every cent of the money I borrowed."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, those relatives' faces suddenly became ugly.

Who is brother Bao? They know that these people are special accounts.

If you don't pay back the money, splash paint, smash the door in the middle of the night, or even threaten yourself, you can do anything.

Just also a face of excitement of the crowd, the face suddenly became ugly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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