When turning the corner, Tang Xiaofei, the co pilot, couldn't help but scream.

She felt like she would be thrown out at any moment.

"Ye Chen, slow down, I haven't got a boyfriend, I haven't been in love yet."

Tang Xiaofei felt that he was about to be thrown out of the car and couldn't help screaming.

Ye Chen did not respond, Tang Xiaofei continued to accelerate.

At this time, a big cow followed closely.

Obviously, he didn't want to lose to Ye Chen.

The man driving a bull is Lin Ying, who used to be a racing driver.

He kept the amateur record of the circuit.

Obviously, he didn't want to lose to Ye Chen.

Unfortunately, on the straight road, although Lin Ying caught up with Ye Chen, he had to slow down at the curve.

After all, he didn't have the guts to try it at such a fast speed.

Finally, ye Chen was the first to cross the finish line.

Ye Chen even created the latest racing record of the circuit.

Getting out of the car, Tang Xiaofei felt her feet were all soft.

It was just too exciting.

Tang Xiaofei has always liked excitement and used to watch racing cars.

Today, sitting in Ye Chen's car, she felt the general feeling of flying.

It's a great feeling.

At this time, a lot of people on the racing track have their eyes on her.

Tang Xiaofei is tall, and her appearance is very delicate. Her figure should be convex and concave, but it is attractive to men.

At this time, the owner of the car, Lin Ying, came over.

"Ye Chen, you are so strong, especially the cornering technique. I feel that those top drivers are not your competitors."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "your driving skills are also good. You should have been a racing driver before."

Lin Ying's face turned red.

"I have just tried my best, and there is still a big gap with you. After all, my car is better than you in terms of speed and performance, but I still lost."

The third round is the friendly.

Ye Chen looked at Tang Xiaofei: "you can drive."

Tang Fei nodded

"Why don't you drive yourself?"

Tang Xiaofei has long been eager to try, but just did not mean to say.

After all, a sports car is millions.

"Really?" Tang Xiaofei excitedly said.

Ye Chen nodded: "of course."

Tang Xiaofei sits on the Ferrari sports car, a face of excitement.

Although she just sat in the front passenger's seat, Tang Xiaofei screamed repeatedly. In fact, she still enjoyed such a feeling in her heart.

At the beginning of the third round, all the players in this competition are women.

Tang Xiaofei's performance is very excited.

At the beginning of the race, Tang Xiaofei showed a very good driving talent, and even kept ahead.

Especially when crossing the corner, Tang Xiaofei actually made a beautiful drift.

Ye Chen raised her mouth. This girl is really a genius.

Obviously, just now Tang Xiaofei not only exclaimed, she was also watching her own operation.

Although there are many flaws, it is very difficult for Tang Xiaofei to achieve this step.

Ye Chen has been sitting in the co pilot's seat, he did not speak.

After all, this kind of high-speed driving, if ye Chen points out, Tang Xiaofei can't drive well.

Ye Chen's role is actually when the car is in danger.

But Tang Xiaofei's talent is too good, along the way, although there are some wrong operation, but are not fatal.

Tang Xiaofei took the lead all the way and even won the first place.

Rushing through the finish line, Tang Xiaofei is very excited.

"Yeah, we won."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "it's so fierce that I won the championship.

According to the regulations, the registration fees of Ye Chen and Tang Xiaofei can be recovered, but ye Chen chooses to donate all of them to the hope project.

After all, it's charity. Ye Chen doesn't lack money. 100000 yuan is just a drizzle for him.

At the end of the game, Tang Xiaofei has been immersed in a state of happiness.

"It turns out that drag racing is so interesting. Otherwise, how come so many people like racing?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "if you like, this Ferrari is for you."

"Ah, send me?" Tang Xiaofei was stunned for a moment.

Ye Chen says with a smile: "my car is too much, anyway also can't drive over."

"No, it's too expensive." Tang Xiaofei shakes her head.

Ye Chen said with a faint smile: "it doesn't matter. A sports car is very expensive for others, but it's just a toy car for me."


"You're my girlfriend. Can't I give my girlfriend a car?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Tang Xiaofei nodded shyly.Later, Tang Xiaofei drove a sports car to run several laps on the track.

Soon this sports car was more and more skillful by Tang Xiaofei.

In the evening, Yan Chuang asked, "is Ye Ge free at night? Let's have dinner together

Ye Chen nodded: "no problem."

In the evening, the party arrived at the hotel.

Tang Xiaofei habitually gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise before getting off the bus.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's five-star high praise. Activate the fifth praise star and get the God level special effects. 】

Yan Chuang took a bottle of Feitian Maotai directly from his home.

Lin Ying said with a smile: "Ye Ge racing car I did not take who, today I take you, but drink you may not be my opponent."

Yan Chuang said with a smile: "Ye elder brother, you can't mix wine with this boy. Their home is to sell wine. The amount of wine is amazing."

Ye Chen is afraid of him if he has the skill of never drunk.

"It's OK. We can put together the wine."

Hearing Ye Chen want to drink with Lin Ying, everyone's faces change slightly.

It's going to be bad for this kid.

Lin Ying is known as Dionysian in their circle, but she has never been afraid of anyone.

Ye Chen and he drink, will certainly be drunk.

Lin Ying poured Ye Chen a glass of wine: "Ye Ge is bold and forthright. Let's drink."

Two people just took out a glass of wine.

Yan Chuang worried: "Chen brother, you can't even if you can't, this boy is the wine basket, but he doesn't lose face."

Ye Chen smiles: "it's OK, I still have quantity."

After all, I promised to drink with others. It would be a shame to admit it.

A bottle of Feitian was quickly drunk by two people, and then another box of beer was ordered.

Neither of them is afraid of the other.

Ye Chen has a thousand cups not drunk, drinking is actually no different from drinking water.

But Lin Ying can't.

Although can and, but also can't stand a lot of wine.

Finally, after a drink, Lin Ying flopped down on the table.

There was a dead silence on the table.

Yan Chuang gave Ye Chen a thumbs up: "Ye Ge Niu forced, you are really not drunk."

In fact, ye Chen is very embarrassed, he is actually equivalent to open hang.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to drink as much as he could.

"Well, today's food is almost the same, Yan Chuang, you take Lin Ying home."

Yan Chuang nodded: "Chen elder brother, you give it to me."

Out of the hotel, Tang Xiaofei said: "Ye Chen, you drink so much wine, or I drive it."

Ye Chen nods. Tang Xiaofei seems to be afraid of Ye Chen's drinking and driving slowly.

But at a crossroad, Tang Xiaofei suddenly looked at the front and became nervous!

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