The Noel prize is the highest award for science and technology in the world.

The content of the letter is that Mr. Ye Chen has been nominated for the Noel prize for his outstanding achievements in new energy.

After all, ye Chen is the first to be shortlisted in science and technology.

The Noel prize is the most authoritative award in any field.

Those who have won this award have certainly made outstanding contributions to the world in their respective fields.

Ye Chen's nuclear shaped energy reactor can be said to be the first in the energy industry, and this award won by Ye Chen is beyond dispute.

After all, this is a supreme honor for ye Chen.

This is also the pride of Chinese people. China's science and technology has now leapt to the forefront of the world, and it is no longer the backward country that was beaten everywhere.

Oriental dragon has come to life.

The news soon spread throughout China.

Major websites are scrambling to report.

At this time, China's major media rushed to report.

After all, this is a great event to inspire China.

Soon, ye Chen's nomination of noel science and technology award became the first hot search in the news.

"I'm so arrogant."

"It is well deserved to hear that this nuclear shaped energy reactor is only made in China."

"Star university is my dream school."

"My goal is no longer Huaqing, Kyoto University, but star University."

I don't know how many people, because ye Chen changed his goal.

This news is like a cardiotonic, so that the enthusiasm of star university has been fired again.

After all, the Nobel Prize for science and technology is such an honor.

Star University, ye Chen's name is also popular all over the network.

However, due to the protection of Ye Chen, ye Chen's photos did not appear in the news media.

At this time, star university is also immersed in excitement.

After all, their principal has been nominated by Noel, which is also the biggest honor for them.

Ye chenfan looked at the news and felt very happy.

This award is also a great affirmation for him.

Now not only in the business circle, but also in science and technology has created a new miracle.

If these technologies are applied all over the world, the world's energy problem can certainly be solved.

But ye Chen knows that you can't take it out at will.

You know, the technology of nuclear energy gathering is so terrible that he even let an ordinary gun shoot the missile effect.

Therefore, China has not directly given the technology to other countries.

After all, some countries have acquired this technology, and will definitely apply it to war in the first time. This is what ye Chen does not want.

This is also the main reason for ye Chen's rejection of high-value patents from many countries.

In his eyes, the Nobel Prize is nothing, the world peace is the most important.

Wei came to the school and congratulated Ye Chen.

"Brother ye, Congratulations, you have created the history of China."

The top management also attaches great importance to this matter.

After all, this honor can be said to be the world's recognition of Ye Chen and even to China.

You know, it's the people who have changed the world.

Now some of us Chinese people have finally reached such a peak.

Ye Chen faint smile: "it is just a false name, nothing."

Seeing ye Chen's placid appearance, Wei Lao was also stunned for a moment.

You know, even he got the news are very excited, ye Chen can look at this matter lightly.

But soon, old Wei was relieved.

Ye Chen's reaction is also normal.

After all, ye Chen doesn't need to prove anything to others. He has proved everything with his strength.

The two talked for a while and then left.

Noel's selection of Ye Chen is only included in the list of candidates, and the final evaluation is needed to determine the final candidate.

In other words, ye Chen's award is only the first step.

But ye Chen's discovery is really awesome.

It can be said that his discovery is enough to solve the world energy problem.

Such a great contribution, how can we not win the prize.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when ye Chen wins the prize.

But soon the letter came again.

Ye Chen thought it was a letter inviting him to participate in the award ceremony, but after opening it, ye Chen's face suddenly changed slightly.

Chen's technical letter is qualified to announce the content to the world.

This can be said to be a set for ye Chen.

If you're going to get the highest honor in the scientific community, you have to publish the technology.

Ye Chen's face is very gloomy.

However, what was written on the notice was very high sounding, saying that only when ye Chen released the technical data, could he truly benefit mankind and have the right to win the final prize.He finally understood that the award was just a bait.

The purpose of the other party is very simple. He wants to force him to hand over the nuclear technology.

You know, the Nobel Prize is the dream of every scientist.

Ye Chen refused to buy from other countries, so they came up with this method to force Ye Chen to hand over the data.

Once Ye Chen publishes the data, although he can win the prize, the data will be mastered by scientists from other countries.

Once they have nuclear power, these guys can not only benefit human beings, but also destroy them.

This is absolutely not allowed by Ye Chen.

Soon, ye Chen also received a call from Wei Lao.

"Ye Chen, we have also received the notice. What do you think of this matter?"

Mr. Wei is also very nervous. After all, the data is in the hands of Ye Chen. If he insists on making it public, he can't say anything.

Ye Chen but faint smile: "it is just an award, nothing great."

With that, ye Chen issued an announcement directly in the official forum of star University.

"Students at Star University will no longer accept any nominations from the Noel awards."

This is Ye Chen's response.

Arrogant, domineering.

Aren't you threatening me? I don't want to play with you. I won't participate in the selection.

Of course, ye Chen's premise is the students in school. If the students graduate, ye Chen will not interfere.

Soon, the official website of star University announced that students of star university would no longer accept any nomination for the Nobel Prize.

As soon as the news came out, the whole star University exploded.

The whole country of China was bombed.

Even the world's academic community blew up.

You know, the Noel prize is the highest honor in all fields of the world.

Any individual or collective who obtains this honor is equivalent to becoming a god like existence in academic circles.

But star university has publicly announced that it will no longer accept nominations.

Soon, the news that ye Chen was required by the Noel prize to announce the nuclear gathering technology also came out.

No one blames Ye Chen, and even supports Ye Chen's decision.

In particular, none of the students in star University complained.

What is the Noel prize? Ye Chen gives their dreams wings. Without Ye Chen, they may not even have the chance to go to university.

Many of them have become migrant workers, takeout boys, restaurant waiters.

Therefore, they support Ye Chen's decision unconditionally. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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