Rich women and middle-aged people never dreamed that the people they called would clean them up severely.

Leopard brother carried two people to Ye Chen: "apologize to Mr. Ye for me."

Two people are black and blue, and ye Chen apologizes.

Ye Chen waved his hand to the rich woman and said, "don't think that didi little brother is easy to bully. Don't think you can do whatever you want with money. There are people in this world that you can't afford to offend."

The rich woman never dreamed that a little brother didi had such a big background.

Even brother leopard does what he says.

Ye Chen to this kind of small person, clean up a meal also calculate.

In the evening, ye Chen received a call from Li Dong to invite him to dinner.

Li Dong, Lu Hao and Su Chen are all ye Chen, who are quite good in the company at the same time.

This time, Li Dong's treat is because he has a girlfriend. The most important thing is to thank Ye Chen.

Song lifeI infected with syphilis in the company's uproar, Zhang Qiang also because of corruption was arrested by the police.

Li Dong has grown a lot after this event.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much this time. If it wasn't for you, I might have been trapped by song Lina."

"Ha ha, we are brothers. We should all be brothers. How about this woman?"

Li Dong said with a smile: "this girl is a little sister who just came to the company. I usually take care of her. Although she is not as beautiful as song lifeI, she is very nice."

Ye Chen nodded: "well, looking for a wife to find suitable for their own, refueling, waiting to drink your wedding wine."

Four people are eating kebabs and chatting.

Ye Chen also drank a lot of wine today.

Full of food and drink, it's more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Because drink a lot of wine, ye Chen certainly can't drive, he had to ask the price.

Looking at Ye Chen's Lacan sports car, Li Dong was dissatisfied: "you talk about the elder brothers coming out to drink, you still drive sports cars, only two seats, we want to sit without a seat."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "ha ha, isn't this a way for elder brother to rise? Otherwise, others think we are poor. "

At this time, Li Dong said with a smile: "you see, the beautiful woman is coming."

Sure enough, a beautiful woman with 80 points of exposed clothes came over.

"Handsome boy, is this sports car yours?"

Ye Chen nodded: "yes, it's my sports car."

She has a graceful figure and a charming face. She is more exposed in her clothes. She smiles and twinkles with charm.

Several people in Li Dong were immediately fascinated by the beauty.

However, ye Chen, there are too many beautiful women around her. She has already had a resistance to 80 points of beauty.

The beauty said with a smile: "brother, I want to go to the amorous feelings bar. I don't know if I can take you to the bar."

The implication is obvious.

It is one of the biggest bars in Mordor.

I went to the bar, drank, danced, and then went to the hotel to open a room.

Ye Chen is familiar with this routine and script.

Li Dong on the side of a few people a face of envy and jealousy.

It's good to have money. If you have a luxury car, you don't have to do anything. Beauty will stick it to you.

However, ye Chen is not only handsome, but also rich.

Several people thought Ye Chen would agree, but no one expected Ye Chen to directly say: "sorry, my brother still has something, no time."

I wipe, ye Chen denatured?

This kind of thing, but a few people used to drink when dreaming of things, now good things face Ye Chen unexpectedly refused.

The smile on her face also disappeared.

She hung a man almost did not miss, did not expect today was Ye Chen directly refused.

You know, she was almost telling him that two people could go to the hotel in the evening.

He was so beautiful and in such a good shape that the man refused himself.

Several other people also have doubts about ye Chen's refusal of such a beautiful sister.

Ye Chen said faintly: "I have a girlfriend, I am very specific."

Sister heard Ye Chen's words, a cold hum: "papaya."

Then the beauty left angrily.

Several other people look at Ye Chen in surprise.

Chen's style is not right

"That's right. You refused such a beautiful girl."

Ye Chen faint smile: "elder brother a few, outside is very disorderly now, I like beautiful woman, but to have a disease beautiful woman but have no interest."

Heard Ye Chen's words, had Zhang Qiang's matter, several people all understood.

It turns out that ye Chen refused because the beauty was ill.

But a few people are very curious, ye Chen is how to see.

Ye Chen faint smile: "no matter you believe it or not, brother can look at phase."A few people for ye Chen's words naturally don't believe, are all skimming lips.

Just then, a taxi came up and said, "OK, let's go first. You wait for the price."

Seeing several people leave, ye Chen is speechless.

The price is too slow.

But at this time, a girl's timid voice came from behind: "Sir, is it the price of your call?"

Ye Chen turns around and looks stunned.

Behind him, a weak girl, riding a small electric car, is looking at himself timidly.

Ye Chen looks at this girl to be stunned.

"Are you really a valet driver?"

Although Ye Chen drank a lot of wine, his head was a little dizzy, but still very sober.

The girl behind her is in her early twenties. She is so beautiful that her appearance is over 95 points.

She was dressed in a yellow vest for driving. She had a unique style.

Ye Chen is curious because the girl is too weak and beautiful.

It's too brave for such a girl to do the price.

You know, most of the people looking for the price are drunk men. This sister, who is in the middle of the night, is not afraid of the other side's brutality?

The girl is also a little shy when she sees Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded: "OK, that hard you."

With that ye Chen threw the key to the girl and sat in the co driver's seat.

"I'll go to bed and call me when I get to the ground." Ye Chen said.

Although the girl looks beautiful, but ye Chen is not able to take advantage of the girl's wine strength.

Ye Chen was just ready to sleep, but the girl patted Ye Chen with a red face.

"Anything else?" Ye Chen asked.

"I don't know how to drive your sports car."

Although the girl has done many times the price, but this is the first time she saw such a good sports car.

Ye Chen can understand it very well. After all, he drives the only sports car in China. It's normal that a girl can't drive it.

About how to drive the car, taught the girl, ye Chen just lay in the front passenger seat again.

Sleepy idea hit to tell the girl address, ye Chen quickly went to sleep.

The girl looks at the leaf Chen that falls asleep also is tiny smile.

Ye Chen is very handsome, and his character is really good. He doesn't act like some drunken men.

In the blink of an eye, ye Chen fell asleep.

There is a system in, ye Chen won't worry about fatal damage.

This sports car is actually very simple, as long as can drive the person to be able to start very quickly.

However, ye Chen thought very good, but just fell asleep soon, the accident still came. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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