The old man thought of what and said: "there are online video on mecha all deleted, absolutely can not be circulated on the Internet."

Soon, China's Network Department began to take action.

Online video of mecha disappeared immediately.

At this time, ye Chen is also concerned about the production progress of mecha.

When ye Chen saw this project, he was also shocked.

He did not expect that the creativity of these students should be so terrible.

I tried to make a mecha.

Ye Chen looked at the design plan, but secretly shook his head.

Although the prototype of this mecha is coming out, it is still a long way from completion.

According to their progress, I'm afraid it will take at least 20 years.

In several key positions, such as the use of nuclear energy in mecha and the conduction function of mecha, there are great defects.

For 20 years, ye Chen can't wait, but ye Chen has divine science and technology.

He decided to help the students.

Ye Chen came to the laboratory and took out several drawings and handed them to Wang Meng and Wu Gang.

"Mr. Ye, are you?"

I've seen the mecha you made. It's a good idea, but the key position still needs to be improved. You can study it carefully.

As usual, ye Chen gave them the drawings and left.

After all, ye Chen gave them directions, and they had to do it themselves.

When several people got the drawing, their faces suddenly changed.

That's what they're thinking about.

Ye Chen can say to help them list all the difficult problems in the formula.

Now all they have to do is work out these formulas.

Although this also takes time, but the direction is right, the progress will be faster.

Ye Chen had just returned to the headmaster's room, and Lin Shiyin ran in: "headmaster Ye has come to visit."

Guests coming?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Is it the headmaster of which school gave him exchange students?

Lin Shiyin shook his head and whispered a few words in Ye Chen's ear.

Ye Chen's expression is also becoming a little serious, because this time is a big man.

With hearty laughter, an old man walked into Ye Chen's office.

Ye Chen stood up: "good leadership."

The old man is a senior figure in China, and he used to be a soldier with great military achievements.

For such people, ye Chen is still very respected.

Mr. Wei said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, I heard that your school is developing mecha."

Ye Chen nodded: "well, those students are studying it."

"Can I have a look?" Mr. Wei said excitedly

Ye Chen said with a smile, "of course, there is no problem."

The party came to the science and technology building.

Mr. Wei was also surprised to see the high-tech building.

"Xiaoye, your science and technology building is more powerful than that of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Ye Chen smile: "which has ah, we which can compare with the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Why not? I heard that your nuclear reactors were very good last time. If the universities in China were like you, why would China not be strong?"

Speaking, a group of people came to the machine armor production site.

Seeing the mecha standing in the factory, Wei Lao looked excited.

"It's amazing. It's really done."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Old Wei, this is just the prototype of mecha, let him move, can play a role, estimated to have a period of time."

Old Wei nodded: "what do you need, materials, manpower or material resources, as long as we put forward all guarantee."

If this mecha is really made, it will be of great significance to China.

After all, this technology was developed in many countries ten years ago, especially in island countries, but none of them succeeded. It can be seen how difficult it is.

Now the star university has made a prototype. How can Wei Lao not be happy.

If this thing is really made, it will be a qualitative leap for the improvement of China's combat power.

With mecha, who dares to compete with China!

Ye Chen shook his head: "Old Wei, now what we need is time, these students are working hard to study, I believe it will not be long before we can see the results."

Old Wei nodded: "little leaf, this thing is made, the country wants to buy you have no problem."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "of course, there is no opinion. As Chinese people, our efforts are also to make China stronger."

For ye Chen's consciousness, Wei Lao was very satisfied and nodded: "well, yes, I'm waiting for your good news. If you need anything, please mention it. I promise that all departments will turn on the green light all the way."

"Thank you for being old Wei."

Old Wei and ye Chen chat again, this just satisfied leave.Ye Chen is looking at the mecha that is being made, and is also thinking.

Just now ye Chen added something of his own to Wu Gang and Wang Meng's code.

Therefore, the absolute control of mecha is actually in the hands of Ye Chen.

The success of the mecha production will certainly cause a big disturbance in the world. Although Ye Chen believes that these students will not do the things they shouldn't do, ye Chen must also take precautions.

After all, people lose themselves in the face of interests.

After finishing these things, ye Chen was relieved and left the school.

Ye Chen is driving, listening to the radio.

Suddenly a piece of news attracted Ye Chen.

Today, Tianyu entertainment released an announcement to terminate the contract with Tong Xiaoya, its artist, and withdraw all the copyright of Tong Xiaoya's music.

The news caused a sensation at once.

After all, taking back all the music rights of Tong Xiaoya means that she is not qualified to sing her famous songs in public.

After all, as an artist, famous songs are their own life, which is definitely a big blow to Tong Xiaoya.

Tianyu entertainment also announced that it will launch its main album "youth storm" for its artist Wu Meimei in October.

Ye Chen remembers that before Tianyu's propaganda "youth storm" was tailored for Tong Xiaoya.

On the network is a sigh.

"Ah, what does Tong Xiaoya think? He left Tianyu. "

"It's said that they are kept by others."

"The star community is really chaotic."

"Yes, I like her very much. I heard she was banned."

Almost everyone thinks that Tong Xiaoya's acting career is over when she leaves Tianyu.

For Tong Xiaoya pay, ye Chen also feel warm.

In order to join himself, Tong Xiaoya really paid too much.

Ye Chen decided to create a fire album for Tong Xiaoya.

After all, people pay so much for themselves.

Ye Chen thought of a name, Qiqi.

In the previous life, Qiqi was praised as a little song, and every capital of her songs was a classic.

And Qiqi's age is similar to Tong Xiaoya.

So, ye Chen drove straight home.

In the evening, a total of eight songs, sample, lyrics and lyrics were all made out.

Ye Chen dials Tong Xiaoya's phone.

"Director ye, can I help you?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "you just signed up with our company. I want to make an album for you."

"Well, I can't wait. The album you made for me must be wonderful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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