Ye Chen said with a smile, "do you dare me

Tong Liya gives Ye Chen a look.

She knows Ye Chen is good for her.

After all, paparazzi are everywhere now. If Tong Liya really goes upstairs with Ye Chen, there may be some news coming out tomorrow.

Ye Chen returned to the hotel, just ready to take a bath to sleep, suddenly the mobile phone rang.

"Help me."

Then there is a wechat positioning.

Ye Chen took a look, it was from Li Sitong.

So late to send wechat, and still let himself save her, what is the danger.

Ye Chen replied with a wechat: "what's the matter?"

But the other side has not returned.

Ye Chen understands that something may have happened.

Although and Li Sitong just met, but ye Chen still has some good impression on this girl.

Ye Chen went downstairs and drove the car to open the positioning.

The location is Sanlitun.

It's one of the most chaotic places in Kyoto, with lots of bars.

Ye Chen drives a car, straight to coordinate place.

It was already more than eleven o'clock.

Li Sitong and Zhao Shanshan were chased by a group of people.

The two beauties were panting.

The big men behind him were chasing after him.

"Stop, you two."

"Don't let us catch you, bitch?"

"You dare to beat our boss and die."

"Catch them and let them know what our buddies are today."

A group of men are more and more close to each other.

Li Sitong regrets that she shouldn't have come to the bar with her sisters today.

Originally, Li Sitong didn't want to come, but her sister had to pull her to play.

Zhao Shanshan ran and said: "Si Tong, who do you think you're not good at? You just beat their boss. This time we're miserable."

"I don't want to come, but you want to come, and you say me."

Originally, Zhao Shanshan brought Li Sitong to the nightclub to play, but met this group of hooligans.

This group of hooligans fell in love with Li Sitong, so they started to move.

Li Sitong was originally a serious girl. She couldn't stand the harassment of the other party. She slapped the other party in the face, which poked the hornet's nest.

In the bar, these gangsters did not dare to start. Two people just came out of the bar, and they even blocked two people outside.

The two beauties had to run. At the moment of running, Li Sitong sent a message to Ye Chen asking for help.

"I'll never come to such a place again." Li Sitong runs along the road.

"I won't come either, but I'll die if they catch me today."

Behind them, the gangsters are getting closer and closer to each other.

Even they are less than 10 meters away from the two girls.

Just then, accompanied by a rush of brakes, a Volkswagen stopped at the entrance of the Hutong.

"Get in the car."

Ye Chen opens the car door and says to two beauties.

Li Sitong was ecstatic.

She just flustered just casually sent a micro message, did not expect Ye Chen to really come.

Ye Chen said to two beauties: "get on the bus quickly."

Two people get into the car in a panic.

As soon as the door was closed, the bastards had caught up.

Ye Chen stepped on the accelerator, the car whistling away.

"NIMA, I want to run. I want to catch these two bitches anyway."

These gangsters are drag racing party, have on the roadside car, in the back Crazy Chase Ye Chen.

It's close to midnight, so there are few cars on the road.

The two sides started racing.

After seven or eight refitted cars, whistling after ye Chen's car.

They are usually a group of drag racing party, so the cars are refitted.

There's no suspense about chasing a bad Volkswagen.

Looking at the more and more close to the rear of the modified car, Li Sitong and Zhao Shanshan heart again raised.

"No, I can't run now."

Li Sitong bit his teeth and said, "Ye Chen, we can't run away. You put us in front of you. Don't bother you."

Ye Chen Leng for a while, smile way: "you this wench still quite Zhang Yi, don't worry, have me in they can't catch up with you."

For Li Sitong, ye Chen has a little more favor, so he can't let go of Li Sitong and run by himself.

Ye Chen says with a smile: "you sit firmly."

Voice down, ye Chen will directly step on the accelerator to the end.

Almost at the same time, two cars have come to both sides of Ye Chen's car, and want to stop Ye Chen's car.

The two beauties look pale with fear.

They did not dream that they should have made such a big disaster.Ye Chen looks at seven or eight sports cars that have caught up, and raises his mouth.

I'm a god level driver. You're not as good as me.

Bang bang!

The two cars almost simultaneously hit the rear of Ye Chen.

An ordinary car. The rear of the car must be damaged after it is hit.

But let those bastards didn't expect that ye Chen's car didn't happen.

Ye chenmeng a dozen of steering wheel, directly hit the side of a car.

Let those bastards incredible is that ye Chen this collision actually directly to the other side's car hit the direct rollover.

Nima, this Volkswagen is too strong.

What makes everyone even more stunned is that the door of Land Rover knocked over by Ye Chen is deeply sunken, but ye Chen's car is nothing.

Nima, is this the public? It's a tank.

Later, several cars were knocked over by Ye Chen's car.

At this time, the two beauties were stunned.

They sit in the car can intuitively feel, these cars hit Ye Chen car, there is nothing at all.

However, those cars were miserable. As long as they were hit by Ye Chen's car, the light ones were sunken and the heavy ones were knocked over directly.

Those bastards are miserable.

They've never seen such a great Volkswagen.

The car that ye Chen drives is specially modified.

On the surface, it's a Volkswagen. In fact, the windows are bullet proof glass, and the body is made of super alloy metal.

This is equivalent to a small tank.

Those cars and ye Chen's cars play bumper cars, don't they seek death?

Ten minutes later, ye Chen has thrown away all the cars behind him.

Li Sitong said gratefully, "thanks to you. If it wasn't for you, I would be miserable this time."

Ye Chen faint smile: "you two girls come out so late, how dangerous."

Li Sitong's pretty face flushed: "I know I was wrong. I dare not come out so late."

Zhao Shanshan looked at Ye Chen, with peach blossom in her eyes: "who is the handsome man si Tong? Please introduce it to me."

Li Sitong pretty face a red: "I came back from the airport is to take his car back, we just met."

"Is it? Brother, are you really on the tick? You're the most handsome and cool little brother I've ever seen

Ye Chen smiles with embarrassment. "Thank you for the compliment. By the way, where are you going?"

Li Sitong said: "the school has been closed, certainly can not go back, by the way, I know a big stall is good, I invite you to have supper, thank you for helping us."

Ye Chen was also a little hungry, so he nodded: "that's OK."

Driving, ye Chen directly came to Li Sitong said the big stall.

Three people just entered, Li Sitong and Zhao Shanshan face a change.

The enemy's road is narrow. The gang of thugs who just chased them are here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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