Xia Jinsheng sees Su Wanyi and looks at BI Tingting on one side.

In front of Su Wanyi, Chen Lulu is the difference between a pheasant and a Phoenix.

Xia Jinsheng threw off Bi Tingting, who was on the other side, and said, "she and I are just ordinary friends. We were originally offered to you, but you said something happened to me."

Bi Tingting is stupid.

Just felt like in the honeypot, now I understand that I am a spare tire.

The most important thing is that when she saw Su Wanyi, Xia Jinsheng threw herself away directly and picked up her relationship with herself. It was too heartbreaking.

Who is bi Shanting? Don't you say you love me the most? "

Xia Jinsheng looks at BI Tingting in disgust.

"Can you compare with Wanyi? I love you. You dream. "

Two people are tearing.

Su Wanyi learned more about Xia Jinsheng.

In the past, you may be able to be a normal friend, but you can't even be a normal friend after such a scum man.

Su Wanyi said coldly: "Mr. Xia, you have seen that now I have a boyfriend, so please don't disturb my life and pester me any more."


Xia Jinsheng's eyes with resentment, looking at one side of Ye Chen: "he is nothing, dare to rob women with me Xia Jinsheng."

Said, his eyes look at Ye Chen: "boy, who are you?"

Ye Chen said faintly: "my name is Ye Chen."

"Ye Chen?" Xia Jinsheng's eyes were cold.

The woman she likes has already had a boyfriend. Xia Jinsheng feels like a vast prairie on her head.

He looked at BI Tingting beside him: "do you know him?"

Bi Tingting nodded: "well, at the beginning, the scum man didn't want me because I was a few minutes late."

After listening to bi Tingting's words, Xia Jinsheng is even more broken.

The woman he loves is Ye Chen's girlfriend. The woman beside him is the rubbish Ye Chen doesn't want.

Although Bi Tingting has always said that she can't look up to Ye Chen, with Su Wanyi at her side, all discerning people understand that ye Chen can't look up to her at all.

At this time, a lot of people gathered at the gate, and people were talking.

"What is it?

"It can't be seen that the woman that the little brother likes has become his girlfriend, and his girlfriend is the rubbish they don't want."

"Ha ha, I feel sorry for this brother, miserable."

Listening to the comments, Xia Jinsheng's face was even more ugly.

Xia Jinsheng belongs to an upstart. When his family has money, he pretends to be forced everywhere. Usually, he prefers to force him to bully the loser.

But he didn't expect to wear two green hats today.

It was on such an important occasion that he was publicly ridiculed.

Xia Jinsheng is going mad.

Bi Tingting pointed to Ye Chen and said, "he is a didi little brother. He doesn't deserve to come to such a place."

Xia Jinsheng's eyes brightened. He finally found the opportunity to satirize Ye Chen.

"Ha ha, I thought you were a good driver. You drive Didi. Do you have a hundred thousand cars? It's a charity party. It's a donation for others. You're so poor. You don't come to look for donations. " Xia Jinsheng said more and more.

Even his face was full of irony.

Bi Tingting in one side also hated Ye Chen.

"Yes, ye Chen is a poor man. What do you compare with Xia Shao?"

In fact, Bi Tingting also knows that ye Chen has strength.

But in her eyes, Xia Jinsheng is stronger than ye Chen.

Ye Chen said faintly: "what's wrong with me? I feel very proud. "

Originally, Xia Jinsheng thought that if ye Chen's identity was exposed, ye Chen would feel ashamed and even blush.

However, he never dreamed that ye Chen accepted it calmly.

Not only that, ye Chen's face is also proud.

Seeing ye Chen admit his identity, Xia Jinsheng smiles more arrogantly.

"Ha ha, it seems that you still know who you are."

Bi Tingting also helped: "Ye Chen, you don't think you have a few stinky money on the cow force, in this world, there are more people than you cattle, such as Xia Shao, you can't compare with him, you are a younger brother than him, understand?"

Seeing that Bi Tingting has been talking for herself, Xia Jinsheng has a good impression on her again, and her hands are even unconsciously held together.

Ye Chen was too lazy to waste time with these two people and walked directly to the museum.

Xia Jinsheng suddenly remembered something and took out two golden invitation letters from his pocket.

"Boy, you want to go to the charity. Do you have this thing?"

Xia Jinsheng looks proud, but he spent a lot of effort to get this invitation.He can conclude that ye Chen, a poor loser, certainly did not have an invitation.

Xia Jinsheng said with pride: "since you know that you are a didi driver, you should know yourself. Can you come to such a place?"

Hearing Xia Jinsheng's words, those celebrities and stars also nodded.

After all, this is a high-end charity dinner.

The lowest contribution of the dinner party is more than one million.

Do you have any money to donate?

"Didi, although you are handsome, this is not where you come from."

"Yes, I'll go back. Although I'm handsome, I can't do without strength."

After all, ye Chen drives a Jili car, and he is a didi driver. Many people look at Ye Chen with contempt in their eyes.

Ye Chen did not pay attention to the people, but took Su Wanyi's hand and walked across the red carpet.

Two staff at the gate are checking the invitation.

Xia Jinsheng excitedly pointed to Ye Chen and said: "security, stop this boy, he has no invitation letter."

Those staff's eyes all fall on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen has just come here, so the staff all know ye Chen.

See ye Chen, is the body a quiver, collective bow: "boss good."


Hearing the names of these staff members, the scene was quiet.

How could it be!

Xia Jinsheng is even more confused.

Ye Chen winked at the staff.

He didn't want to be too high profile.

Staff see the boss's eyes, think of the boss said that he likes to keep a low profile.

"It's master didiye. Hello."

People at the scene were just shocked.

However, when I heard the staff change their words, I took a breath.

"It turned out to be Didi, the driver's boss. There is something wrong with the staff."

A didi driver, what kind of boss.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "your boss invited me to the party. I can go in."

The staff were speechless.

"Well, you're the boss, you're the boss, you're the boss."

And ye Chen is the boss, so ye Chen is right.

I invited myself to come. This operation is very coquettish.

Staff quickly nodded: "of course you can enter, please."

People understand that ye Chen and the boss know each other, so they can attend the banquet as didi driver.

Xia Jinsheng was also startled just now, but when he heard Ye Chen still beeping at the driver, his eyebrows picked.

Boy, since you dare to come to the party, I must humiliate you.

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