Last night and Lin Wanrou tossed into the middle of the night, getting up in the morning, ye Chen personally cooked health porridge.

After eating porridge, ye Chen continued to open Didi.

Towards noon, ye Chen pulled two guests.

One is a middle-aged man with a big belly, and the other is a girl in her early twenties.

"Godfather, I heard there was an auto show in Pudong. You promised to buy me a BMW."

"Well, I'll show you. OK, baby."

"Just look at it. People have seen it many times. Buy me a BMW. If you buy me a BMW, I will promise you that."

"Are you serious?" The man with a big belly lit up.

The girl nodded: "of course it is."

Ye Chen drives the car, don't ask, this must be a package of mistresses.

At this time, the man's cell phone rang.

"Hello, wife, oh, I have a meeting in Kyoto. I won't go back tonight. Well, about three days, OK, OK!"

Hang up the phone, big bellied man like to smile and say: "baby, I can accompany you for three days."

"Great, I'll drive your new BMW."

At this time, the big bellied man took a look outside.

"Didi, where are you going

Ye Chen said: "Pudong auto show, just that road traffic jam, on the outer ring."

"You give us a detour, believe me or not

"I asked you just now? You can say Ye Chen Dao.

Just two people touching each other, ye Chen did ask, the man's estimate at that time did not hear.

"I don't care, you give me a detour is your problem, I hate you this kind of didi little brother, every day drive a Didi, still want to take advantage of small

The girl next to her said, "godfather, don't get angry with this kind of little brother, we are people with status."

"Yes, yes. When I get off the bus, I will give you bad comments. Do you know who I am? China Eastern Airlines knows, I am the biggest supplier of China Eastern Airlines, big food industry. There are millions of dollars a year. How can you compare with the winner of my life

Ye Chen is speechless. Lao Tzu's special Mo account is still open for hundreds of billions of yuan. How about your millions a year?

At this time, the man's phone rang again.

The man impatient way: "you are bored, I am in a meeting."

"What, the child has a fever. Go to the hospital with a fever. What call do you call me? I have no time. How can I return to the devil in Kyoto? What do I do to support you every day? I can't take care of a child."

With that, the man hung up the phone.

Ye Chen listened to the man's words, eyes slightly narrowed.

This man is obviously in the magic city, and he only cares about his own girls and children. It seems that he has been treated for this man.

The man continued to brag: "took the list of Eastern Airlines food, I earned money to buy you a big house."

"Godfather, you are so kind." The girl said excitedly.

The man looked at Ye Chen and said with a sneer: "boy, I envy you not to envy my brother's life, but everyone has his own life. Your life is relatively humble, and my life is more noble."

Ye Chen said with a faint smile: "have you ever heard of changing one's life against heaven?"

The man listened to Leng for a moment: "what, against the weather change life? You want to change your destiny? Dream. "

Ye Chen shook his head: "no, no, I'm not changing my fate, I'm changing your destiny. Do you believe it or not, I can make you become a poor force immediately?"

Listen to Ye Chen's words, the man is a Leng first, then laugh up.

"You, on your own, who do you think you are? The one who talks about it dares to brag with me

Ye Chen really doesn't like to see people who pretend to be forced.

Some people say that men will get worse if they have money. It seems that they have to help the brother to recognize their responsibilities.

Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed a telephone.

"Mr. Wu? I'm Ye Chen

In the general manager's office of China Eastern Airlines, Wu Fei received a phone call from ye Chen and said, "Mr. Ye, it's you."

"You check for me whether our aviation food supplier has called the big food industry, kick it out for me."

The man heard the content of Ye Chen's phone call, his face changed slightly.

However, he soon calmed down, saw Ye Chen Hang up the phone and sneered: "boy, you can play a lot? He kicked us out. Who do you think you are? Tell you that the purchasing manager of China Eastern Airlines is my brother, you know. "

But just then, suddenly the man's phone rang.

Seeing the phone number, the man's face changed slightly.

It turned out to be the purchasing manager of China Eastern Airlines.

He takes a look at Ye Chen, is this kid saying true?

It's impossible. This guy is just a beeper. How can he have so much energy.When the phone was connected, the man said respectfully, "Mr. Wang, is there anything wrong?"

"Hu Yong, our contract yesterday has been cancelled. You have been blacklisted by China Eastern Airlines. Your company's food will not be in the scope of our China Eastern Airlines procurement."

"Ah, Mr. Wang, what's going on? Didn't we have a three-year contract when we had dinner yesterday

"I gave you a lot of good, Mr. Hu. How can you do this?"

"Fart, who will take advantage of you? Yesterday we only agreed verbally, there is no legal effect. Now I declare that the contract is invalid."

"What? Mr. Wang, why on earth

"Why? Did you offend a little brother didi just now?"

Hu Yong was stunned for a moment and took a look at Ye Chen.

"Yes, isn't it..."

Mr. Wang said coldly: "that's the big shareholder of China Eastern Airlines. You're so dead. Don't call me in the future. We don't have any relationship."

Hang up the phone, Hu Yong looked at Ye Chen immediately silly.

The reason why he is so floating now is because of the relationship between airlines.

Their factory can be said to be maintained by the airline. If the airline company turns yellow, their factory will go bankrupt.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "OK, the auto show center is here."

Xiao San took Hu Yong's arm: "godfather, buy me a car."

"If I buy a fart car, my factory will be yellow."

Hu Yong quickly said to Ye Chen, "Ye Dong, I have no eyes. Please spare me. Our factory depends on China Eastern Airlines."

Ye Chen said faintly: "are you not a winner in life? Aren't you very good? "

"I, I know I'm wrong. Give me another chance."

Ye Chen coldly hummed: "opportunity won't give you, go home to accompany your wife and children well, be a father should do, since you have money, you will float, will become a bad man, then I will help you this time."

Hearing that Hu Yong was bankrupt, the little three around him immediately changed his face: "what, you are bankrupt, you are a bad old man, my mother wasted so much time on you."

When Hu Yong heard the girl scold him, he immediately became angry: "you bitch, dare to scold me, how much money did I spend for you, you bitch?"

Two people even wrestled at the gate of the auto show.

Ye Chen shook his head: "ah, I hope this time, this man can have a long memory."

Seeing the auto show, ye Chen suddenly remembered that Tang Xiaofei said in wechat that she was working as a model in the auto show. She came here and had a look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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