The middle-aged woman was holding a porcelain plate and said with a smile, "Sir, you want the most expensive jewelry in our store. This bracelet is the treasure of our shop. It's worth 20 million yuan. I'll give you a 10% discount."

Seeing the store manager selling products to Ye Chen, the salesmen were all sour.

According to the regulations, employees can get a profit of 3% on the products they sell.

The store manager made a lot of money selling this bracelet.

Ye Chen saw the female store manager frowned.

"Where was the girl just now?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, the store manager awkwardly smiles: "the shop assistant just had some other work. I asked her to do it. I will be responsible for this single business."

Ye Chen listened to, naturally know female store manager heart small nine nine.

He said faintly: "well, I'll go first. I'll buy it when she comes."

Hear ye Chen's words, female store manager is anxious.

Such a big business, if because of their selfish yellow, the boss will certainly not forgive themselves.

The store manager said quickly, "wait a minute, sir. I'll let her come here."

After a while, Li Xiangxiang came back.

Ye Chen looked at Li Xiangxiang and said with a smile, "you are too unreliable. I'll let you serve me. You'd better throw me here."

Li Xiangxiang blushed: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

"Is there a discount on this bracelet?"

"This bracelet has a 85% discount." Li Xiangxiang said honestly.

Just now, the reason why the female store manager said 10% discount was because she saw that ye Chen must buy it, so she deliberately increased the proportion so that she could earn more.

Li Xiangxiang is too practical and tells Ye Chen the reserve price directly.

Ye Chen faint smile: "good, I sold, swipe card."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment.

The girls next to me were also a little surprised.

Ye Chen bought such an expensive Bracelet without blinking. He is really a local tyrant.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "by the way, can you add a wechat?"

Those female saleswomen beside her envied Ye Chen for taking the initiative to add her wechat.

It's very lucky to know such a rich and handsome girl.

But Li Xiangxiang blushed: "I'm sorry, I didn't?"

The saleswomen on the spot, including the store manager, were almost mad.

Gao fushai asked for wechat on his own initiative. If he didn't have you, he had to register immediately.

Ye Chen is also stupefied.

In fact, Li Xiangxiang usually specializes in cooking and never talks about wechat.

"There's always a phone call."

"Well, Mr. Ye?" Li Xiangxiang is a little shy.

Is it true that President Ye wants to

Ye Chen knew that Li Xiangxiang had misunderstood him and said, "Oh, actually, I want you to call to say something to you. Are you interested in being a chef in a five-star hotel?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Xiangxiang was stunned at first, and then his face showed an expression of ecstasy.

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean to make me the chef of a five-star hotel?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "yes, I just bought a five-star hotel, lack of a chef, so I think of you."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, all the people at the scene were stupid.

God, how rich is this handsome guy? He bought a hotel easily!

Ye Chen faint smile: "if want to be good, go to Wanbao hotel to report it, I have already said with the manager."

After saying that, ye Chen drifted away, leaving a face of muddled people.


At this time, ye Chen's alma mater modu University of technology, the president's office is dignified.

This year, the employment rate of the major schools has come down, and our Mordor University ranks the bottom of the list.

Everyone's face turned ugly.

This employment rate is linked to enrollment.

Your employment rate is not good. Who will report to your school.

"Do you have any idea?"

At this time, a teacher suddenly said: "headmaster, I have a student named Zhang Ming. I saw him in the financial report two days ago. Now he is the richest man in Xishan City. It is said that there are several chain enterprises under his banner. We can ask him for help."

The headmaster's eyes brightened.

"Yes, that's a good idea."

On the last school day, there were a lot of cool people in the school.

Especially Ye Chen.

The headmaster looked at the built playground, thinking in his eyes.

He nodded: "Mr. Hou's suggestion is very good. The school board should play a role in our school anniversary."

On the last anniversary, the board of directors of Mordo Polytechnic University was set up to bring together the successful graduates from the University.On the one hand, when the school is in trouble, we can ask these students to help in the name of the school board.

Of course, these students also like the name of school manager.

After all, I went out and said that I was the director of Mordor University. I heard that I was very cultural.

Because of his outstanding performance last time, ye Chen is now the vice president of the school board.

School board?

Several Vice Principals on the scene were also bright in front of their eyes.

The president said, "this time, the school board called all the powerful celebrities we graduated from, and then asked them to give a speech to the students and help them pretend to be forced. Then, did they mean not to help us?"

After listening to president Zhu's words, the vice principal and the school leaders nodded one after another.

Worthy of being the headmaster, he is really resourceful.

If the school helps you pretend to be forced, then you have to do something for the school. The headmaster's method is wonderful.

President Zhu said: "this time, two people must be invited to the school board meeting. Ye Chen and Zhang Ming, Vice President Chen, just mentioned. You should grasp this matter yourself, and you must invite them to come."

Headmaster Chen nodded: "OK, I'll try my best to do it."

After the meeting, President Chen was also a little worried. After all, not all the students were willing to attend the school board meeting.

These people are very slippery, knowing that the school board of directors is not a good thing.

Either raising money or having something to do.

He had called before, but those students always refused because they were not available or for other reasons.

This time, president Zhu was also worried that ye Chen would not come.

All of a sudden, president Zhu's eyes lit up.

Last time ye Chen seems to have a good relationship with Xie Yingying, the school flower of the school. I have an idea.

Soon, Xie Yingying came to the headmaster's office.

Just came in, Chen's eyes fell on Xie Yingying.

"Good, good, worthy of the school flower."

Seeing the strange eyes of President Chen, Xie Yingying tightened her school uniform.

"What can I do for you, headmaster?"

Chen principal embarrassed smile: "Yingying, don't misunderstand me, I don't mean that."

Xie Yingying vigilantly looked at principal Chen: "what is the principal in the end, if there is nothing I have to go back to self-study."

Headmaster Chen said, "Yingying, the school will give you a glorious task. What if you do it well? You'll be free of tuition next year. If you can't do it well, I'm afraid the school's qualification will be transferred to other students next year. "

Xie Yingying heard President Chen's words, her face suddenly changed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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