Ye Chen put on the device and walked toward the lake.

To everyone's surprise, ye Chen did not sink, but could move freely on the lake.

Seeing this scene, the scene was in an uproar.

I wipe it. It's amazing.

This is the legendary floating on the water.

Now many countries have developed similar devices.

But the device is very clumsy, and there is a lot of uncertainty on the surface of the water.

The device studied by Ye Chen is as easy and free on the water as it is on the flat ground.

God, what kind of technology is this? It's amazing.

Soon the lake was surrounded by people.

Ye Chen tried and was very satisfied with the experiment.

In this way, the rescue mission can be successfully completed even in the turbulent river.

At this time, the flood situation in the south is becoming more and more serious.

The disaster was constantly reported on TV.

Now the South continues to rain, if it continues like this, then the situation is very serious.

On TV, ye Chen saw that many villages were flooded.

Seeing our soldiers sitting in the charge boat, risking their lives to rescue the trapped people, ye Chen's eyes were red.

He immediately contacted Lin Wanrou to stop VR production, and all factories made his water walking system.

China's major media have reported on the flood.

Most importantly, some villages were besieged by floods because many villagers had no time to evacuate due to mountain torrents.

In this difficult moment, our children and soldiers rushed to the front, with their young lives, to save the masses.

At this time, ye Chen's water walking instrument has been sent to star University.

At the moment, the news almost circulates the flood situation.

People's soldiers, journalists, volunteers and local government personnel all rushed to the front line of flood fighting at the first time.

The whole country is united to fight against this natural disaster.

Even demons have been unable to supply electricity due to heavy rain.

At this time, nuclear power generation plays a role.

During this period, nuclear power stations have been set up all over the country and have been tested.

This disaster made the nuclear power station play a role in the first time.

Major cities rely on nuclear energy to generate electricity, ensuring the supply of electricity.

Although the heavy rain, but because of the power security, people's life impact has been reduced to the minimum.

In southern Hunan, it has been raining heavily for a week.

All of a sudden, along with a landslide, the dam was destroyed.

The village was flooded instantly, and many people could only stand on the roof to avoid the flood.

Although the local rescue forces have arrived, but because the situation is too bad, the stormboat can not get close at all.

The lives of tens of thousands of people are at stake.

The leader in charge of the rescue looked dignified.

"We must rescue the masses at all costs."

At Star University, Lu Gang watched the news on TV with tears in his eyes.

That's his hometown.

These days, he has been following the news of his hometown. The dam has been destroyed and the surrounding villages have been flooded.

LV Gang found Ye Chen: "headmaster ye, I want to ask you for a leave. I want to go back to my hometown for disaster relief."

Ye Chen also frowned after listening to it.

Now the school has set up a volunteer team to go to the disaster area.

Ye Chen knows that students' motivation is good, but what can they do when they go?

Other students in the disaster area were also very excited.

After all, their own home is gone, and the life and death of their relatives are uncertain, which is a kind of suffering for each of them.

The students came to the playground and took a deep breath.

These students are all carefully selected, members of the rescue team.

This time ye Chen takes his own team. He will take these 50 students to the front line of disaster relief.

He gave all his equipment to his classmates.

These include water walkers.

Ye Chen first instructs these students to put on their equipment.

When these people are walking on water with water walking apparatus, everyone is stupid.

My God, walking on the water is almost the same as walking on the ground. It's amazing.

Ye Chen said: "fellow students, one side is in trouble and the other side is supporting. The purpose of our star university is to train talents for the country. When the country needs us most, we should contribute our strength. Now it is time to test us."

Looking at those young faces, ye Chen said seriously: "star rescue team set out."

Two hundred students went to disaster areas all over the country.

Although the devil has not been affected, but in the face of this disaster, so many people are besieged, star university can not stand by.Therefore, ye Chencai let his factory produce these equipment overnight.

Star University, also to contribute to this disaster relief.

All the 200 students volunteered to participate in the rescue.

Originally, ye Chen did not allow students to go to the disaster area without authorization.

After all, these are still children. If they go, they may not be able to be busy on the list, but they may be in danger of their lives.

But with the water walking instrument, it's not the same.

At least they have security.

No matter how big the wind and waves are, for those who wear the water walking instrument, they will not fall into the water just like climbing a mountain.

In addition, these students are also wearing special life jackets, even if the walking device failure, they can help themselves if they fall into the water.

When ye Chen announced, many of the students' eyes were red.

All the students in the school, they are seeing off the heroes.

Ye Chen walked in the front, he felt a kind of responsibility.

Because of the heavy rain, the plane stopped flying and they had to go to the disaster area by car.

On the dam of Xiangnan city.

Lu ran, commander-in-chief of flood control, frowned at the pouring rain.

Now the heavy rain continues, more than a dozen villages are besieged, the situation is unknown.

The most important thing is that the stormboat can't run on such a fast water.

Although we are eager to save people, we can't let the soldiers lose their lives in vain.

Helicopters can't fly in such bad conditions. The most important thing now is the supply of those people.

According to the information from the weather bureau, it will be three days before the weather gets better.

But there was no food for six or seven days. I'm afraid the people trapped in the houses could not make it to the rescue team.

So the most important thing now is how to send supplies to these people.

One by one, the plan was denied, and Lu Ran's eyes were red.

He is the local parent official, and the safety of the masses is more important than his life.

But now, looking at the torrential flood, he has no way.

At this time, the secretary came to Lulan.

"Commander Lu, according to statistics, there are 15 villages under siege and more than 1200 people are trapped."

"Now it's the third day. According to the information we've got, many people's grain has been consumed. If there is no more supply..."

With that, the Secretary choked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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