In the lab, a group of students are assembling the mecha.

Due to the overall upgrade of the whole mecha, at this time, the mecha is not the original heavy iron.

Especially in the arm and leg joints are used on the most advanced joint bearing, so that the action of the mecha is more fluent.

Although it can't reach the fluency of human's arms and legs, it has been greatly improved compared with before.

Ye Chen knows that the progress of mecha is the result of these children working day and night.

These children have exhausted all their energy to realize their dreams.

Seeing ye Chen, Lu Gang ran over excitedly.

Now ye Chen is like a God in their hearts. No matter what difficulties they encounter, ye Chen can easily solve them.

If it wasn't for ye Chen, they couldn't have made such a mecha.

Ye Chen achieved them, let their dream plug wings.

"Headmaster ye, we have almost finished upgrading our mecha. Take a look."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "just now I have been watching, doing well, but there are still some things that need to be strengthened."

Although the last star University mecha caused a sensation, it was also satirized by some foreign experts.

That is to say, although it is made, it has no practical effect.

This is also the main reason why foreign countries don't care much about star mecha.

This time, as long as ye Chen shows the mecha, he must surprise the whole world.

Ye Chen and LV gang are chatting when they suddenly see a figure outside the window and are looking at the mecha timidly.

In Ye Chen's memory, he has seen this boy many times.

But the boy is out every time.

Ye Chen is curious about the boy.

After chatting with Lu Gang for a while, ye Chen walks out of the laboratory.

Seeing ye Chen come out, the boy turned to walk away.

Ye Chen stopped the other side: "classmate, wait a minute."

The boy heard Ye Chen calling himself and had to stop.

"Headmaster Ye." The boy bowed his head, and his eyes were a little flighty, which gave people a feeling of self-confidence.

Ye Chen asked suspiciously, "are you a student of star university?"

The boy nodded: "well, I'm a student at Star University."

"Oh, what's your major?"

Asked this question, the boy's look is a little strange, he bowed his head and said: "I haven't chosen a major yet."

Ye Chen was stunned.

Star university has been open for more than two months. During this period, almost all students have chosen their major.

After all, there is no threshold for star university to choose a major.

On the official website, you can choose your major at will.

In other words, as long as you choose, no one will refuse.

Ye Chen is more and more curious about this student.

If you don't choose a major, what's wrong with this student.

Especially in the boy's eyes, ye Chen saw inferiority and self-confidence.

The reason why Ye Chen founded star university is to let all children's dreams have wings.

He will not give up any students.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "you have just been looking outside. Do you like mecha very much?"

The boy first nodded and then shook his head.

Well, come with me to the office. Let's talk.

Ye Chen decided to get to know the child well.

Back to the office, ye Chen poured a glass of water for the boy.

"What's your name, classmate?"

The boy said, "my name is Lu Chang."


Ye Chen opens the student registration system, and soon the student's information appears in front of Ye Chen.

Seeing the boy's message, ye Chen finally understood why the boy wandered around the door and didn't dare to go in.

It turned out that the boy had a disease when he was a child, and his right arm was atrophied, which made his whole right arm almost useless.

That is to say, the boy can only use his left hand.

The boy must like mecha very much, but because his right arm can't be used, he is afraid to become a burden to the team, so he can only watch from a distance.

Ye Chen understands the cause of the matter and looks at Lu Chang.

"You like machinery, Xiao Lu."

Lu Chang looks at Ye Chen and nods.

Yes, he likes machinery very much, especially when he sees that LV gang has made a mecha, his heart is incomparably envious.

In fact, he wanted to join the team, but he gave up because of his right arm.

At school, Lu Chang's academic performance has been very good.

However, he suddenly suffered from a disease, resulting in a total loss of consciousness in his right arm.Since then, he has been hit, and his academic performance has also plummeted.

Originally, he had no chance to go to university, but star University gave him the opportunity to find his dream again.

Lu Chang was very fond of machinery since childhood, so he was very excited when he knew that he had a mechanical major.

But his right hand became his burden.

Mechanical major must be hands-on, but he can't use his right hand.

Although the left hand can satisfy his daily life, it is impossible to do mechanical work.

But he didn't want to give up his dream, so he was in the library all the time.

In the library, he has been reading mechanical books, the rest of the time in the laboratory to see Lu Gang, they make mecha.

Ye Chen heard Lu Chang's reply and said with a smile, "I have a mechanical project here. Are you interested?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lu Chang's eyes brightened.

He likes machinery very much, but he doesn't want to be a burden to the team. Now ye Chen even invites him on his own initiative.

But his eyes soon faded.

"Mr. Ye, forget it. I don't want to be a burden on everyone."

Ye Chen is a light smile: "you will not become everyone's burden, because you are the main person in charge of this project, and you need to complete it alone in the early stage."

"What?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lu Chang was stunned.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "well, tomorrow you come to me."

Lu Chang nodded suspiciously and left.

Seeing Lu Chang leave, ye Chen turns on the computer.

The project he wants to design is related to Lu Chang.

Lu Chang has a problem with his right arm, so if he wants to restore his self-confidence, he should give Lu Chang a right arm that can move.

If it was before, ye Chen could help Lu Chang recover his right arm through medical techniques, but now.

Lu Chang's right arm has become dead flesh, even he can't do anything about it, so he has an idea in his mind, that is, the mechanical arm.

Soon, the design of the robot arm came to mind.

With Divine Science and technology, ye Chen completed the design of the manipulator in just one day.

The next morning, Lu Chang came to Ye Chen's office.

From Lu Chang's eyes, ye Chen saw that he was a little nervous.

Ye Chen faint smile: "Lu Chang, this project you are interested in?"

Say, ye Chen opens computer.

When seeing ye Chen's design, Lu Chang's eyes are full of tension, excitement and excitement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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