The next day, ye Chen continued filming.

This play is a play.

It's been a very hard afternoon.

And the last shot is also the most difficult one.

The male mainly hangs down from the tree with pressure, and does some very cool sword dance in the air.

At the beginning of shooting, Zhou FA's movements are in place, and ye Chen is very satisfied with a set of movements.

But at this time, a voice sounded.


Ye Chen immediately became angry.

If you pass this shot again, the effect will surely be the best. As soon as you are about to finish shooting, someone even calls out to stop, and the whole shooting effort is wasted.

"Who told you to stop." Ye Chen has endured this guy for a long time.

"I felt a little stiff just now." Dong explained.

"I thought it was natural."

"Naturally, that's how many films do you think I made?"

Dong Bo again talked about his qualifications.

This time ye Chen can't bear to say directly: "Dong Bo, after all, I'm the chief director of this film. I don't need other people to tell me what to do."

Dong Bo listened to a sneer: "OK, you're a cow, I'm not going to do it."

With that, Dong Bo stood up and directly turned around with his luggage.

Many people want to stop it, but they can't stop it.

Ye Chen did not retain Dong Bo at all. He felt that Dong Bo was not normal.

This guy is not here to help, but to make trouble.

Dong Bo drove directly away from the film and television city.

In the business car, Dong Bo took out the phone.

"Mr. Wu, I just had a fight with Ye Chen on purpose. Yes, I've been out of the crew." Dong Bo sneered.

"Well done. Let's get this kid back together."

Dong Bo snorted coldly: "that boy depends on his own money. He thinks that he is a force, but he still pretends to be forced by me. I will teach him how to be a man this time."

Wu Ge sneered: "this time, I will thank you very much. You are the chief director of the next new year's film."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu." Dong Bo said excitedly.

Dong Bo would not have thought that his conversation with Wu Ge had long been monitored by Ye Chen.

Just after Dong Bo left, ye Chen used hacker means to monitor Dong Bo's phone.

Sure enough, there are people behind.

Wu Song!

Last time ye Chen let Wu Ge want to eat Tong Xiaoya's plan failed, so has been holding a grudge.

Now he bribed Dong Bo to make trouble for himself. There must be plans for the next step.

Dong Bo has not been optimistic about crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

After all, there is no popular star in this movie except Tong Xiaoya.

It's better to cooperate with Wu Ge than to make a bad film.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed. He wanted to know what kind of tricks Wu Ge was going to play.

The answer was revealed the next day.

Several entertainment programs have reported that "Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon" crew infighting, director deputy director scene quarrel, deputy director Dong Bo took the initiative to leave.

Not only that, Dong Bo also accepted an interview with reporters.

"Ye Chen is a layman at all. If it wasn't for me, this film would not have been made at all. I would advise you not to go to the cinema to see this film when it's released. I'm sure you'll regret it."

Seeing Dong Bo's interview, ye Chen's eyes are slightly cold.

Want to black me, when I Ye Chen good bully?

Ye Chen went home in the evening and directly hacked Dong Bo's mobile phone.

If you don't see, you don't know.

In the mobile phone, there are countless ugly videos.

In the video, there are students in the cinema, and there are young models. The picture can't bear to look directly at it.

This old guy is really good at playing. He even relies on his identity as an assistant director, a potential rule actress.

The most important thing is that this old guy has a wife.

Dong Bo usually shows love on his micro blog to show people how good a man he is. Unexpectedly, he did such a dirty thing in private.

Ye Chen is watching the video. Lin Wanrou comes over.

When watching the video, ye Chen is wearing headphones, mainly because the sound inside is too enchanting.

At this time, ye Chen felt the movement behind him.

See Lin Wanrou is shyly looking at Ye Chen's computer.

"Young master, you should see such things."

Ye Chen a burst of embarrassment, hastily explained: "not as you think, today black my director, you know, this is my collection of his black material."

Lin Wanrou took a look at the video in the morning. It was Dong Bo.

"This old man is disgusting. I watched him show love on TV some time ago."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "since he wants to black me, I will let him pay the price."Crackling, ye Chen typed a pile of code on the computer.

The news came out in an instant.

"Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon" director break news has just been on hot search, now Dong Bo is also a celebrity, soon another explosion news let him fire again.

Dong Bo's circle of friends has sent countless indescribable videos.

The hero is Dong Bo himself, but the girls are different.

This video immediately became popular on the Internet.

"I wipe, old Dong is very good."

"This video is so hot."

"This guy said two days ago how much he loved his wife. It seems that old Dong really loves his wife."

"I'm laughing. This guy is too dirty."


When Dong Bo found out, it was too late to delete it.

His video has spread across the Internet.

The most depressing thing for Dong Bo is that these things are sent out by his mobile phone.

However, the mobile phone has been around him, so how are these videos sent out.

The only explanation is hand skating.

Even a website, directly as the title.

"Dong Bo's hand sliding and self exploding black material."

Because the video was too dirty, it was soon harmonious by the relevant departments.

But the videos are still circulating in chat groups.

Dong Bo is going crazy.

Originally, his personage was to pet his wife, and these videos were just slapping in the face.

Even his wife proposed to divorce himself, the family is also making a fuss.

Dong Bo never dreamed that ye Chen was the black hand behind all this.

After this incident, Dong Bo is completely out of the entertainment industry.

Next, ye Chen has to deal with Wu Song.

Last time, ye Chen is too lazy to take care of Wu Ge. If Wu Ge goes through like this, he won't go to the other party's trouble.

But now this guy should take the initiative to find himself, so don't blame his ruthless.

Ye Chen made a call to Lin Wanrou.

"Wanrou, please help me sort out a list of stars of Tiange film group."

Lin Wanrou froze for a moment: "what do you want this list for?"

Ye Chen said with a smile, "isn't he trying to black me behind my back? Isn't it on the Internet that people scold me for digging people? I'll dig him up this time

Lin Wanrou frowned: "childe, the artists of Wuge have signed agreements. It's possible to dig one or two, but it's difficult to dig them all."

Ye Chen smile: "don't worry, I have a way."

With a headhunting system, digging people is simply too simple for ye Chen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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