Yan Chuang glanced at those guys and snorted coldly: "brother ye, don't pay attention to these rubbish. Usually, they can't do it one by one. In fact, they rely on their own strength to boast, but they have no ability to fart."

Ye Chen although low-key, but Yan Chuang is that kind of very public character, look at these people are not happy, directly open scold, not accept direct open dry.

In the aristocratic circle of magic capital, in addition to Ye Chen, Yan Chuang has never been afraid of others.

These people were scolded by Yan Chuang, and their faces turned red.

But in front of Yan Chuang, these people can only bear to be scolded.

When I was with Ye Chen just now, one by one, I couldn't do it. Now I've become a counsellor.

"It's OK. It's all children. I won't care about them." Ye Chen said with light wind and light clouds.

Those rich second generation: "and

Ye Chen's expression is like an elder preaching to a group of young people.

For these rich second generation, ye Chen has never had a good impression, so it's not polite to say angry words.

"There are a lot of elder brother Ye. Come in with me. My grandfather is waiting for you."

Outside, these are just the little people in the magic city. The real big people are in the VIP room inside.

Yan Chuang said: "grandfather has been waiting for you to come before he will open the banquet. Seeing that you didn't come in, he let me come out to meet you."

Ye Chen listened and nodded, followed Yan Chuang to the VIP room.

Seeing this, those rich second generation are all stupid.

Who is Ye Chen, so young that he can be honored as a VIP by Yan family.

Especially the appearance of Yan Chuang just now is like licking a dog.

You know, being able to enter the VIP room represents identity and status.

They do not have this qualification at all, but ye Chen is Yan Chuang himself invited in.

Although these rich second generation are very powerful in the devil, in fact, some of them can not be on the stage.

The VIP room is the real big guy. They are not qualified to go in.

"Cut, what ability do you have? I guess it's the reason for Wanyi."

"Still a soft eater."

Those several people snorted coldly, although in the eye is envious jealousy, but still some unconvinced murmurs scold a way.

Yan Lao saw Ye Chen and stood up: "Ye Shenyi, you can come."

Yan Chen is very excited.

The scene made all the guests at the scene stay.

You know, all guests come, Yan Lao is sitting in situ, only Ye Chen to rise to meet.

This shows that ye Chen's position in Yan's heart is not general.

The rest of the Yan family are also very respectful to Ye Chen.

After all, because of Yan Chuang's relationship, they are also very familiar with Ye Chen's strength.

"Old Yan, you are very kind. I wish you good luck and longevity."

Say ye Chen also took out the gift prepared.

This gift is the painting of Tang Hu picked up by Ye chenbai.

Old Yan likes this painting very much.

The guests were all shocked.

After all, Yan Lao's identity can stand up to meet, at least they do not have this qualification.

For this mysterious young man, people are curious.

Can we say that this young man is the most important VIP in Yan's mouth?

At this time, Su Wanyi, who is beside Ye Chen, is also very surprised.

After all, in her capacity, she can only be outside.

It is by the light of Ye Chen that she enters the VIP seat.

However, she also saw that from the Yan Family's attitude towards Ye Chen, she affirmed that ye Chen had helped Yan's family before.

Su Wanyi's business has been very good recently.

Basically, a lot of enterprises will directly turn on the green light when they hear it is Yashi group.

In fact, Su Wanyi understands that this is all because of Ye Chen.

But when she came to Yan's home today, Su Wanyi fully understood Ye Chen's position in the magic capital.

There are ten tables in the inner hall.

Every table, sitting is a super big guy.

Two people directly sat by Yan Lao's side, this scene let the VIP see the heart incomparably shocked.

After all, who can walk into the VIP room is not a hundred billion big guy.

Now a young man has this treatment. Many people are more and more curious about ye Chen's identity.

After all, these people are very powerful people in the business circles of Mordor, but now they are not as good as a young man.

Although the heart is curious, after all, these big men are face and face people, who did not show.

Ye Chen, sitting next to Yan Lao, naturally became the most concerned figure in the whole banquet.

After ye Chen's treatment, old Yan recovered very well, his eyes were very bright, and his spirit was also very good.

A lot of people are curious.

At the beginning, they all heard that old Yan couldn't do it. They even prepared to take advantage of Yan's absence to carve up the Yan Family's industry.But all of a sudden, Yan was discharged from hospital, and his recovery surprised everyone.

At the beginning of the banquet, old Yan said with a smile: "you may not know this young man. This little friend is my Savior. If there was no master ye, I'm afraid I would not be here. The main reason for this birthday party is to thank Dr. Ye."

Hearing Yan Lao's words, all talents suddenly realized.

At this time, old Yan stood up and said to Ye Chen: "master ye, I'd like to present you this cup of wine."

Seeing this scene, the scene was silent.

All of us didn't expect Yan to propose a toast to Ye Chen.

After all, old Yan is over 80 years old.

Ye Chen also stood up: "Yan old, you are too polite."

Yan Lao a cup of wine directly dry, ye Chen naturally also want to dry.

"Mr. Ye, you are the benefactor of our Yan family. From now on, Mr. Ye's business is our Yan Family's business. No matter what Mr. Ye said, we Yan's family will do our best."

Hearing Yan Lao's words, everyone was in a daze.

After all, Yan made such a promise on such an occasion.

What does that mean?

This shows that old Yan attached great importance to Ye Chen.

You know, old Yan unexpectedly made such a promise to Ye Chen. I'm afraid even Yan Chuang's grandson doesn't have this treatment.

What Yan said was from the bottom of his heart.

After all, if it was not ye Chen, if he fell, the Yan family would certainly be attacked by other families, in that case, the Yan family would probably become a second rate family.

Now Yan laozai, he has the time to plan, has the buffer, even three years time, is enough for him to pave the way for Yan's family.

What's more, ye Chen's own strength Yan Lao also knows.

Therefore, Yan Lao's words on the surface is to tell everyone that ye Chen's kindness to Yan's family is as important as a mountain, in fact, he also hopes to get Ye Chen's support.

Hearing Yan Lao's words, the VIP on the scene looked at Ye Chen's eyes completely changed.

Ye Chen laughs: "Yan old, Yan Chuang and I are friends. It's easy to treat you. You are serious."

In fact, ye Chen did not expect that Yan would make such a commitment to himself.

After all, there are so many guests, Yan Lao can't repent, and Yan Lao's character must do what he says.

Besides, at least he has a helper, Yan family, which is really a great help to Ye Chen.

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