At this time, Zhou Su Su came over.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much. We've been following this case for a long time recently, but we haven't caught these guys. You've helped me a lot."

Ye Chen smiles and says with a smile: "should, eliminate harm for the people."

"You've helped me several times. I'll have to treat you tonight."

Ye Chen heard a way: "OK."

Zhou Su Su usually works very busy, so the two people usually do not contact much.

However, ye Chen did help Zhou Su solve several cases recently.

In particular, the Municipal Bureau leaders attach great importance to this case.

Zhou Su Su has made great contributions. Of course, thanks to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen drove Li Yangyang and Wu Tongtong back to school.

Li Yangyang directly gave Ye Chen a five-star high praise.

[Ding, congratulations on the host's winning the five-star high praise, and activating two praise stars, which have won 58% of the shares of Wanbo Museum. 】

Museum shares?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Ye Chen of Wanbo Museum has heard about it. It is said that there are many cultural relics in it, which seems to be very powerful.

Ye Chen ran a few more businesses and looked at the time. It was time to date Zhou Su Su.

Zhou Su Su and ye Chen are dating at a string.

Unlike other girls, Zhou Su Su is often with male police, so she is very bold and unrestrained.

Zhou Su Su ordered a bunch of beer directly.

Ye Chen looked at the beer and said, "you can drink so much."

Zhou Su Su said with a faint smile: "of course, why? Afraid? "

Ye Chen smile: "afraid, how possible."

Zhou Su Su directly opened two bottles of beer, even without a cup, blowing into the bottles.

For ye Chen, Zhou Su Su has too many doubts.

Most importantly, she couldn't find out the identity of Ye Chen.

Therefore, Zhou Su Su also wanted to pour more information about ye Chen.

Zhou Su Su drinks so much that there are few male policemen in the police force who are her opponents.

After a bottle of wine, ye Chen has nothing to do.

But Zhou Su Su is not in a hurry, so I can't trust you.

After two bottles of wine, ye Chen seems to have a little red face.

It seems that there is a play.

A bundle of bottles of wine was soon killed by two men.

Zhou Su Su feels dizzy, but ye Chen looks as if his face is slightly red, which is no different from that just now.

What's going on?

Ye Chen said with a smile, "OK, I've drunk a bunch of them, almost."

Zhou Su Su shook her head: "no, no, no, no, no, no more."

We ordered another beer with the boss, and we continued to drink.

Ye Chen has already seen that Zhou Su Su is a little drunk now, and even his speech is not clear.

But the girl is still standing up.

Looking at Zhou Su Su's lovely appearance, ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

Then the two men drank another bottle of beer.

This time, a bottle of wine, ye Chen directly lying on the table.

There is no way, ye Chen knows that if you don't pretend to be drunk, you can't go today.

Zhou Su Su was just worried. How could ye Chen not drink so much? When he saw Ye Chen drunk, he immediately felt happy.

"Ha ha, you're drunk at last. You're just looking for death by drinking with my Dionysian. I don't believe you can drink me."

However, all of a sudden, Zhou Su Su felt his head sink and almost fell on the table at the same time.

Ye Chen is pretending to be drunk, but Zhou Su is really drunk.

There is no way, ye Chen had to pick up Zhou Su Su.

Home is not back, after all, Lin Wanrou see ye Chen holding a strange girl back will think.

Therefore, ye Chen thinks well, send Zhou Su Su back to the hotel first.

But just put Zhou Su down, suddenly after Zhou Su Su hugged Ye Chen.

"You don't go. Let's go on drinking."

Ye Chen is very speechless: "this woman is drunk, more difficult than a man."

Fortunately, Zhou Susu was talking in his sleep.

Ye Chen takes a breath and prepares to leave.

But just as he opened the door, he heard Zhou Su Su's painful voice behind him.

"It's hard. I want water."

Ye Chen:

Forget it, good people do it to the end.

Ye Chen turns and burns a pot of water.

All of a sudden, Zhou Su stood up with a fit of nausea.

Ye Chen's face changed: "no, this girl wants to vomit."

He quickly helped Zhou Su Su to the bathroom.

Zhou Su Su vomited wildly holding the toilet.

Ye Chen would like to take a picture of her and send it to her circle of friends.

However, ye Chen believes that if she really dares to do so, she will definitely come to find herself with a gun the next day.Finally, Zhou Su Su vomited up.

Ye Chen helped Zhou Su to the bed.

Zhou Su Su sleeps. Ye Chen looks at the mess in the bathroom and looks depressed.

He wiped the dirt on the ground, after all, the next day people saw this place, vomit is not very good.

Finally, ye Chen breathed.

It's early in the morning.

Ye Chen poured a cup of water and put it in front of the bed, ready to leave.

But Zhou Su Su suddenly called out, "water, I want to drink water."

I did. I owe this girl in my last life.

Ye Chen directly brought the water to Zhou Su Su.

Zhou Su Su seems to be very uncomfortable, the body directly leans on Ye Chen's body.

A woman fragrance hit, ye Chen immediately feel confused.

After feeding Zhou Su Su water, ye Chen sighed.

Now it's two o'clock in the morning. I don't know where to go.

Forget it. Just sleep on the sofa for the night.

Ye Chen came to the sofa outside and directly took off his coat and put it on his body to sleep.

I don't know how long, suddenly a pleasant mobile phone ring.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and found that the ringtone was not his own.

Whose would that be?

Ye Chen suddenly thought of Zhou Su Su.

Open your eyes and see Zhou Su Su staring at herself nervously.

"Last night..."

Ye Chen embarrassed way: "you don't worry, nothing happened last night."

Zhou Su Su gave a long breath: "hum, fortunately, it didn't happen. If it did, you would die."

Ye Chen: "elder sister, you drank too much last night. I took care of you all night. You are so cruel to me?"

Zhou Su Su's face turned red.

Although I drink too much, I still have a little memory in my mind.

Indeed, ye Chen took care of himself last night.

"Well, forget it. I forgive you for your good behavior."

"What, you forgive me?"

Ye Chen is stunned. This is not right.

Zhou Su Su snorted coldly: "yesterday, you were drunk, but you could send me to the hotel. This only shows one thing. You are pretending to be drunk."

Ye Chen:

Well, it's the police. It's analytical. It's amazing.

Zhou Su Su goes to the police station. Ye Chen remembers that the museum he has just received seems not far from here.

Let's see how the museum works.

Ye Chen enters the museum and is stunned.

The museum is an antique manor.

Inside the small bridge water, very beautiful, in the end of the manor there is a four story old building, it is the museum.

This is the heart of the city of Mordor, and the land is worth a lot of money.

Ye Chen just walked to the door and saw a group of people meet out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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